About employee

dr. sc. Mateja Pisačić

Title: Senior research assistant
Location: 117
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 305
Internal phone number:6305
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Graduation year:2017
PhD graduation year:2022
Employed in this institution since:2017


Education: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Bachelor’s degree (Chemistry, 2015); Master of Science degree (Chemistry, 2017); Doctor of Science (2022)

Other education and training: 8th European Crystallography School, Berlin, Germany (2023); The Zürich School of Crystallography, Zürich, Switzerland (2022); Workshop Determination of X-ray charge density - bring your own datasets Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (2022); 17th BCA/CCG Intensive Teaching School in X-Ray Structure Analysis, Durham, UK (2019)

Affiliation and current position: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Senior Assistant (2023–now). 

Previous position: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Assistant (2017–2023). 

Research interests: solution and mechanochemical synthesis of organic compounds and transition metal complexes, crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry, molecular modelling of organic and inorganic compounds, design and synthesis of dynamic crystalline compounds.

Research productivity: co-author of 12 CC publications, and 47 conference contributions.

Mentoring: Assistant mentor of 8 graduate diploma thesis, 5 undergraduate diploma thesis and 3 students awarded with the University of Zagreb Rector’s award for best students’ research work (2019/2020,  2020/2021 and 2022/2023).

Institutional responsibilities and other activities: Participation in the presentation of the Department of Chemistry at the University Fair, University of Zagreb (2017), participation in the Department of Chemistry Open Day (2015 – 2019), participation in the event Witchcraft in Chemistry (since 2018), the European Researchers Night (2019), coordination and organization of European Crystallographic Association monthly webinars - ECA Lunch webinars (since 2021).

Organizational activities: part of the organization committee of several international and national conferences (2024: 6th International Symposium on Halogen Bonding, European Young Crystallographers Satellite Meeting, 30th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting; 2023.: Solid state Science and Research 2023; 2022.: 6th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium, and others).

Other responsibilities: Co-chair of the General interest group 1 – Young Crystallographers of the European Crystallographic Association (GIG01 – Young Crystallographers, since 2022)


Awards and recognitions:


  • Award „Brdo“ for the best teaching assistant at the Department of Chemistry during academic year 2022/2023
  • The best poster award by the Crystal Growth and Design at the 17th Convention on Crystal Forms Bologna, Italy
  • The best poster award by „German Society of Crystal Growth“ (DGKK) at the 8th European Crystallography School, Berlin, Germany


  • Annual Science Award of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb 2020.


  • Award for the best oral presentation at the 4th Faculty of Science Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium



  • The University of Zagreb Rector’s award for best students’ research work
  • Award of the Department of Chemistry (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb) for students’ scientific research

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Show publications in CRORIS

List of select publications

1. M. Pisačić, I. Kodrin, A. Trninić, M. Đaković, Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Flexibility of Mechanically Responsive Crystalline Cadmium(II) Coordination Polymers, Chem.Mater. 34 (2022) 2439-2448.

2. M. Pisačić, I. Kodrin, I. Biljan, M. Đaković, Exploring the diversity of elastic responses of crystalline cadmium(II) coordination polymers: From elastic towards plastic and brittle responses, CrystEngComm, 23 (2021) 7072-7080.

3. M. Pisačić, I. Biljan, I. Kodrin, N. Popov, Ž. Soldin, M. Đaković, Elucidating the Origins of a Range of Diverse Flexible Responses in Crystalline Coordination Polymers, Chem.Mater., 33 (2021) 3660-3668.

4. M. Pisačić, I. Kodrin, N. Matijaković, N. Chatterjee, C. L. Oliver, B.-M. Kukovec, M. Đaković, Reversible Temperature-Stimulated Single- Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Conformational Polymorph Transformation in Cadmium(II) Coordination Trimer with a Water Vapor Sorption/Desorption Potential, Cryst.Growth & Des., 20 (2020) 401-413.

5. M. Đaković, M. Borovina, M. Pisačić, C.B. Aakeröy, Ž. Soldin, B.-M. Kukovec, I. Kodrin, Mechanically responsive crystalline coordination polymers with controllable elasticity, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57 (2018) 14801-14805.

Professional memberships

Member of:

  • Croatian Chemical Society (HKD)
  • Croatian Crystallographic Association (HKZ)
  • European Crystallographic Association (ECA)
  • Società Italiana Luce di Sincrotrone (SILS)

List of select projects
