About employee

prof. dr. sc. Dijana Škorić

Title: Full Professor
Public phone number:+385(0)1 4898 079
Internal phone number:8079
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Microbiology
Graduation year:1992
mr.sc. graduation year:1996
PhD graduation year:2000
Employed in this institution since:1992





By appointment (Please, send an e-mail to make an appointment.)


Dijana Škorić obtained her PhD in biology in 2000 at the University of Zagreb. She is employed as a full tenured professor (permanent title) at the University of Zagreb Faculty of science (Department of Biology) , where she teaches at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies in courses related to molecular virology, subviral pathogens. She also started a course on service learning in biology. So far, she has been the mentor of two doctoral dissertations and more than 40 master's, graduate diploma and final theses. Her scientific interests are in the field of molecular plant pathology with emphasis on the diversity of plant viruses and subviral pathogens (viroids), molecular characterization, epidemiology and diversity of phytoplasmas and other non-cultivable bacteria.

She was a Fulbright scholar at the Department of Plant Pathology, University of California-Riverside, USA, recipient of an EMBO short-term research grant at the Dipartimento di Patologia Vegetale e Scienze Ambientali, University of Bologna, Italy, where she was later a TEMPUS scholar, and visiting young researcher at Dipartimento di Patologia Vegetale, Università di Bari, Italy.

Dijana Škorić was the president of two scientific committees of international congresses, the president of the organizational committees of one national congress with international participation and two international symposia. She personally presented five invited lectures at international and national meetings with international participation.

She was the PI of one Croatian-Slovenian HRZZ research project, two bilateral projects of the Ministry of Science and Education, the EU service learning learning project "In the company of microbes" from the European Social Fund, and participated in the implementation of six international scientific projects as follows: SEE-ERA.NET "Global epidemiology of phytoplasma diseases of economic importance in Southeast Europe" (Network PHYTOPLASMA-EPIDEMIO) FP6 from the networking category (November 2007 - July 2008), COST Action FA0807 "Integrated Management of Phytoplasma Epidemics in Different Crop Systems" (2009-2013), COST Action FA0806 "Plant virus control employing RNA-based vaccines: A novel non-transgenic strategy" (2009-2013). COST Action FA1407 DIVAS "Deep investigation on viral associated sequences" (2015-2019) Horizon2020 WiNetwork "Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European winegrowing regions to increase the productivity and the sustainability of the sector", no. 652601 (2015-2017) ICGEB CRP/MNE19-01 - International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) collaborative research project "Next generation diagnostics and characterization for emerging viruses and virus-like agents of pome and stone fruits in Montenegro" (10/2021-12/2023) ). She also participated as a researcher in 11 national scientific projects.

D. Škorić is a member of international and national conference scientific and organization committees. She is a member of the Croatian Biological Society 1885 and the Croatian Microbiological Society (HMD). She represents HMD in the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) since 2012 and in the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) since 2022. She was the president of the Virological Section of HMD in 2013-2017, and the representative of HMD in the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) 2018-2021. She is also a member of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV), the International Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), the International Council for the Study of Viruses and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops (ICVF) in in which she has been a member of the scientific committee since 2019. Among others, she held the position of deputy head of the Department of Biology and student advisor (2010-2011) and the head of the Division of Microbiology (2016-2020).

Prof. Dijana Škorić published more than seventy scientific and professional papers, five chapters in international books, three in national books and was a co-author of a university textbook. She participated in more than 35 international scientific conferences. In addition to English, she speaks French and Italian.

She was a member of the editorial board (as associate editor 2010-2014 and as senior editor from 2015-2023) of the Journal of Plant Pathology, and since 2022 she has been a member of the Frontiers in Microbiology editorial board. She reviewed of over 80 papers for journals listed in the SCI, JCR and Scopus databases (Journal of Plant Pathology, Plant Disease, Plant Pathology, Canadian Journal of Phytopathology, Journal of Phytopathology, New Phytologist, Journal of Virological Methods, Phytopatologia Mediterranea, Acta Botanica Croatica, etc. ). She was a reviewer of scientific projects for the American NSF, the Swedish ISF, and evaluator in the selection procedures for positions at international and national academic institutions.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Pathogen Profiling of Petunia hybrida Using High-Throughput RNA Sequencing and Multilocus Sequence Typing Analysis

Valkova, Rumyana; Šeruga Musić, Martina; Apostolova-Kuzova, Elena; Baev, Vesselin; Yahubyan, Galina; Škorić, Dijana; Gozmanova, Mariyana

Genetically divergent 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' isolates in Croatian vineyard pathosystems suggest complex epidemiological networks

Plavec, Jelena; Ivančan, Goran; Škorić, Dijana; Foissac, Xavier; Šeruga Musić, Martina
Phytopathology research

First Report of Apple Hammerhead Viroid Infecting Apple Trees in Montenegro

Zindović, Jelena; Škorić, Dijana; Miljanić, Vanja; Štajner, Nataša; Jakše, Jernej
Plant disease

Streamlining Global Germplasm Exchange: Integrating Scientific Rigor and Common Sense to Exclude Phantom Agents from Regulation

