About employee

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Šulc

Title: Assistant Professor
Location: 351
Public phone number:01/4895 452
Cellphone number:0915843143
E-mail: E-mail
Department: GEOG - Division of Regional Geography and Methodic
Graduation year:2011
PhD graduation year:2016
Employed in this institution since:2011






Ivan Šulc was born in Zagreb on 12 May 1987. He obtained Bachelor’s (2009), Master’s (2011) and PhD degrees (2016) from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography. His dissertation Models of Tourism Development in South Dalmatia (defended on 29 April 2016) was supervised by Professor Zoran Curić and Professor Aleksandar Toskić. From 2011 to 2017 he held a position of assistant-junior researcher at the Department of Geography, from 2017 to 2021 he was employed as a postdoctoral researcher and since 2021 he has had a position of assistant professor at the same institution. In 2017, I. Šulc received the scientific title of the Research Associate in the Interdisciplinary fields of science, field of Geography. From 17 November 2014 to 17 April 2015 he participated in the international mobility program Erasmus+ Placement, at the Università degli studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Beni culturali e ambientali, Milano, Italy. I. Šulc speaks English (C2 level), Italian (C2 level) and German (B2 level).

His main research interests are tourism and related spatial issues: coastal tourism, sustainable tourism, overtourism, impacts of tourism, COVID-19 and tourism, models of tourism development and use of GIS in tourism. However, some papers also deal with the consequences of depopulation, as well as issues of environmental citizenship and spatial identities. He published 16 research papers – 10 A1 papers, 5 A2 papers and 1 A3 paper. He worked on a project funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (2011-2014), a Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project (2018-2019), a project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (since 2020), and five short-term supports to research funded by the University of Zagreb. I. Šulc has also been active in five COST Actions, out of which three are active at the moment. He participated in 32 international and domestic scientific conferences, and gave 21 paper and poster presentations. He was also a member of the organizing and program committee of 4 international scientific conferences. I. Šulc made a peer-review of eleven research papers and two professional paper.

Teaching activities of I. Šulc are mainly related to tourism and GIS. Since 2011 he has taught nine courses on undergraduate, graduate and integrated studies at the Department of Geography: Types of Tourism (since 2018), Tourism Geography (seminar) (since 2016), Regionalization Principles (seminar) (2016-2018), Geography of East Asia (seminar) (since 2012), Geomatics, Geomatics I and II (exercises) (since 2011), Cartographic Basics of GIS (since 2011) and Fieldwork in Geography (since 2011). Since 2021-2022 academic year he has been involved in teaching at doctoral studies, within the course Research Methodology 4. I. Šulc received positive and very high average marks in the institutional survey on the quality of teaching. He supervised 17 bachelor theses and 5 master’s theses, and was member of the committee for the defence of 37 master’s theses. In 2018 he supervised a student paper that received the Rector’s Award.

Professional activities of I. Šulc are numerous and very varied. He collaborated in two projects financed by the City of Zagreb and in three professional projects with high schools financed by the European Social Fund. As part of one of these projects, he created the handbook Digital Cartography for the 2nd grade of high school. He also published 9 professional papers, 3 technical papers and 6 reviews and reports. I. Šulc gave 3 lectures and workshops in academic institutions abroad and 13 at professional events in Croatia and abroad. He is active in popular science programs, within which he published 3 popular science papers, gave 5 lectures and workshops, coordinated the Department of Geography at the University of Zagreb Fair (2011-2013), Festival of Science (2012), edited the section Ask a Geographer at the professional and popular web portal of the Croatian Geographical Society Geografija.hr (2011-2013) and participated in the celebration of the International Year of Global Understanding (2016).

Since 2022 I. Šulc has a role of vice-president of the Croatian Geographical Society. He is also a Team Leader of Croatian Team in International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) (since 2017) and a member of National Committee for the Competition in Geography (2014; since 2018). He is a member of Editorial Board of the professional journal Geografski horizont (since 2014) and a secretary and a member of Editorial Board of the scientific journal Croatian Geographical Bulletin (since 2015). He also has the function of the scheduler for the Department of Geography.

