About employee

prof. dr. sc. Aleksandar Toskić

Title: Full Professor
Location: 322
Public phone number:01/4895 443
E-mail: E-mail
Department: GEOG - Division of Regional Geography and Methodic






Aleksandar Toskić was born on 25 April 1965 in Zagreb. He graduated from the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in 1991 and received his Master’s degree in 1994. In 1998, he defended his Doctoral dissertation entitled “Urban systems and political territorial organisation of the Republic of Croatia”, developed under the mentorship of Professor Milan Vresk.

He has been employed at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb since 1992, first in the position of a junior researcher (1992 – 1999), then as an assistant professor (1999 – 2004), associate professor (2004 – 2019) and since 2019 as a full professor.

His scientific interests include research in the field of urban geography, demo-geography and GIS. Virtually all of his work has involved GIS methods of analysing the properties of spatial systems (transport systems, urban systems) and demographic properties. In the scientific and expert sense, he established and led successful cooperation (2005 – 2011) with geoinformation experts of the Department for Geoinformation, Geography Institute, University of Potsdam (Germany), where he was a member of the assessment committee for doctoral dissertations defended at the University of Potsdam (Matematisch-Naturwissenschaftlicher Fakultät, Institut für Geographie, Abteilung Geoinformatik, 2007, supervisor Professor Hartmut Asche).

He has published 26 scientific papers in scientific journals and conference books of abstracts, and has co-authored one scientific book, Nejašmić, I., Toskić, A., Mišetić, R. (2009): Demografski resursi Republike Hrvatske: sintetični pokazatelji za županije, gradove i općine [Demographic resources of the Republic of Croatia: synthetic indicators for counties, towns and municipalities], (Croatian Geographic Society, Zagreb), and co-authored the chapter, Asche, H.; Toskić, A.; Spevec, D.; Engemaier, R. (2010): The Demographic Atlas of Croatia – A Web-Based Atlas Information System in the book Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe, Gartner, Georg; Ortag, Felix (Eds.) (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 345-360). He has participated in 12 international and 8 domestic scientific conferences.

He was leader of a scientific project of the Ministry of Science and Education “Spatial characteristics of Croatia’s demographic resources”, no. 119-1191306-1374 (2011 – 2013). He participated as an associate on four scientific research projects and was leader of one stimulus project for young scientists. Since 2013, he has led short-term research grants of the University of Zagreb “Identification and demographic analysis of marginal areas in Croatia (2013 – 2014)” and “Sociogeographic analysis of marginal areas in Croatia (2015 – 2020)”.

Since 2008, he has been the head of the research specialisation Geographic Information Systems in the graduate university study of geography. In the undergraduate and graduate study programmes, he established five new courses and one course in the doctoral study programme. He currently teaches the following courses in the undergraduate and graduate study programmes: Cartography I and II, Geoinformation I and II, Analyses in GIS, Cartographic basis of GIS. In the Doctoral study of Geography: Space, Region, Environment, Landscape, he teaches the course Methodology 4. He has been a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Education, University of Mostar, Higher Teacher’s College in Petrinja, and the Teacher’s College and Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb.

He has supervised 35 graduate and two master’s theses, and two doctoral dissertations, and reviewed three doctoral dissertations. He has been a peer-reviewer of 42 scientific papers, one conference anthology, and one scientific book. He is a member of the editorial board of three scientific journals: Hrvatski geografski glasnik, Acta Geographica Croatica and Environment. He served as Head of the Department of Geography from 2011 – 2013, and was head of the postgraduate doctoral study Geographic basis of spatial planning at the department from 2009 – 2011.

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