Tzanetakis, I. E.; Aknadibossian, V.; Špak, J.; Constable, F.; Harper, S. J.; Hammond, J.; Candresse, T.; Folimonova, S. Y.; Freitas-Astúa, J.; Fuchs, M.; Jelkmann, W.; Maliogka, V. I.; Marais, A.; Martin, R. R.; Mollov, D.; Vidalakis, G.; Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, N.; Al Rwahnih, M.; Alabi, O. J.; Alioto, D.; Atanda, H. Y.; Bagi, F.; Baranwal, V. K.; Barbosa, C.; Bar-Joseph, M.; Batista Le Riverend, L.; Belien, T.; Benítez-Galeano, M. J.; Bennypaul, H.; Bertaccini, A.; Bester, R.; Blouin, A. G.; Blystad, D.-R.; Botermans, M.; Bozan, O.; Brakta, A.; Brans, Y.; Bulajić, A.; Caglayan, K.; Catara, A.; Choueiri, E.; Cieślińska, M.; Cook, G.; Cui, W.; da Graça, J.; Davino, S.; Delmiglio, C.; Dewdney, M. M.; Di Serio, F.; Diaz-Lara, A.; Digiaro, M.; Djelouah, K.; Dong, Y. F.; Donovan, N.; Druciarek, T. Z.; Duran-Vila, N.; Elçi, E.; Esquivel-Fariña, A.; Fall, M. L.; Fan, X. D.; Figueroa, J.; Fiore, N.; Fowkes, A. R.; Fox, A.; Fránová, J.; Fuchs, R.; Gaafar, Y. Z. A.; García, M. L.; Ghosh, D.; Girardi, E.; Glasa, M.; Gomez Talquenca, S.; Gratz, A.; Gritsenko, D.; Hajeri, S.; Hajizadeh, M.; Hamborg, Z.; Ho, T.; Holeva, M.; Holkar, S. K.; Horner, M.; Hurtado-Gonzales, O. P.; Ippolito, A.; Isac, V.; Iwanami, T.; Jofre-y-Garfias, A. E.; Jordan, R.; Katis, N.; Koloniuk, I.; Konings, H.; Križanac, I.; Krueger, R.; Kyrychenko, A.; Laranjeira, F.; Lavagi-Craddock, I.; Levy, A.; Licciardello, G.; Lu, Q.-Y.; MacFarlane, S. A.; Marcone, C.; Maree, H. J.; Margaria, P.; Martić, A.; Massart, S.; Mathioudakis, M. M.; Matić, S.; Mavric Plesko, I.; Meekes, E. T. M.; Mehle, N.; Melzer, M. J.; Meng, B.; Menzel, W.; Miljanić, V.; Minafra, A.; Minutolo, M.; Mitra, A.; Moreno, P.; Navarro, L.; Navarro, B.; Nerva, L.; Okić, A.; Olmos, A.; Önelge, N.; Osundahunsi, B.; Palacios, M. F.; Pallas, V.; Panno, S.; Perez-Egusquiza, Z.; Poudel-Ward, B.; Radišek, S.; Ramos-González, P. L.; Ramteke, P.; Ranabhat, N. B.; Rivarez, M. P. S.; Rivas, F.; Roenhorst, A.; Roy, A.; Ruiz-García, A. B.; Sabanadzovic, S.; Šafářová, D.; Saldarelli, P.; Salem, N.; Sanahuja Solsona, G.; Schoen, R.; Sharma, S. K.; Shilts, T.; Sierra-Mejia, A.; Singh, S.; Skelton, A.; Škorić, D.; Stainton, D.; Štajner, N.; Starović, M.; Stuchi, E.; Svoboda, P.; Tahzima, R.; Tang, J.; Tessitori, M.; Thermoz, J.-P.; Thompson, E.; Thompson, J.; Trebicki, P.; Turina, M.; Ulubas Serce, C.; Umble, J.; Valiunas, D.; Varallyay, E.; Varma, A.; Varveri, C.; Vásquez-Gutiérrez, U.; Vazquez-Iglesias, I.; Veerakone, S.; Villamor, D. E.; Vives, M. C.; Vončina, D.; Wang, J.; Westenberg, M.; Wetzel, T.; Winter, S.; Wright, G.; Wulff, N. A.; Xu, W. X.; Yokomi, R.; Zhou, C.; Zikeli, K.; Zindović, J.
Plant disease

Discovery of a previously unknown virus in ancient olives remains

Škorić, Dijana; Šoštarić, Renata; Maksimović, Olivera; Vogrinec, Lana; Kranjc, Luka; Bezak, Jurica, Kutnjak, Denis

A search for resistance breaking strains of tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus in Croatia and Slovenia

Škorić, Dijana; Grbin, Dorotea; Pul, Patrik; Mehle, Nataša; Pecman, Anja; Kogej Zwitter, Zala; Kutnjak, Denis; Vučurović, Ana

Antique olives have antique viruses that are still new to us?