I. Šulc received several awards and grants: Recognition of the Council of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb for achieved results in scientific and professional work (21 April 2016), award Brdo for the best assistant at the Department of Geography in the academic years 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, Recognition for achieved results in the work with students in the school years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 and three travel grants to attend international scientific conferences ((IGU Krákow 2014., EUGEO Congress Rome 2013. i AAG Annual Meeting New York 2012.).

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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List of select publications


  1. Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., Šulc, I., 2022: The COVID-19 pandemic’s implications for tourism preferences in Croatia: potential new challenges for marginal areas, in: Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., Nel, E., Pelc, S. (eds.): COVID-19 and Marginalisation of People and Places: Impacts, Responses and Observed Effects of COVID-19 on Geographical Marginality, Springer, 143-158, ISSN 2367-0002.
  2. Sredanović, K., Šulc, I., 2022: Events in urban tourism – the case of Advent in Zagreb, Croatia, Geographia Polonica 95 (2), 143-160, https://doi.org/10.7163/GPol.0230, ISSN: 0016-7282.
  3. Telbisz, T., Šulc, I., Mari, L., Radeljak Kaufmann, P., 2022: Attitudes and preferences of visitors of Krka National Park (Croatia), Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 71 (2), 117-132, DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.71.2.2, ISSN 2064-5147.
  4. Mari, L., Tábori, Z., Šulc, I., Radeljak Kaufmann, P., Milanović, R., Gessert, A., Imecs, Z., Baricz, A., Telbisz, T., 2022: The system and spatial distribution of protected areas in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia and Croatia, Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 71 (2), 99-115. DOI: 10.15201/hungeobull.71.2.1, ISSN 2064-5147.
  5. Gašparović, S., Šulc, I., 2022: Adoption of Environmental Citizenship Concept Amongst University Students in Croatia: The Examples of Tourism and Transportation, in: 8th International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2022 Proceedings, Belgrade, Serbia, 09-10 May 2022, Geobalcanica Society – Skopje, North Macedonia, 59-74, ISSN 1857-7636.
  6. Kordej-De Villa, Ž., Šulc, I., 2021: Cultural Heritage, Tourism and the UN Sustainable Development Goals – the Case of Croatia, in: Rethinking Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy (eds. Andreucci, M. B., Marvuglia, A., Baltov, M., Hansen, P.), Springer, 341-358, ISBN 978-3-030-71819-0, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71819-0.
  7. Šulc, I., Fuerst-Bjeliš, B., 2021: Changes of tourism trajectories in (post)covidian world: Croatian perspectives, Research in Globalization 3, 100052, DOI: 10.1016/j.resglo.2021.100052.
  8. Šulc, I., 2020: Tourism in protected areas and the transformation of Mljet island, Croatia, in: Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia (eds. Koderman, M., Opačić, V. T.), Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Croatian Geographical Society, Koper, Zagreb, 75-102, ISBN 978-961-7055-08-5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.26493/978-961-7055-08-5, ISBN 978-961-7055-08-5
  9. Šulc, I., Morgado, S., Đorđević, Z., Gašparović, S., Radović, V., Keranova, D., 2020: Societal Issues and Environmental Citizenship, in: Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education (eds. Hadjichambis, A., et al.), Springer, 49-66, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-20249-1, ISBN 978-3-030-20249-1
