Learning outcomes:
Competence in experimental and scientific investigation in the field of metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes and other metabolic illness)
Analyze the relationships between metabolic disorders and nutrition
Analyze the neural and endocrine control mechanisms that regulate nutrition and feeding
Comprehend the relationships between genes and metabolism
To predict the relations between the genetic and environmental background of metabolic syndrome
Apply the manipulation of hypometabolic states
1. Importance of bioenergetics and metabolism research.
2.Physiology of digestive system and digestion. Nutrient absorption.Enzymology of digestion. Neuroendocrine control mechanisms of digestion.Energy and food.
3.Metabolic processes in food energy acquisition. Carbohydrate metabolism and fundamentals of glycobiology. Lipid metabolism and physiology. Cholesterol metabolism. Metabolism of ATP. Topographic cellular and systemic biochemistry and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.Physiology of major metabolic organs and their interactions.
4. ATP, kreatinin i kreatinin fosfokinaza. Metaboličke razlike brzih i sporih mišićnih vlakana. Metabolički važni hormoni. Proopiomelanokortin i MSH i njihova uloga u metaboličkim procesima. Uloga epifize i cirkanualnih i cirkadialnih ritmova u regulaciji stope metabolizma. Lipoproteini i kolesterol, masne kiseline i sinteza eikozanoida. Anaerobna glikoliza. Anaerobioza pri promijenjenim fiziološkim stanjima (primjer životinja koje rone). Osnove glikobiologije i važnost pojedinih monosaharida u izgradnji i fiziologiji stanica. Mitohondriji i transmitohondrijalni animalni modeli. Maligna hipertermija. NST i UCP (termogenini). Beta oksidacija kao izvor energije.
5. Physiology of bienergetics and temperature. Indirect and direct calorimetry. Q10. Allometric bioenergetics and its application in paharmacology and toxicology.
6. Hippotalamic regulation of satiety, hunger, thirst and body temperature. BAT (Brown adipose tissue) and WAT (white adipose tissue). Thermal borders of organisms, thermal extremes.
7.Hypometabolism, hiberantion, torpor, suspended animation. Vitrification. Cryopbiology. NST (Nonshivering) thermogenesis and noradrenergic signaling.
8.Evolution of metabolic processes. Coevolution of nutrition and metabolic needs of growth and development.Comparison of metabolic needs between modern and Neanderthal humans ( field work-visit to the Museum of Evolution in Krapina)
9.Tumor metabolism, Cachexia
10. Animal models of metabolic dissorders
10. Molecular interactions in diabetes
11. Obesity and nutritionism. Metabolic syndrome.
12. NEuroendocrine control of apetite. Adipokines. WAT research and physiology.
13. Applied and biotechnological bioenergetics of growtha and development of commercial animal species.
14.Sports metabolism and bioenergetics. Pregnancy and lactation metabolism and bioenergetics.
- Guyton and Hall. Medicinska fiziologija /Dio XIII/Metabolizam i regulacija tjelesne temperature. Poglavlja 67-79. Medicinska naklada 2005
- Krause's Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 13e (Krause's Food & Nutrition Therapy) by L. Kathleen Mahan MS RD CDE, Sylvia Escott-Stump MA RD LDN and Janice L Raymond MS RD CD (Aug 24, 2011)
- ostale materijale (interna skripta) osigurava nastavnik u digitalnom obliku
- Đikić Domagoj; Heldmaier Gerhardt; Meyer Carola W.
Induced torpor in different strains of laboratory mice // Hypometabolism in Animals-hibernation, torpor and cryobiology / Lovegrove, B.G. ; McKechnie, A.E. (ur.).
Pietermaritzburg : University KwaZulu-Natal, 2008. Str. 223-230.