O djelatniku

prof. dr. sc. Igor Pažanin

Zvanje: redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
Lokacija: 219
E-mail: E-mail
Osobna stranica na Webu: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~pazanin/
Zavod/služba: Zavod za primijenjenu matematiku
Godina diplomiranja:2002.
Godina magistriranja:2005.
Godina doktoriranja:2008.
Na zavodu od:2002.




integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski


Utorkom 10-12 (uz najavu mailom)

Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

The effects of boundary roughness on the MHD duct flow with slip hydrodynamic condition

Pažanin, Igor; Pereira, Marcone
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2025.
Quarterly of applied mathematics

Solute dispersion in fluids with pressure-dependent viscosity

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2025.
Mechanics research communications

The Robin boundary condition for modelling heat transfer

Marušić-Paloka,Eduard; Pažanin,Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences

On the Forchheimer-extended Darcy-Brinkman flow through a thin fracture

Pažanin, Igor; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik

A remark on the nonsteady micropolar pipe flow with a dynamic boundary condition for the microrotation

Pažanin, Igor; Rukavina, Borja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Quarterly of applied mathematics

Modelling of the fluid flow in a thin domain with injection through permeable boundary

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
European journal of applied mathematics

On the thermal flow through a porous annular region

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Journal of engineering mathematics

Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a system of thin pipes

Pažanin, Igor; Radulović, Marko; Rukavina, Borja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences

Curved-pipe flow with boundary conditions involving Bernoulli pressure

Dorešić, Tvrtko; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Electronic journal of differential equations

Asymptotic modeling of the current flow system described by the p(x)‐Laplacian

Nakasato, Jean Carlos; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik

Analytical solution for the magnetohydrodynamic duct flow with slip condition on the perturbed boundary

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard; Pažanin, Igor; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Chinese journal of physics

The effect of roughness on the boundary condition on porous wall

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik

On the non-isothermal, non-Newtonian Hele-Shaw flows in a domain with rough boundary

Nakasato, Jean Carlos ; Pažanin, Igor ; Pereira, Marcone Corrêa
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Roughness-induced effects on the thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin domain

Pažanin, Igor; Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Studies in applied mathematics

Homogenization of the non-isothermal, non-Newtonian fluid flow in a thin domain with oscillating boundary

Nakasato, Jean Carlos; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik

On the filtration of micropolar fluid through a thin pipe

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

Modelling of the porous medium flow with pressure-dependent viscosity and drag coefficient

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences

Nonzero boundary condition for the unsteady micropolar pipe flow: Well-posedness and asymptotics

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko ; Rukavina, Borja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.
Applied mathematics and computation

Asymptotic analysis of the thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin channel with cooling

Lukaszewicz, Grzegorz ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applicable analysis, 2022.

Homogenization of a mixed boundary condition

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applicable analysis, 2022.

The effective boundary condition on a porous wall

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, International journal of engineering science, 2022.

MHD Flow Through a Perturbed Channel Filled with a Porous Medium

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2022.

Asymptotic analysis of the thermomicropolar fluid flow through a curvilinear channel

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko ; Rukavina, Borja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts - 11th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2022.

A generalized Reynolds equation for micropolar flows past a ribbed surface with nonzero boundary conditions

Bonnivard, Matthieu ; Pažanin, Igor ; Suárez-Grau, Francisco J.
izvorni znanstveni rad, Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique = Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, 2022.

Rigorous derivation of the asymptotic model describing a steady thermomicropolar fluid flow through a curvilinear channel

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko ; Rukavina, Borja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2022.

Nonzero boundary condition for the unsteady micropolar pipe flow: well-posedness and asymptotics

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko ; Rukavina, Borja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts - 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, 2022.

The effective boundary condition on a porous wall

Pažanin, Igor
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, 2022.

On viscous incompressible flows of nonsymmetric fluids with mixed boundary conditions

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 2022.

A note on the MHD flow in a porous channel

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Theoretical and applied mechanics, 2022.

Rigorous justification of the effective boundary condition on a porous wall via homogenization

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2021.

Reaction-diffusion problem in a thin domain with oscillating boundary and varying order of thickness

Nakasato, Jean Carlos ; Pažanin, Igor ; Pereira, Marcone
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2021.

Homogenization and singular perturbation in porous media

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Communications on pure and applied analysis, 2021.

Mathematical model of heat transfer through a conductive pipe

Ljulj, Matko ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique = Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, 2021.

Inertia and roughness induced effects on the porous medium flow through a corrugated channel

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Transport in porous media, 2020.