Škorić, Dijana; Šoštarić, Renata; Maksimović Carvalho Ferreira, Olivera; Vogrinec, Lana; Bezak, Jurica; Kutnjak, Denis

Current status of Prunus necrotic ring spot virus in Montenegro

Zindović, Jelena; Đapić, Zorka; Miljanić, Vanja; Nataša, Štajner; Šeruga Musić, Martina; Škorić, Dijana; Jernej, Jakše

First report of potato virus S and potato virus Y in tomatoes from Croatia

Grbin, Dorotea ; Pecman, Anja ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Kutnjak, Denis ; Škorić, Dijana
Plant disease

Clematis vitalba Is a Natural Host of the Novel Ilarvirus, Prunus Virus I

Pal, Salamon; Nagyne-Galbach, Zsuzsanna; Demian, Emese; Achs, Adam; Alaxin, Peter; Predajna, Lukaš; Agyemang Duah, Evans; Desiderio, Francesco; Takacs, Andras Peter; Menzel, Wulf; Škorić, Dijana; Glasa, Miroslav; Varallyay, Eva

First viruses infecting cockspur coral tree (Erythrina crista‑galli L.): discovery of a putative novel capillovirus and a new host for the prune dwarf virus

Škorić, Dijana; Grbin, Dorotea; Šeruga Musić, Martina; Rollin, Johan; Massart, Sébastien
Journal of plant pathology

Do antique olives have antique viruses and how do we investigate that?

Škorić, Dijana; Šoštarić, Renata; Maksimović Carvalho Ferreira, Olivera; Vogrinec, Lana; Bezak, Jurica; Kutnjak, Denis

Increased diversity of citrus tristeza virus in Europe

Zindović, Jelena; Čizmović, Miroslav; Vučurović, Ana; Margaria, Paolo; Škorić, Dijana
Plant disease

Multiple virus and viroid infection of Citrus wilsonii

Černi, Silvija ; Blouin, Arnaud G. ; Massart, Sébastien ; Škorić, Dijana

First glimpse into the tomato and pepper viromes of Croatia

Grbin, Dorotea ; Pecman, Anja ; Čajkulić, Ana-Marija ; Novak, Adrijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina, ; Kutnjak, Denis ; Škorić, Dijana

Viroze i slične bolesti rajčica u zaštićenim prostorima

Škorić, D. ; Novak, A. ; Čajkulić, A.-M., Grbin, D.
Gospodarski list

Comparison of PLMVd isolates from Montenegro and Croatia

Zindović, Jelena ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana


Grbin, Dorotea ; Pecman, Anja ; Čajkulić, Ana-Marija ; Novak, Adrijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Kutnjak, Denis ; Škorić, Dijana

Legacy of Plant Virology in Croatia—From Virus Identification to Molecular Epidemiology, Evolution, Genomics and Beyond

Škorić, Dijana ; Černi, Silvija ; Ćurković-Perica, Mirna ; Ježić, Marin ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Genomic analysis of the brassica pathogen turnip mosaic potyvirus reveals its spread along the former trade routes of the Silk Road

Kawakubo, Shusuke ; Gao, Fangluan ; Li, Shifang ; Tan, Zhongyang ; Huang, Ying-Kun ; Adkar-Purushothama, Charith Raj ; Gurikar, Chennappa ; Maneechoat, Phoowanarth ; Chiemsombat, Pissawan ; Aye, Seint San ; Furuya, Naruto ; Shevchenko, Oleksiy ; Špak, Josef ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ho, Simon Y.W. ; Ohshima, Kazusato
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Determining intra-host genetic diversity of Citrus tristeza virus. What is the minimal sample size?

Černi, Silvija ; Šatović, Zlatko ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Škorić, Dijana
Phytopathologia Mediterranea

Emergentni virusi

Blažević, Božana

Citruses in Croatia – cultivation, major virus and viroid threats and challenges

Černi, Silvija ; Hančević, Katarina ; Škorić, Dijana
Acta botanica Croatica

Biological features of SARS-CoV-2 and current approaches to antiviral therapy and vaccination

Židovec Lepej, Snježana ; Korać, Petra ; Škorić, Dijana ; Batović, Margarita ; Gršković, Paula ; Begić, Valerija ; Harabajsa, Suzana ; Radmanić, Leona ; Šimičić, Petra
Molecular and experimental biology in medicine

Molecular characterization of Coleus blumei viroids 1 and 3 in Plectranthus scutellarioides in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Černi, Silvija ; Jezernik, Karlo ; Butković, Anamarija
European journal of plant pathology

Transmission of Phytoplasmas by Agronomic Practices

Caglayan, Kadriye ; Gazel, Mona ; Škorić, Dijana

Multilocus sequence typing reveals the presence of three distinct flavescence dorée phytoplasma genetic clusters in Croatian vineyards

Plavec, J ; Budinšćak, Ž ; Križanac, I ; Škorić, D ; Foissac, X ; Šeruga Musić, M
Plant pathology

Evolution of MHC class II SLA-DRB1 locus in the Croatian wild boar (Sus scrofa) implies duplication and weak signals of positive selection

Arbanasić, Haidi ; Konjević, Dean ; Vranković, Lana ; Bujanić, Miljenko ; Stipoljev, Sunčica ; Balažin, Maja ; Šprem, Nikica ; Škorić, Dijana ; Galov, Ana
Animal genetics

Pablo tiene Sarampión

López, Susana ; Zárate, Selene ; Yocupicio, Martha ; Lobatón Eva (ilustracije) ; prijevod Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana

The first finding of Coleus vein necrosis virus in Europe

Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Černi, Silvija ; Massart, Sébastien