  10. Gašparović, S., Šulc, I., 2019: Education for Environmental Citizenship in Croatia, in: European SWOT Analysis on Education for Environmental Citizenship (eds. Hadjichambis, A., Reis, P., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D.), COST, Cycere, Brussels, Limassol, 73-81, ISBN: 978-9963-9275-6-2
  11. Šulc, I., 2019: Environmental Impacts of Tourism on the Eastern Adriatic Coast – The Case of South Dalmatia, Croatia, in: Atti del XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano (ed. Salvatori, F.), Roma, 7-10 giugno 2017, 2777-2789, ISBN 978-88-942641-2-8.
  12. Dragić, N., Njegač, D., Šulc, I., 2018: Supply of central functions for the population in the Nova Gradiška Area, Croatian Geographical Bulletin 80 (2), 55-81, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21861/HGG.2018.80.02.03, ISSN 1331-5854 (press), ISSN 1848-6401 (online)
  13. Luca, E., Šulc, I., Haselsteiner, E., Kopeva, D., Brown, M., 2017: The reuse of industrial heritage as an approach to restorative sustainability and conservation. Comparison between industrial heritage development in the Southeastern Europe and Austria, Journal A+P 19, 124-161, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29581.69600, ISSN 2227-7994
  14. Šulc, I., 2017: Distorted life cycle on post-socialist Adriatic islands: Using the example of Mljet, Croatia, Acta Turistica 29 (1), 33-73, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22598/at/2017.29.1.33, ISSN 0353-4316 (press), ISSN 1848-6061 (online)
  15. Šulc, I., Opačić, V. T., 2015: Typology of tourist resorts in Croatia: The case of South Dalmatia, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 157, 229-252, DOI: 10.1553/moegg157s229, ISSN 0029-9138 (press), ISSN 0029-9138 (online)
  16. Šulc, I., 2014: Developing tourism in the conditions of depopulation – the case study of South Dalmatian islands, Croatia, in: Economic Recession: Interpretations, Performances and Reifications in the Tourism Domain (ed. Citarella, F.), Loffredo Editore, Napoli, 131-152,  ISBN: 9788875646530
  17. Šulc, I., 2014: Tourism development and stagnation on the island of Korčula in the Tourism Area Life Cycle Model, Croatian Geographical Bulletin 76 (2), 61-84, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21861/HGG.2014.76.02.04, ISSN 1331-5854 (press), ISSN 1848-6401 (online) (in Croatian)
  18. Šulc, I., Zlatić, M., 2014: Demographic Challenges to Sustainability on Small Adriatic Islands: The Case Study of Ilovik, Croatia, Sociology and Space 52 (1), 3-22, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5673/sip.52.1.1 , ISSN 1846-5226 (press), ISSN 1849-0387 (online)
  19. Zorko, M., Šulc, I., Kovačić, M., 2014: Local Identity and Social Cohesion in Cross-border Region of Hrvatsko zagorje, in: Ponovno iscrtavanje granica: transformacije identiteta i redefiniranje kulturnih regija u novim političkim okolnostima (eds: Belaj, M. et al.), Croatian Ethnological Society and Slovenian Ethnological Society, Zagreb, Ljubljana, 149-161, ISBN: 978-953-55302-6-8 (in Croatian)
  20. Šulc, I., Valjak, V., 2012: Protected Areas as a Factor in Sustainable Development of the Croatian Islands - the Example of Mljet Island, Croatian Geographical Bulletin 74 (1), 161-185, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21861/HGG.2012.74.01.09, ISSN 1331-5854 (press), ISSN 1848-6401 (online) (in Croatian)
  21. Zorko, M., Šulc, I., Kovačić, M., 2012: : Cross-border Regions in Croatia: A Research of Local Identity in the Cross-border Region of Gorski Kotar, Sociology and Space 50 (2), 165-181, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5673/sip.50.2.2, ISSN 1846-5226 (press), ISSN 1849-0387 (online) (in Croatian)