On the Darcy-Brinkman-Boussinesq flow through a thin channel with slightly perturbed boundary

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the Tenth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2020.

Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a curved pipe

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applicable analysis, 2020.

Effects of the viscous dissipation on the Darcy-Brinkman flow: rigorous derivation of the higher-order asymptotic model

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied mathematics and computation, 2020.

On The Lubrication of a Rotating Shaft with Incompressible Micropolar Fluid

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Proceedings of the Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2020, 2020.

Justification of the higher order effective model describing the lubrication of a rotating shaft with micropolar fluid

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Symmetry, 2020.
Symmetry (Basel)

Leray's problem for the nonstationary micropolar fluid flow

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mediterranean journal of mathematics, 2020.

On the Darcy-Brinkman-Boussinesq flow in a thin channel with irregularities

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Seminář katedry matematiky, 2020.

Effects of boundary roughness and inertia on the fluid flow through a corrugated pipe and the formula for the Darcy–Weisbach friction coefficient

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, International journal of engineering science, 2020.

On the heat flow through a porous tube filled with incompressible viscous fluid

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences, 2020.

On the Darcy-Brinkman--Boussinesq flow in a thin channel with irregularities

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Transport in porous media, 2020.

Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow in a curved pipe

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the Conference Equadiff 2019, 2019.

Rigorous justification of the asymptotic model describing a nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a thin curved pipe

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the Conference Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2019.

Asymptotic analysis of the heat conduction problem in a dilated pipe

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Prša, Marija
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied mathematics and computation, 2019.

Homogenization of degenerate coupled transport processes in porous media with memory terms

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, 2019.

Roughness-induced effects on the convection- diffusion-reaction problem in a thin domain

Nakasato, Jean Carlos ; Pažanin, Igor ; Pereira, Marcone Correa
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applicable analysis, 2019.

A note on the solute dispersion in a porous medium

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2019.

Homogenization of the Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman flow in a thin domain with highly oscillating boundaries

Pažanin, Igor ; Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2019.

Reaction of the fluid flow on time-dependent boundary perturbation

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Communications on pure and applied analysis, 2019.

Rigorous justification of the asymptotic model describing a curved-pipe flow in a time- dependent domain

Castineira, Gonzalo ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Rodriguez, Jose Manuel
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2019.

Asymptotic analysis of the nonstationary flow of micropolar fluid in a thin curved pipe

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a 2019., 2019.

On the effects of small boundary perturbation on the fluid flow

Pažanin, Igor ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2019.

Rigorous derivation of the effective model describing a non-isothermal fluid flow in a vertical pipe filled with porous medium

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, 2018.

Asymptotic analysis of the fluid flow with a pressure-dependent viscosity in a system of thin pipes

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Computational and applied mathematics, 2018.

Effects of rough boundary and nonzero boundary conditions on the lubrication process with micropolar fluid

Bonnivard, Matthieu ; Pažanin, Igor ; Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids, 2018.

Asymptotic solution for the Darcy-Brinkman- Boussinesq flow in a pipe with helicoidal shape

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Theoretical and applied mechanics, 2018.

Effects of viscous dissipation on the fluid flow through a thin domain

Pažanin, Igor ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard
izvorni znanstveni rad, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2018 Proceedings, 2018.

Asymptotic approximation of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a circular pipe

Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical problems in engineering, 2018.

Existence and uniqueness of the generalized Poiseuille solution for nonstationary micropolar flow in an infinite cylinder

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Electronic journal of differential equations, 2018.

Rigorous derivation of a higher-order model describing the nonsteady flow of a micropolar fluid in a thin pipe

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the Conference Ninth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2018.

Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a thin pipe

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the Conference Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, 2018.

Rigorous derivation of the asymptotic model describing a nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a thin pipe

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Computers & mathematics with applications, 2018.

On the viscous flow through a long pipe with non- constant pressure boundary condition

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences, 2018.

Higher-order effective model describing a non- isothermal thin film flow

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, International journal for multiscale computational engineering, 2018.

On degenerate coupled transport processes in porous media with memory phenomena

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2018.

On the nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction problem in a thin domain with a weak boundary absorption

Pažanin, Igor ; Pereira, Marcone
izvorni znanstveni rad, Communications on pure and applied analysis, 2018.

On existence, regularity and uniqueness of thermally coupled incompressible flows in a system of three dimensional pipes

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Nonlinear analysis : theory, methods and applications, 2017.

Rigorous justification of the asymptotic model describing the nonsteady micropolar pipe flow

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Seminář katedry matematiky, 2017.

Homogenization of degenerate coupled fluid flows and heat transport through porous media

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 2017.

Heat conduction problem in a dilated pipe: existence and uniqueness result

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Prša, Marija
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mediterranean journal of mathematics, 2017.

Effects of small boundary perturbation on the MHD duct flow

Mahabaleshwar, Ulavathi S. ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko, Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2017.

Flow and heat transfer in a Newtonian nanoliquid due to a curved stretching sheet

Siddheshwar, Pradeep G. ; Meenakshi, Nerolu ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences, 2017.

Flow of a micropolar fluid through a channel with small boundary perturbation

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the Workshop Modern challenges in continuum mechanics, 2017.

Flow of a micropolar fluid through a channel with small boundary perturbation

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of the International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications 2017, 2017.

Analysis of the laminar Newtonian fluid flow through a thin fracture modelled as a fluid- saturated sparsely packed porous medium

Pažanin, Igor ; Siddheshwar, Pradeep
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences, 2017.

On the Darcy-Brinkman flow through a channel with slightly perturbed boundary

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Transport in porous media, 2017.

Asymptotic approach to the generalized Brinkman's equation with pressure-dependent viscosity and drag coefficient

Pažanin, Igor ; Pereira, Marcone ; Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2016.

Flow of a micropolar fluid through a channel with small boundary perturbation

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Radulović, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences, 2016.

Effective flow of incompressible micropolar fluid through a system of thin pipes

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Acta applicandae mathematicae, 2016.

A note on the Kirchhoff's junction rule for power-law fluids

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A, A journal of physical sciences, 2015.

Asymptotic analysis of the curved-pipe flow with a pressure-dependent viscosity satisfying Barus law

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical problems in engineering, 2015.

Heat flow through a thin cooled pipe filled with a micropolar fluid

Beneš, Michal ; Pažanin, Igor ; Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2015.

Asymptotic modeling of the thin film flow with a pressure-dependent viscosity

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of applied mathematics, 2014.

On the helical pipe flow with a pressure-dependent viscosity

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014.

Analysis of the thin film flow in a rough domain filled with micropolar fluid

Pažanin, Igor ; Suarez-Grau, Francisco-Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, Computers & mathematics with applications, 2014.

Modeling of solute dispersion in a circular pipe filled with micropolar fluid

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical and computer modelling, 2013.

Effects of rough boundary on the heat transfer in a thin film flow

Pažanin, Igor ; Suarez-Grau, Francisco Javier
izvorni znanstveni rad, Comptes rendus. Mécanique, 2013.

An effective model for the lubrication with micropolar fluid

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Marušić, Sanja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mechanics research communications, 2013.

Investigation of micropolar fluid flow in a helical pipe via asymptotic analysis

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2013.

A note on the pipe flow with a pressure-dependent viscosity

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics, 2013.

Second order model in fluid film lubrication

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Marušić, Sanja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Comptes rendus. Mécanique, 2012.

Mathematics for chemists 2

Bruckler, Franka Miriam ; Pažanin, Igor
ostalo, 2012.

Comparison between Darcy and Brinkman laws in a fracture

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Marušić, Sanja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied mathematics and computation, 2012.

Mathematics for chemists 1

Bruckler, Franka Miriam ; Pažanin, Igor
ostalo, 2012.

On reactive solute transport through a curved pipe

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied mathematics letters, 2011.

On the micropolar flow in a circular pipe: the effects of the viscosity coefficients

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2011.

Effective flow of micropolar fluid through a thin or long pipe

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical problems in engineering, 2011.

Asymptotic behavior of micropolar fluid flow through a curved pipe

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Acta applicandae mathematicae, 2011.

On the effects of curved geometry on heat conduction through a distorted pipe

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 2010.

Asymptotic expansion for thermal flow through a pipe

Marušić, Sanja ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Proceedings of the World Congress of Engineering WCE 2010, 2010.

On the solvability of a problem of stationary fluid flow in a helical pipe

Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2009.
Mathematical problems in engineering

Non-isothermal fluid flow through a thin pipe with cooling

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applicable analysis, 2009.

Modelling of heat transfer in a laminar flow through a helical pipe

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical and computer modelling, 2009.

Effects of strong convection on the cooling process for a long or thin pipe

Marušić, Sanja ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Comptes rendus. Mécanique, 2008.

Fluid flow through a helical pipe

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2007.

Effective flow of a viscous liquid through a helical pipe

Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Comptes rendus. Mécanique, 2004.
Detaljno o radovima