Title: | Full Professor |
Public phone number: | +385(0)1 4877 733 |
Internal phone number: | 140 |
E-mail: | |
Official web page URL: | http://www.pmf.unizg.hr/biol/goran.klobucar |
Department: | Division of Zoology |
Graduation year: | 1992 |
mr.sc. graduation year: | 1995 |
PhD graduation year: | 2001 |
Employed in this institution since: | 1992 |
integrated undergraduate and graduate
Show publications in CRORIS
Malev, O., Lovrić, M., Stipaničev, D., Repec, S., Martinović-Weigelt, D., Zanella, D., Ivanković, T., Đuretec, V.S., Barišić, J., Li, M., Klobučar, G., 2020. Toxicity prediction and effect characterization of 90 pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs measured in plasma of fish from a major European river (Sava, Croatia). Environ Poll, 266: 115162.
Babić S, Barišić J, Stipaničev D, Repec S, Lovrić M, Malev O, Martinović-Weigelt D, Čož-Rakovac R, Klobučar G (2018) Assessment of river sediment toxicity: Combining empirical zebrafish embryotoxicity testing with in silico toxicity characterization. Sci Tot Environ, 643, 435-450.
Babić S, Barišić J, Višić H, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Topić Popović N, Strunjak-Perović I, Čož-Rakovac R, Klobučar G (2017) Embryotoxic and genotoxic effects of sewage effluents in zebrafish embryo using multiple endpoint testing. Wat Res, 115, 9-21
Jelić M, Klobučar GIV, Grandjean F, Puillandre N, Franjević D, Futo M, Amouret J, Maguire I (2016) Insights into the molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the white-clawed crayfish (Decapoda, Astacidae). Mol Phylogenet Evol, 103, 26-40
Klobučar GIV, Podnar M, Jelić M, Franjević D, Faller M, Štambuk A, Gottstein S, Simić V, Maguire I (2013) Role of the Dinaric Karst (western Balkans) in shaping the phylogeographic structure of the threatened crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium. Freshwater Biol 58: 1089-1105
Tkalec M, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Malarić K, Klobučar GIV (2013) Oxidative and genotoxic effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic fields in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Ecotox Environ Safe 90: 7-12
Klobučar GIV, Malev O, Šrut M, Štambuk A, Lorenzon S, Cvetković Z, Ferrero EA, Maguire I (2012) Genotoxicity monitoring of freshwater environments using caged crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus). Chemosphere 87: 62-67
Klobučar GIV, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Husnjak I, Merkaš M, Traven L, Cvetković Ž (2011) Aporrectodea caliginosa, a suitable earthworm species for field based genotoxicity assessment? Environ Poll 159: 841-849
Klobučar GIV, Štambuk A, Hylland K, Pavlica M (2008) Detection of DNA damage in haemocytes of Mytilus galloprovincialis in the coastal ecosystems of Kaštela and Trogir bays, Croatia. Sci Tot Environ 405: 330-337
Klobučar GIV, Maguire I, Gottstein-Matočec S, Gelder S R (2006) Occurrence of Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) on freshwater crayfish in Croatia. Ann Limnol - Int J Lim 42, 4: 251-260
Klobučar GIV, Pavlica M, Erben R, Papeš D (2003) Application of the micronucleus and comet assays to mussel Dreissena polymorpha haemocytes for genotoxicity monitoring of freshwater environments. Aquat Toxicol 64:15-23
Effects of environmental contamination on genetic structure of aquatic organisms
Effects of pollution on rapid evolution and ecological change in the Mediterranean mussel