About employee

prof. dr. sc. Biljana Balen

Title: Full Professor
Location: 203
Public phone number:+385(0)1 4606 273
Internal phone number:6273
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Molecular Biology
Graduation year:1996
mr.sc. graduation year:2002
PhD graduation year:2005
Employed in this institution since:1996







Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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List of select publications

1.    Tkalec, Mirta; Peharec Štefanić, Petra; Cvjetko Petra; Šikić Sandra; Pavlica Mirjana; Balen, Biljana. The effects of cadmium-zinc interactions on biochemical responses in tobacco seedlings and adult plants. PLoS ONE. 9 (2014) 1;e87582-e87582. IF 3.73; journal ranking Q1 Multidiscplinary Sciences

2.    Cvjetko, Petra; Balen, Biljana; Peharec Štefanić, Petra; Debogović, Lea; Pavlica, Mirjana; Klobučar, Goran Igor Vinko. Dynamics of heat-shock induced DNA damage and repair in senescent tobacco plants. Biologia Plantarum 58 (2014) 1; 71-79. IF 1.692; journal ranking Q2 Plant Sciences

3.    Balen, Biljana; Tkalec, Mirta; Peharec Štefanić Petra; Vidaković-Cifrek, Željka; Krsnik-Rasol, Marijana. In vitro conditions affect photosynthetic performance and crassulacean acid metabolism in Mammillaria gracilis Pfeiff. tissues. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34 (2012) 5; 1883-1893. IF 1.305; journal ranking Q2 Plant Sciences

4.    Balen, Biljana; Tkalec, Mirta; Šikić, Sandra; Tolić, Sonja; Cvjetko, Petra; Pavlica, Mirjana; Vidaković-Cifrek, Željka. Biochemical responses of Lemna minor experimentally exposed to cadmium and zinc. Ecotoxicology. 20 (2011), 815-826. IF 2.733; journal ranking Q1 Environmental Sciences

5.    Balen, Biljana; Tkalec, Mirta; Pavoković, Dubravko; Pevalek-Kozlina, Branka; Krsnik-Rasol, Marijana. Growth conditions in in vitro culture can induce oxidative stress in Mammillaria gracilis tissues. Journal Plant Growth Regulation 28 (2009), 36-45. IF 2.438; journal ranking Q1 Plant Sciences

List of select projects

2011 – 2014: Principle investigator of the project “Differential protein expression in plant cells” funded by the Ministry of Science Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia

2012 – 2013: Principle investigator of the project “How plants cope with abiotic stress; salinity and drought impact on proteome” funded by the University of Zagreb Fund for Development

Past employments

2013 – up till now Associate Professor

Faculty of Science, Department of Biology (University of Zagreb)

2007 – 2013 Assistant Professor

Faculty of Science, Department of Biology (University of Zagreb)

1996 – 2007 Researcher

Faculty of Science, Department of Biology (University of Zagreb)