Emergence of ‘flavescence dorée’ in Croatia: distinct genetic clusters and new hotspots

Plavec, Jelena ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Križanac, Ivana ; Samaržija, Ivana ; Škorić, Dijana, Foissac, Xavier ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Genetic diversity of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ strains associated with Bois noir disease in Croatian vineyards

Plavec, J ; Budinšćak, Ž ; Križanac, I ; Ivančan, G ; Samaržija, I ; Škorić, D ; Foissac, X ; Šeruga Musić, M

Pathogenic complexes in plants and their silent players

Škorić, Dijana ; Černi, Silvija ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Extensively and multi drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii recovered from technosol at a dump site in Croatia

Hrenović, Jasna ; Durn, Goran ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Dekić, Svjetlana ; Troskot-Čorbić, Tamara ; Škorić, Dijana
Science of the total environment


Križanac, Ivana ; Plavec, Jelena ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

High level colistin resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii isolate from patient with mediastinitis after coronary artery bypass graft and aortic valve replacement

Rubić, Žana ; Marović, Zlatko ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Novak, Anita ; Tonkić, Marija ; Goić Barišić, Ivana ; Hrenović, Jasna

Viroid Biology

Škorić, Dijana

Multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii from hospital wastewater of Zagreb, Croatia

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Hrenović, Jasna ; Škorić, Dijana ; Goić-Barišić, Ivana ; Hunjak, Blaženka ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Ivanković, Tomislav

Investigating flavescence dorée phytoplasma emergence and the paths of spread by MLST in Croatia

Plavec, Jelena ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Križanac, Ivana ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

A framework for the evaluation of biosecurity, commercial, regulatory and scientific impacts of plant viruses and viroids identified by NGS technologies

Massart, Sébastien ; Candresse, Thierry ; Gil, José ; Lacomme, Christoph ; Predajna, Lukas ; Ravnikar, Maja ; Reynard, Jean-Sébastien ; Rumbou, Artemis ; Saldarelli, Pasqualle ; Škorić, Dijana ; Vainio, Eeva J. ; Valkonen, Jari P.T. ; Vanderschuren, Hervé ; Varveri, Christina ; Wetzel, Thierry
Frontiers in microbiology

Apple Proliferation disease in Croatian orchards - a molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’

Križanac, Ivana ; Plavec, Jelena ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Ivic, Dario ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina
Journal of plant pathology

Emission of extensively-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii from hospital settings to the natural environment

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Hrenović, Jasna ; Goić-Barišić, Ivana ; Hunjak, Blaženka ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ivanković, Tomislav
Journal of hospital infection

Coleus blumei viroids - searching for a suitable viroid study system

Škorić, Dijana ; Butković, Anamarija ; Jezernik, Karlo ; Černi, Silvija

A detective story: tracking of FD and FD-related phytoplasmas emergence and spread by MLST

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Occurrence of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus- baumannii complex in municipal wastewater

Škorić, Dijana ; Hrenovic, Jasna ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Ganjto, Marin ; Goić-Barišić, Ivana

Priručnik za vježbe iz opće mikrobiologije

Antolović, Roberto ; Frece, Jadranka ; Gobin, Ivana ; Hrenović, Jasna ; Kos, Blaženka ; Markov, Ksenija ; Mlinarić-Missoni, Emilija ; Novak, Jasna ; Ožanič, Mateja ; Pinter, Ljiljana ; Plečko, Vanda ; Pleško, Sanja ; Šantić, Marina ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šušković, Jagoda ;


Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

CSI Vineyard: Trac(k)ing of Grapevine Yellows Phytoplasmas Emergence and Spread by MLST

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Stamp gene as the highly discriminative marker for assessment of BN variability in Croatia

Plavec, Jelena ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Križanac, Ivana ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina
Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung

Framework for the evaluation of biosecurity, commercial, regulatory and scientific impacts of plant viruses and viroids identified by NGS technologies

Massart, Sebastien ; Candresse, Thierry ; Gil, Jose ; Lacomme, Cristophe ; Predajna, Lukas ; Ravnikar, Maja ; Reynard, Jean-Sebastien ; Rombou, Artemis ; Saldarelli, Pasqualle ; Škorić, Dijana ; Vainio, Eeva ; Valkonen, Jari P. T. ; Vanderschuren, Herve ; Varveri, Chrisitna ; Wetzel, Thierry

The application of single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis in determining Hepatitis E virus intra-host diversity

Černi, Silvija ; Prpić, Jelena ; Jemeršić, Lorena ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of virological methods

A case study of FD and BN phytoplasma variability in Croatia : multigene sequence analysis approach

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina
European journal of plant pathology

Distribution and molecular characterization of Hepatitis E virus in domestic animals and wildlife in Croatia

Prpić, Jelena ; Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana ; Keros, Tomislav ; Brnić, Dragan ; Cvetnić, Željko ; Jemeršić, Lorena
Food and Environmental Virology

First report of Fig mosaic virus and Fig badnavirus 1 on common fig trees in Croatia

Vončina, Darko ; Pilipović, Petra ; Škorić, Dijana ; Krapac, Marin ; Prgomet, Željko ; Miličević, Tihomir
Journal of plant pathology

Isolates of Acinetobacter pittii from municipal wastewater of the City of Zagreb, Croatia

Hrenović, Jasna ; Goić-Barišić, Ivana ; Ganjto, Marin ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Kovačić, Ana ; Skorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Molekularna tipizacija uzročnika filodije uljane repice

Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Černi, Silvija

‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ – a molecular characterization of an emerging phytoplasma species in Croatia

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Ivić, Dario ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

A case study of FD and BN phytoplasma variability in Croatia: multigene sequence analysis approach

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Multilocus sequence analysis of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ strain and the genome analysis of Turnip mosaic virus co-infecting oilseed rape

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Huy Duc Nguyen ; Černi, Silvija ; Mamula, Đorđe ; Ohshima, Kazusato ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of applied microbiology

Zlatna žutica vinove loze u Hrvatskoj

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Oncolytic virotherapy

Kavšek, Alan

Molecular virology and bacteriology marriage - a case of rape phyllody disease

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana

The pilot study of viroids in asymptomatic Solenostemon scutellarioides (L.) Codd plants

Škorić, Dijana ; Černi, Silvija ; Jezernik, Karlo

Overview of the phytoplasma and vector research in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia

Škorić, Dijana ; Riedle-Bauer, Monika ; Dermastia, Marina

'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' - a new phytoplasma species molecularly characterized in Croatia

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Ivić, Dario ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina

Citrus wilsonii - biological response to infection with different Citrus tristeza virus genotypes

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Radić, Tomislav ; Rošin, Jakša ; Gatin, Živko ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of plant pathology

A novel application of methacrylate based short monolithic columns: Concentrating Potato spindle tuber viroid from water samples

Ruščić, Jelena ; Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Ion ; Urbas, Lidija ; Kramberger, Petra ; Mehle, Nataša ; Škorić, Dijana ; Barut, Miloš ; Ravnikar, Maja ; Krajačić, Mladen
Journal of Chromatography A

Biological characterization of Citrus tristeza virus monophyletic isolates with respect to p25 gene

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Radić, Tomislav ; Djelouah Khaled ; Škorić, Dijana
Physiological and molecular plant pathology

A case study of BN phytoplasma pathosystem: multilocus sequence typing approach

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana

Molecular epidemiology of grapevine phytoplasmoses in Croatia: multigene sequence analysis approach

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana
Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica

Rasprostranjenost i epidemiologija zlatne žutice vinove loze (Flavescence dorée) u Hrvatskoj

Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina
Glasilo biljne zaštite

Symptom expression of Citrus tristeza virus monophyletic isolates in Satsuma mandarin

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Rošin, Jakša ; Radić, Tomislav ; Škorić, Dijana

A case study of Bois noir and Flavescence dorée phytoplasma pathosystems: multilocus sequence typing approach

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana

In vitro system for studying interactions between Citrus exocortis viroid and Gynura aurantiaca (Blume) DC. metabolism and growing conditions

Černi, Silvija ; Ćurković-Perica, Mirna ; Rusak, Gordana ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of Plant Interactions

A novel application of CIM monolithic supports for concentrating Potato spindle tuber viroid from water samples

Ruščić, Jelena ; Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Ion ; Urbas, Lidija ; Kramberger, Petra ; Mehle, Nataša ; Škorić, Dijana ; Barut, Miloš ; Ravnikar, Maja ; Krajačić, Mladen

Epidemiology of grapevine phytoplasma pathosystems: multilocus seqeunce typing approach

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Škorić, Dijana

Detection and phylogenetic analysis of Hepatitis E virus in Croatian wild boar serum, liver and spleen samples

Prpić, Jelena ; Jemeršić, Lorena ; Černi, Silvija ; Keros, Tomislav ; Brnić, Dragan ; Škorić, Dijana

Plum pox virus strains of stone fruit species in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Kajić, Vesna ; Černi, Silvija

Comparison of different methods for Citrus tristeza virus detection in Satsuma mandarins

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Radić, Tomislav ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of plant diseases and protection

Plum Pox Virus on Sour Cherry in Croatia

Kajić, Vesna ; Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana

First findings and eradication of PSTVd in Croatia

Kajić, Vesna ; Milanović, Jasna ; Šimala, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Glasilo biljne zaštite

Mixed infection of oilseed rape with Aster Yellows phytoplasma and Turnip mosaic Potyvirus

Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Ohshima, Kazusato ; Nguyen, Huy Duc ; Černi, Silvija ; Mamula, Đorđe

Pathogenic potential of different Citrus Tristeza Virus genotypes

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Radić, Tomislav ; Djelouah, Khaled ; Rošin, Jakša ; Škorić, Dijana

Geographical distribution of 'flavescence dorée' phytoplasmas in Croatian grapevines

Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Plavec, Jelena ; Križanac, Ivana
Bulletin of insectology

Variability of stolbur phytoplasma strains infecting Croatian grapevine by multilocus sequence typing

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Pušić, Petra ; Fabre, Anne ; Škorić, Dijana ; Foissac, Xavier
Bulletin of insectology

First Report of Flavescence Dorée-Related Phytoplasma Affecting Grapevines in Croatia

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Haluška, Ivana ; Križanac, Ivana ; Plavec, Jelena ; Mikec, Ivan
Plant disease

Multilocus sequence analysis reveals the genetic diversity of European fruit tree phytoplasmas and the existence of inter species recombination

Danet, Jean-Luc ; Balakishiyeva, Gulnara ; Cimerman, Agnès ; Sauvion, Nicolas ; Marie-Jeanne, Véronique ; Labonne, Gérard ; Lavina, Amparo ; Battle, Assumpcio ; Križanac, Ivana ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ermacora, Paolo ; Ulubas Serce, Çigdem ; Çaglayan, Kadriye ; Jarausch, Wolfgang ; Foissac, Xavier
Microbiology (Reading)

Insects in the Bois noir pathosystem of neighbouring viticulture regions along Croatian-Hungarian state border

Škorić, Dijana ; Ember, Ibolya ; Acs, Zoltan ; Kolber, Maria ; Budinšćak, Željko ; Plavec, Jelena ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Križanac, Ivana

Genetic variability of Croatian Citrus tristeza virus isolates

Černi, Silvija ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Diversity of phytoplasmas infecting fruit trees and their vectors in Croatia

Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of plant diseases and protection

Na pragu ere sintetskih oblika života

Džinić, Tamara ; Škorić, Dijana
Priroda (Zagreb)

Preliminary Observations on the Phytosanitary Status of the Croatian Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Collection

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Rošin, Jakša ; Škorić, Dijana

Preliminary optimization of the binding and elution of viroid single-stranded circular RNA on monolithic chromatographic supports

Ruščić, Jelena ; Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Ion ; Urbas, Lidija ; Kramberger, Petra ; Mehle, Nataša ; Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Barut, Miloš ; Ravnikar, Maja


Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Budinščak, Željko ; Križanac, Ivana ; Mikec, Ivan ; Škorić, Dijana

Influence of cytokinines on in vitro growth and pigmentation of healthy and citrus exocortis viroid-infected Gynura aurantiaca (Blume) DC

Černi, Silvija ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Škorić, Dijana ; Rusak, Gordana
European journal of cell biology

Determining the population structure of Citrus tristeza virus - how many clones should be sequenced?

Černi, Silvija ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Šatović, Zlatko ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Fitoplazmoze vinove loze u Hrvatskoj

Škorić, Dijana
Glasilo biljne zaštite

Presence of Citrus tristeza virus in Croatia

Černi, Silvija ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Hartl, Danijela ; Gatin, Živko ; Škorić, Dijana
Options méditerranéennes. Série B: études et recherches

Zašto umiru brijestovi

Ježić, Marin ; Škorić, Dijana

Koji je virus najveći?

Škorić, Dijana
Priroda (Zagreb)


Gorišek, Matea

Survey of phytoplasma diversity in heavily grapevine yellows affected areas of Croatia

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Križanac, Ivana ; Mikec, Ivan
Le Progrès agricole et viticole (Montpellier)

The Production of Citrus tristeza virus-free Zorica Rana, a Croatian Selection of Satsuma Mandarin

Hančević, Katarina ; Hartl Musinov, Danijela ; Černi, Silvija ; Rošin, Jakša ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Gatin, Živko ; Škorić, Dijana
International journal of food, agriculture and environment

Determining the population structure of Citrus tristeza virus - how many clones should be sequenced?

Černi, Silvija ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Šatović, Zlatko ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Pojava, rasprostranjivanje i sprečavanje širenja virusa tristeza u Hrvatskoj

Mikec, Ivan ; Kajić, Vesna ; Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana
Glasilo biljne zaštite

East Adriatic – a reservoir region of severe Citrus tristeza virus strains

Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Papić, Tatjana ; Djelouah, Khaled ; Nolasco, Gustavo
European journal of plant pathology


Jevtić, Marijo

Simultaneous detection of grapevine phytoplasmas from ribosomal groups 16SrV and 16SrXII-A by triplex real-time PCR assay

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinšćak, Željko ; MIkec, Ivan ; Škorić, Dijana

Non-specific amplification of soil bacteria tuf gene by phytoplasma-specific primers

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Kuzmanić, Antonija ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Stem pitting and seedling yellows symptoms of Citrus tristeza virus infection may be determined by minor sequence variants

Černi, Silvija ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Gatin, Živko ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Virus genes

Pomaceous fruit tree phytoplasmas and their potential vectors in Croatia

Križanac, Ivana ; Mikec, Ivan ; Budinščak, Željko ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Acta horticulturae

Occurrence and distribution of Plum pox virus in Croatia

Mikec, Ivan ; Kajić, Vesna ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Acta horticulturae

Distribution of phytoplasma diseases in the Lombardy poplar tree population of Zagreb urban area

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Novokmet, Mislav ; Novak, Ruđer ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Acta botanica Croatica

The use of SSCP analysis in the assessment of phytoplasma gene variability

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of microbiological methods

First record of Pech latent mosaic viroid in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Al Rwahnih, Mounir ; Myrta, Arben
Acta horticulturae

Desetljeće molekularne fitoplazmologije u Hrvatskoj. Kako dalje?

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Satelitna RNA - subvirusni patogen na samoj granici života

Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen

Comparison of three different methods for Citrus tristeza virus detection in Satsuma mandarins

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Rošin, Jakša ; Škorić, Dijana

Molecular typing of Plum pox virus isolates in Croatia

Kajić, Vesna ; Černi, Silvija ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Mikec, Ivan ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of plant pathology

Severe plant viral symptoms may be determined by minor population variants

Černi, Silvija ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana


Černi, Silvija ; Martins , Vera ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana ; Nolasco, Gustavo

Severe symptoms of tristeza may be determined by minor genome variants within the Citrus tristeza virus population

Černi, Silvija ; Ruščić, Jelena ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Gatin, Živko ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Preliminary observations on the phytosanitary status of the Croatian Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) collection

Hančević, Katarina ; Černi, Silvija ; Rošin, Jakša ; Škorić, Dijana

Evaluation of SSCP analysis as a tool for detection of phytoplasma molecular variability

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
Bulletin of insectology

Imp and secY, two new markers for MLST (multilocus sequence typing) in the 16SrX phytoplasma taxonomic group

Danet, Jean-Luc ; Bonnet, Patrick ; Jarausch, Wolfgang ; Carraro, Luigi ; Škorić, Dijana ; Labonne, Gerard, Foissac, Xavier
Bulletin of insectology

Purification of plant viral and satellite double stranded RNAs on DEAE monoliths

Krajačić, Mladen ; Ivančić-Jelečki, Jelena ; Forčić, Dubravko ; Vrdoljak, Anto ; Škorić, Dijana
Journal of Chromatography A

Genetic variability of Croatian Citrus tristeza virus isolates

Černi, Silvija ; Nolasco, Gustavo ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Molecular typing of PPV isolates in Croatia

Kajić, Vesna ; Černi, Silvija ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Mikec, Ivan ; Škorić, Dijana

Izdvajanje DNA iz biljnog tkiva u svrhu otkrivanja fitoplazmi

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Škorić, Dijana

Izdvajanje dvolančanih oblika RNA biljnih virusa

Škorić, Dijana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna

Sanitation of local lemon varieties in Cyprus

Kapari-Isaia, Theodora ; Kyriakou, Anastasia ; Georgiou, Andreas ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ioannides, Iannis ; Papayiannis Lambros C.

Eradication of Citrus tristeza virus from cultivar Zorica Rana (Citrus unshiu Marc.)

Hančević, Katarina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Černi, Silvija ; Gatin, Živko ; Rošin, Jakša ; Hartl Musinov, Danijela

Purification of Plant Viral and Satellite dsRNAs on CIM® ; ; : DEAE Monoliths

Krajačić, Mladen ; Ivančić-Jelečki, Jelena ; Forčić, Dubravko ; Vrdoljak, Anto ; Škorić, Dijana

Prisutnost visokopatogenih sojeva virusa tristeza u Hrvatskoj

Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Nolasco, Gustavo

First record of Peach latent mosaic viroid in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Al Rwahnih, Maher ; Myrta, Arben

Molecular identification of Plum pox virus strains and their distribution in Croatia

Kajić, Vesna ; Mikec, Ivan ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Phytoplasmas and their potential vectors in vineyards of indigenous Croatian varieties

Mikec, Ivan ; Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Diversity of 16SrXII phytoplasmas detected in grapevine growing areas worlwide

Bertaccini, Assunta ; Paltrinieri, Samanta ; Botti Simona ; Duduk, Bojan ; Fiore, Nicola ; Kolber, Maria ; Škorić, Dijana ; Torres, Ester ; Conti, Maurizio

Occurrence and distribution of Plum pox virus in Croatia

Mikec, Ivan ; Kajić, Vesna ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Gynura aurantiaca (Blume) DC. as a model for in vitro maintenance of Citrus exocortis viroid

Černi, Silvija ; Rusak, Gordana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Škorić, Dijana
European journal of cell biology

Fitoplazmoze kruške u Hrvatskoj

Križanac, Ivana ; Budinščak, Željko ; Mikec, Ivan ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen

Phytoplasmas-prokaryotes with a minimal gene set for life and their parasitism

Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen
Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica

Vektori fitoplazmi vinove loze u Hrvatskoj

Budinščak, Željko ; Križanac, Ivana ; Mikec, Ivan ; Seljak, Gabrijel ; Škorić, Dijana
Glasilo biljne zaštite

Occurrence of stem-pitting strains of Citrus tristeza virus in Croatia

Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Gatin, Živko ; Santos, Carla ; Martins, Vera ; Nolasco, Gustavo
Plant disease

Phytoplasmas-progress in research of unique phytopathogenic bacteria

Šeruga, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

"Tristeza" - a renewed problem in citriculture of the Mediteraneean countries

Škorić, Dijana ; Černi, Silvija ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Gatin, Živko

SSCP analysis as an approach for comparison of stolbur phytoplasma isolates

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Dianthus croaticus Borb.-a new host for phytoplasmas from ribosomal groups 16SrI and 16SrIII

Šeruga Musić, Martina ; Vršek, Ines ; Škorić, Dijana

Molecular Variability of Citrus tristeza virus Determined by Assymmetric PCR-ELISA and SSCP

Černi, Silvija ; Martins, Vera ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana ; Nolasco, Gustavo

Main contributions of tobacco mosaic virus research to the evolution of molecular biology

Škorić, Dijana ; Juretić, Nikola
Periodicum biologorum

Fitoplazme - značajni biljni patogeni

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen

Grapevine Yellows-spread of the disease in Croatia

Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Šeruga, Martina ; Kozina, Bernard ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana

Epidemiologija žutica vinove loze u Hrvatskoj

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Kozina, Bernard ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna

Molecular characterization of a phytoplasma from the aster yellows (16SrI) group naturally infecting Populus nigra L. 'Italica' trees in Croatia

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Botti, Simona ; Paltrinieri, Samanta ; Juretić, Nikola ; Bertaccini F. Assunta
Forest pathology

Molecular identification of a phytoplasma infecting grapevine in the Republic of Macedonia

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Kozina, Bernard ; Mitrev, Saša ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna

Viroidi - uzročnici bolesti agruma

Škorić, Dijana ; Černi, Silvija ; Krajačić, Mladen

A comparison of stolbur phytoplasma isolates from Croatian grapevine by analyses of ribosomal and non-ribosomal gene regions

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Kozina, Bernard ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen

Phytoplasmas - the unusual phytopathogenic bacteria

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen

Phytoplasmas in Croatian indigenous grapevine cultivars

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Kozina, Bernard ; Krajačić, Mladen

Molecular identification of a phytoplasma naturally infecting Populus nigra L. cv. Italica trees in Croatia

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Botti, Simona ; Paltrinieri, Samanta ; Juretić, Nikola ; Bertaccini, Assunta
Plant protection science

The past and the present of citrus certification in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Hartl, Danijela ; Gatin, Živko
Options méditerranéennes. Série B: études et recherches

Fitoplazmatske bolesti šumskog drveća

Juretić, Nikola ; Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana

Preliminary molecular characterization of some Citrus tristeza Closterovirus isolates infecting Croatian citrus

Černi, Silvija ; Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen
Plant protection science

Recent progress in phytoplasma research in Croatian vineyards

Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga, Martina ; Kozina, Bernard ; Krajačić, Mladen
ACS - Agriculturae conspectus scientificus

CEVd-induced symptom modification as a response to a host-specific temperature-sensitive reaction

Škorić, Dijana ; Conerly, Melissa ; Szychowski, Judith A. ; Semancik, Joseph S.
Virology (New York, N.Y.)

Fitoplazmi na vinovata loza-rastečki problem vo hrvatskite lozovi nasadi

Šeruga, Martina ; Kozina, Bernard ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen


Škorić, Dijana ; Szychowski, Judith Ann ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Semancik, Joseph

Molecular characterization of citrus exocortis viroid RNA, a new pathogen of Croatian citrus cultivars

Škorić, Dijana ; Szychowski, Judith A. ; Semancik, Joseph S.

Molecular characterization of phytoplasmas infecting grapevines in Croatia

Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šeruga, Martina ; Kozina, Bernard ; Krajačić, Mladen

Cucumber mosaic virus (Cucumovirus) and associated satRNA in weed species under the natural epidemic conditions of tomato lethal necrosis in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Halupecki, Edyta ; Topić, Jasenka ; Igrc-Barčić, Jasminka
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz (1970)

Geographic distribution of Bois Noir phytoplasmas infecting grapevines in Croatia

Šeruga, Martina ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Škorić, Dijana ; Kozina, Bernard ; Mirošević, Nikola ; Šarić, Ana ; Krajačić, Mladen
Journal of phytopathology (1986)

Rasprostranjenost fitoplazmi na vinovoj lozi u Hrvatskoj

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen

Molecular identification of phytoplasmas in grapevines

Šeruga, Martina ; Škorić, Dijana ; Ćurković Perica, Mirna ; Krajačić, Mladen

Primary and secondary structures of citrus exocortis viroid found in Croatian citrus cultivars

Škorić, Dijana ; Szychowski, Judith A. ; Semancik, Joseph S.

Žutica vinove loze uzrokovana fitoplazmama-pojava bolesti u Hrvatskoj

Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana ; Šarić, Ana
Glasnik zaštite bilja

Molecular identification and seasonal monitoring of phytoplasmas infecting Croatian grapevines

Škorić, Dijana ; Šarić, Ana ; Vibio, Monica ; Murari, E. ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Bertaccini, Assunta

Molecular detection of phytoplasmas infecting grapevines in Slovenia and Croatia

Šarić, Ana ; Škorić, Dijana ; Bertaccini, Assunta ; Vibio, Monica ; Murari, Ermanno

Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus isolated from pepper plants in Dalmatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Šarić, Ana

Cucumovirus with a satellite-like RNA isolated from Robinia pseudacacia L.

Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Štefanac, Zlata
Periodicum biologorum

Mehanizam održavanja bolesti letalnih nekroza rajčice u dolini Neretve

Halupecki, Edyta ; Škorić, Dijana ; Topić, Jasenka ; Igrc Barčić, Jasminka ; Šarić, Ana ; Krajačić, Mladen

Occurrence of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus with satellite RNA in lethal necrosis affected tomatoes in Croatia

Škorić, Dijana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Barbarossa, Loredana ; Cillo, Fabrizio ; Grieco, Francesco ; Šarić, Ana ; Gallitelli, Donato
Journal of phytopathology (1986)

Viroidi kao patogeni poljoprivrednih kultura u Hrvatskoj

Šarić, Ana ; Krajačić, Mladen ; Škorić, Dijana
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