Šulc, I., 2016: Digital Cartography, Manual for the elective subject Digital Cartography (2nd grade), Srednja škola Ivanec and Srednja škola Matije Blažine, Zagreb, Ivanec (created within the European Social Fund, Operative Program “Development of Human Potentials 2007-2013“),, http://www.ss-ivanec.hr/images/7_Prirucnik_Digitalna_kartografija.pdf (in Croatian).



  1. Šulc, I., 2021: An introduction to Sustainable Development Goals, in: Battisti, C., Brown, M. (eds.): RESTORD. Regenerative Guide for Educators, Students and Practitioners, COST Action CA16114 RESTORE and EURAC Research, Bolzano, 50-56.
  2. Šulc, I., 2021: An introduction to Regenerative Economy, in: Battisti, C., Brown, M. (eds.): RESTORD. Regenerative Guide for Educators, Students and Practitioners, COST Action CA16114 RESTORE, and EURAC Research, Bolzano, 61-68.
  3. Šulc, I., Sánchez-Ostiz, A., Gekić, H., Brajković, J., 2021: Human. Nature. Built Environment. Scale Jumping Nexus: Place and Space Pattern, in: Reith, A., Brajković, J. (eds.): Scale Jumping: Regenerative Systems Thinking within the Built Environment. A guidebook for regenerative implementation: Interactions, tools, platforms, metrics, practice, COST Action CA16114 RESTORE and EURAC Research, Bolzano, 51-55.
  4. Matraku Dervishi, D., Šulc, I., Morishita-Steffen, N., Brown, M., 2021: Human. Nature. Built Environment. Scale Jumping Nexus: Economy, in: Reith, A., Brajković, J. (eds.): Scale Jumping: Regenerative Systems Thinking within the Built Environment. A guidebook for regenerative implementation: Interactions, tools, platforms, metrics, practice, COST Action CA16114 RESTORE and EURAC Research, Bolzano, 78-81.
  5. Luca, E., Šulc, I., Haselsteiner, E., 2018: Regenerative Heritage, in: Brown, M. et al. (eds.): Sustainability, Restorative to Regenerative, RESTORE Working Group One Report: Restorative Sustainability, COST Action CA16114 RESTORE: REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy, Vienna, 67-86, ISBN 978-3-9504607-0-4 (online), ISBN 978-3-9504607-1-1 (print).
  6. Valožić, L., Šulc, I., Kvetek, F., 2017: Introduction into Geographical Information Systems using QGIS, Geografski horizont 63 (2), 7-19, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  7. Šulc, I., 2017: Example of creating a Thematic Map in GIS: Gross Domestic Product p. c. in the world, Geografski horizont 63 (2), 31-43, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  8. Bužleta, T., Šulc, I., 2011: Demographic characteristics of Albania, Geografski horizont 57 (1), 21 – 36, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  9. Šulc, I., 2009: Seychelles – a Developed African Country?, Geografski horizont 55 (2), 49 – 59, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).



  1. Luca, E., Šulc, I., Haselsteiner, E., 2018: From Restorative to Regenerative Sustainability: State of the Art and visions towards Regenerative Heritage, http://www.buildup.eu/en/news/restorative-regenerative-sustainability-state-art-and-visions-regenerative-heritage (25.11.2020.).
  2. Šulc, I., 2010: Heritage in tourism of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, http://www.geografija.hr/clanci/1506/bastina-u-turizmu-dubrovacko-neretvanske-zupanije (3.  3. 2010.).
  3. Šulc, I., 2009: French Canada – characteristics of a cultural region, http://www.geografija.hr/clanci/1480//francuska-kanada-obiljezja-kulturne-regije (26.05.2009.).



Technical papers

  1. Šulc, I., 2016: Map Speaks: Types of tourist resorts in South Dalmatia by level of tourism development, Geografski horizont 62 (2), 74-75, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  2. Šulc, I., Zagoda, I. L., 2015: Map Speaks: Tabula Peutingeriana, Geografski horizont 61 (2), 52-55, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian)
  3. Šulc, I., Zagoda, I. L., 2015: Map Speaks: Stjepan Glavač (1627-1680): Map of the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia, Geografski horizont 61 (1), 52-57, ISSN 0016-7266 (print), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).


Reviews and reports

  1. Šulc, I., Spevec, D., 2019: 16th International Geography Olympiad (iGeo), Hong Kong, China, 30/07-05/08/2019, Geografski horizont 65 (2), 60-66, ISSN 0016-7266 (press), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  2. Šulc, I., Spevec, D., 2018: 15th International Geography Olympiad (iGeo), Quebec City, Canada, 30/07-06/08/2018, Geografski horizont 64 (2), 78-83, ISSN 0016-7266 (press), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  3. Šulc, I., 2017: 14th International Geography Olympiad (iGeo), Belgrade, Serbia, 02-08/08/2017, Geografski horizont 63 (2), 62-67, ISSN 0016-7266 (press), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  4. Šulc, I., 2016: International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU), Geografski horizont 62 (1), 88, ISSN 0016-7266 (press), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).
  5. Šulc, I., 2016: International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU), Hrvatski geografski glasnik 78 (2), 145-146, ISSN 1331-5854 (press), ISSN 1848-6401 (online) (in Croatian).
  6. Šulc, I., 2012: International Scientific Conference of the International Geographical Union (IGU): Geographies of Marginality: The Realities of Physically Marginalized Areas, Dubrovnik, 19 – 23 August 2012, Geografski horizont 58 (2), 96-99, ISSN 0016-7266 (press), ISSN 2718-1820 (online) (in Croatian).






















Professional memberships

Croatian Geographical Society (since 2009) - vice-president since 2022; member of the Steering Committee since 2015

Croatian Geomorphological Society (since 2020)

IGU Tourism Commission on Tourism, Leisure and Global Change (since 2014)

IGU Commission C16.29 Marginalization, Globalization, and Regional and Local Responses (since 2012)

Association of American Geographers (2011-2012)

List of select projects


  • The changing role of karst national parks in human-environment relations: a regional comparison, scientific project of the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography, associate since 2021; leader: Tamás Telbisz, PhD, Associate Professor (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography).
  • RURALIKA – Establishing Criteria for the Evaluation of Modernization and (Post-)Transition Processes in Croatian Rural Areas through a Case Study of the Rural Lika Area, Installation research project of the Croatian Science Foundation, associate since 2020; leader: Anita Bušljeta Tomić, PhD, Assistant Professor (Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar).
  • Comparative analysis of spatial planning of tourism development in protected areas in Croatia and Slovenia, Croatian-Slovenian research project, associate, 2018–2019; leaders Vuk Tvrtko Opačić, PhD, Full Professor (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography) and Miha Koderman, PhD, Associate Professor (University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities Koper, Department of Geography).

  • Space as a Resource of Tourism Development of Croatia, Project of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia (119-1191306-1373), junior researcher, 2011–2014; leader: Zoran Curić, PhD, Full Professor (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography).



  • COST Action CA21125 A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (MARGISTAR), Management Committee Member, 2022-2026; Action chair: Juha Hiedanpää, Professor (Luke – Natural Resources Institute Finland, Finland)
  • COST Action CA20134 Traces as Research Agenda for Climate Change, Technology Studies, and Social Justice (TRACTS), Co-leader of the Working Group 4, Management Committee Member and Core Group Member, 2021-2025; Action chair: Aimée Joyce, PhD (University of St Andrews, Department of Social Anthropology, St Andrews, United Kingdom)
  • COST Action CA16114 REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE), Management Committee Member, 2017-2021; Action chair: Carlo Battisti, PhD (EURAC Research, Institute for Renewable Energy, Bolzano, Italy)
  • COST Action CA16229 European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC), Management Committee Member, 2017-2021; Action chair: Andreas Hadjichambis, PhD (Environmental Research and Education (CYCERE), Limassol, Cyprus)
  • COST Action CA18110 Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation (Underground4value), member of the Working Group 1, 2019-2023: Action chair: Giuseppe Pace, PhD (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Napoli, Italy)



  • Analysis and evaluation of development potentials and limitations of Zagreb Urban Region, Project financed by the City of Zagreb, associate 2017–2018;  leader: Aleksandar Lukić, PhD, Associate Professor (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography).

  • HEUREKA – learning to success, Project financed by the European Social Fund (“Investment into Future”), associate, 2015–2016; project manager: Lidija Vitez (Srednja škola Ivanec).

  • HvaR&D – introducing GIS and ICT technologies to curricula of elective courses and their implementation into sustainable development of Hvar Island, Project financed by the European Social Fund (“Investment into Future”), associate, 2015–2016; project manager: Filip Dulčić (Srednja škola Hvar).

  • Science Plus, Project financed by the European Social Fund (“Investment into Future”), associate, 2015–2016; project manager: Marina Čleković (Prirodoslovna škola Vladimira Preloga).
  • Analysis and evaluation of development potentials and limitations of suburban and rural areas of the City of Zagreb, Project financed by the City of Zagreb, associate 2017–2018;  leader: Vedran Prelogović, PhD, Assistant Professor (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography).

Past employments

Assistant Professor: 1 April 2021 - today (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography)

Postdoctoral Researcher: 1 July 2017 - 31 March 2021 (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography)

Assistant - Junior Researcher: 4 July 2011 - 30 June 2017 (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography)