About employee

prof. dr. sc. Krešimir Kumerički

Title: Full Professor
Location: 416
Public phone number:4605583
Internal phone number:5583
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: http://www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~kkumer
Official web page URL: http://www.phy.pmf.unizg.hr/~kkumer
Department: Theoretical Physics Division of Particles and Fields


integrated undergraduate and graduate



Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Precision studies of QCD in the low energy domain of the EIC

Burkert, V.D.; ... ; Kumerički, Krešimir; ... ; Zhou, J.
Progress in particle and nuclear physics

NLO corrections to the deeply virtual meson production revisited: impact on the extraction of generalized parton distributions

Čuić, Marija; Duplančić, Goran; Kumerički, Krešimir; Passek-K., Kornelija
The Journal of high energy physics

Science Requirements and Detector Concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider

Abdul Khalek, R. ; Accardi, A. ; Adam, J. ; Adamiak, D. ; Akers, W. ; Albaladejo, M. ; Al-bataineh, A. ; Alexeev, M.G. ; Ameli, F. ; Antonioli, P. ; Armesto, N. ; Armstrong, W.R. ; Arratia, M. ; Arrington, J. ; Asaturyan, A. ; Asai, M. ; Aschenauer, E.C. ; Aune, S. ; Avagyan, H. ; Ayerbe Gayoso, C. ; Azmoun, B. ; Bacchetta, A. ; Baker, M.D. ; Barbosa, F. ; Barion, L. ; Barish, K.N. ; Barry, P.C. ; Battaglieri, M. ; Bazilevsky, A. ; Behera, N.K. ; Benmokhtar, F. ; Berdnikov, V.V. ; Bernauer, J.C. ; Bertone, V. ; Bhattacharya, S. ; Bissolotti, C. ; Boer, D. ; Boglione, M. ; Bondì, M. ; Boora, P. ; Borsa, I. ; Bossù, F. ; Bozzi, G. ; Brandenburg, J.D. ; Brei, N. ; Bressan, A. ; Brooks, W.K. ; Bufalino, S. ; Bukhari, M.H.S. ; Burkert, V. ; Buttimore, N.H. ; Camsonne, A. ; Celentano, A. ; Celiberto, F.G. ; Chang, W. ; Chatterjee, C. ; Chen, K. ; Chetry, T. ; Chiarusi, T. ; Chien, Y.-T. ; Chiosso, M. ; Chu, X. ; Chudakov, E. ; Cicala, G. ; Cisbani, E. ; Cloet, I.C. ; Cocuzza, C. ; Cole, P.L. ; Colella, D. ; Collins, J.L. ; Constantinou, M. ; Contalbrigo, M. ; Contin, G. ; Corliss, R. ; Cosyn, W. ; Courtoy, A. ; Crafts, J. ; Cruz-Torres, R. ; Cuevas, R.C. ; D'Alesio, U. ; Dalla Torre, S. ; Das, D. ; Dasgupta, S.S. ; Da Silva, C. ; Deconinck, W. ; Defurne, M. ; DeGraw, W. ; Dehmelt, K. ; Del Dotto, A. ; Delcarro, F. ; Deshpande, A. ; Detmold, W. ; De Vita, R. ; Diefenthaler, M. ; Dilks, C. ; Dixit, D.U. ; Dulat, S. ; Dumitru, A. ; Dupré, R. ; Durham, J.M. ; Echevarria, M.G. ; El Fassi, L. ; Elia, D. ; Ent, R. ; Esha, R. ; Ethier, J.J. ; Evdokimov, O. ; Eyser, K.O. ; Fanelli, C. ; Fatemi, R. ; Fazio, S. ; Fernandez-Ramirez, C. ; Finger, M. ; Finger, M. ; Fitzgerald, D. ; Flore, C. ; Frederico, T. ; Friščić, I. ; Fucini, S. ; Furletov, S. ; Furletova, Y. ; Gal, C. ; Gamberg, L. ; Gao, H. ; Garg, P. ; Gaskell, D. ; Gates, K. ; Gay Ducati, M.B. ; Gericke, M. ; Gil Da Silveira, G. ; Girod, F.-X. ; Glazier, D.I. ; Gnanvo, K. ; Goncalves, V.P. ; Gonella, L. ; Gonzalez Hernandez, J.O. ; Goto, Y. ; Grancagnolo, F. ; Greiner, L.C. ; Guryn, W. ; Guzey, V. ; Hatta, Y. ; Hattawy, M. ; Hauenstein, F. ; He, X. ; Hemmick, T.K. ; Hen, O. ; Heyes, G. ; Higinbotham, D.W. ; Hiller Blin, A.N. ; Hobbs, T.J. ; Hohlmann, M. ; Horn, T. ; Hou, T.-J. ; Huang, J. ; Huang, Q. ; Huber, G.M. ; Hyde, C.E. ; Iakovidis, G. ; Ilieva, Y. ; Jacak, B.V. ; Jacobs, P.M. ; Jadhav, M. ; Janoska, Z. ; Jentsch, A. ; Jezo, T. ; Jing, X. ; Jones, P.G. ; Joo, K. ; Joosten, S. ; Kafka, V. ; Kalantarians, N. ; Kalicy, G. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, Z.B. ; Kauder, K. ; Kay, S.J.D. ; Keppel, C.E. ; Kim, J. ; Kiselev, A. ; Klasen, M. ; Klein, S. ; Klest, H.T. ; Korchak, O. ; Kostina, A. ; Kotko, P. ; Kovchegov, Y.V. ; Krelina, M. ; Kuleshov, S. ; Kumano, S. ; Kumar, K.S. ; Kumar, R. ; Kumar, L. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Kusina, A. ; Kutak, K. ; Lai, Y.S. ; Lalwani, K. ; Lappi, T. ; Lauret, J. ; Lavinsky, M. ; Lawrence, D. ; Lednicky, D. ; Lee, C. ; Lee, K. ; Lee, S.H. ; Levorato, S. ; Li, H. ; ... ; Zurita, P.
Nuclear physics. A

Electron-ion collider in China

Anderle, Daniele P. ; Bertone, Valerio ; Cao, Xu ; Chang, Lei ; Chang, Ningbo ; Chen, Gu ; Chen, Xurong ; Chen, Zhuojun ; Cui, Zhufang ; Dai, Lingyun ; Deng, Weitian ; Ding, Minghui ; Feng, Xu ; Gong, Chang ; Gui, Longcheng ; Guo, Feng-Kun ; Han, Chengdong ; He, Jun ; Hou, Tie-Jiun ; Huang, Hongxia ; Huang, Yin ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Kaptari, L. P. ; Li, Demin ; Li, Hengne ; Li, Minxiang ; Li, Xueqian ; Liang, Yutie ; Liang, Zuotang ; Liu, Chen ; Liu, Chuan ; Liu, Guoming ; Liu, Jie ; Liu, Liuming ; Liu, Xiang ; Liu, Tianbo ; Luo, Xiaofeng ; Lyu, Zhun ; Ma, Boqiang ; Ma, Fu ; Ma, Jianping ; Ma, Yugang ; Mao, Lijun ; Mezrag, Cédric ; Moutarde, Hervé ; Ping, Jialun ; Qin, Sixue ; Ren, Hang ; Roberts, Craig D. ; Rojo, Juan ; Shen, Guodong ; Shi, Chao ; Song, Qintao ; Sun, Hao ; Sznajder, Paweł ; Wang, Enke ; Wang, Fan ; Wang, Qian ; Wang, Rong ; Wang, Ruiru ; Wang, Taofeng ; Wang, Wei ; Wang, Xiaoyu ; Wang, Xiaoyun ; Wu, Jiajun ; Wu, Xinggang ; Xia, Lei ; Xiao, Bowen ; Xiao, Guoqing ; Xie, Ju-Jun ; Xie, Yaping ; Xing, Hongxi ; Xu, Hushan ; Xu, Nu ; Xu, Shusheng ; Yan, Mengshi ; Yan, Wenbiao ; Yan, Wencheng ; Yan, Xinhu ; Yang, Jiancheng ; Yang, Yi-Bo ; Yang, Zhi ; Yao, Deliang ; Ye, Zhihong ; Yin, Peilin ; Yuan, C.-P. ; Zhan, Wenlong ; Zhang, Jianhui ; Zhang, Jinlong ; Zhang, Pengming ; Zhang, Yifei ; Chang, Chao-Hsi ; Zhang, Zhenyu ; Zhao, Hongwei ; Chao, Kuang-Ta ; Zhao, Qiang ; Zhao, Yuxiang ; Zhao, Zhengguo ; Zheng, Liang ; Zhou, Jian ; Zhou, Xiang ; Zhou, Xiaorong ; Zou, Bingsong ; Zou, Liping
Frontiers of Physics

Ivica Picek, istaknuti hrvatski teorijski fizičar

Kumerički, Krešimir
Matematičko fizički list

Separation of Quark Flavors Using Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Data

Čuić, Marija ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Schäfer, Andreas
Physical review letters

Measurability of pressure inside the proton

Kumerički, Krešimir

Renormalizable SU(5) completions of a Zee-type neutrino mass model

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Mede, Timon ; Picek, Ivica
Physical review. D

Nucleon and Nuclear Structure Through Dilepton Production

Anikin, I.V. ; Baltzell, N. ; Boer, M. ; Boussarie, R. ; Braun, V.M. ; Brodsky, S.J. ; Camsonne, A. ; Chang, W.C. ; Colaneri, L. ; Dobbs, S. ; Efremov, A.V. ; Gnanvo, K. ; Gryniuk, O. ; Guidal, M. ; Guzey, V. ; Hyde, C.E. ; Ilieva, Y. ; Joosten, S. ; Kroll, P. ; Kumerički, K. ; Meziani, Z.-E. ; Müller, D. ; Semenov-Tian- Shansky, K.M. ; Stepanyan, S. ; Szymanowski, L. ; Tadevosyan, V. ; Teryaev, O.V. ; Vanderhaeghen, M. ; Voutier, E. ; Wagner, J. ; Weiss, C. ; Zhao, Z.W.
Acta physica Polonica. B

Extended Higgs Sectors in Radiative Neutrino Models

Antipin, Oleg ; Čuljak, Petar ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Physics letters. B

GPD phenomenology and DVCS fitting - Entering the high-precision era

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Liuti, Simonetta ; Moutarde, Herve
European physical journal A : hadrons and nuclei

Description and interpretation of DVCS measurements

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter

Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier - Understanding the glue that binds us all

Acardi, A. ; ... ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; ... ; Zheng, L.
European physical journal A : hadrons and nuclei

Radiative neutrino models in light of diphoton signals

Antipin, Oleg ; Čuljak, Petar ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica

GPDs and Fitting Procedures for DVCS

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter

Scotogenic RνMDM at three-loop level

Čuljak, Petar ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Physics letters. B

Some news about GPDs and hard exclusive processes

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter

Fitting Procedures for DVCS

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter

HERMES impact for the access of Compton form factors

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Murray, Morgan
Physics of particles and nuclei

Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at a Proposed High-Luminosity Electron-Ion Collider

Aschenauer, Elke ; Fazio, Salvatore ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter
The Journal of high energy physics

Najnovija mjerenja kozmičkog pozadinskog zračenja

Kumerički, Krešimir
Matematičko fizički list

Neutrino Masses and TeV-scale Particles Testable at the LHC

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica ; Radovčić, Branimir

TeV-scale Seesaw with Quintuplet Fermions

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica ; Radovčić, Branimir
Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology

Parametrizing Compton form factors with neural networks

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Schäfer, Andreas
Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings supplement

Critique of Fermionic R\nuMDM and its Scalar Variants

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica ; Radovčić, Branimir
The Journal of high energy physics

Egzotični teški leptoni, mehanizam njihalice i LHC

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica ; Radovčić, Branimir

Accessing GPDs from experiment --- potential of a high-luminosity EIC ---

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Lautenschlager, Tobias ; Mueller, Dieter ; Passek-Kumerički, Kornelija ; Schaefer, Andreas ; Meskauskas, Mantas

Exotic seesaw-motivated heavy leptons at the LHC

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica ; Radovčić, Branimir
Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology

Neural network generated parametrizations of deeply virtual Compton form factors

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Schäfer, Andreas
The Journal of high energy physics

Exotic Seesaw-Motivated Heavy Leptons at the LHC

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica ; Radovčić, Branimir

The Isgur-Wise Function within a Modified Heavy-Light Chiral Quark Model

Eeg, Jan O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir
Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology

Deeply virtual Compton scattering at small x_B and the access to the GPD H

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter
Nuclear physics. B

A partonic interpretation of DVCS at small x(Bj)

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Passek- Kumerički, Kornelija

Deeply virtual Compton scattering at small x(Bj)

Müller, Dieter ; Kumerički, Krešimir
Modern physics letters A

Fitting DVCS amplitude in moment-space approach to GPDs

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Passek- Kumerički, Kornelija

Božja čestica – je li znanost nova religija?

Pećnjak, Davor ; Krešimir Kumerički ; Berčić, Boran ; Brian Cox

GPD sum rules : A Tool to reveal the quark angular momentum

Müller, Dieter ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Passek- Kumerički, Kornelija

Zašto je voda prozirna? - Uvod u antropsko načelo

Kumerički, Krešimir
Priroda (Zagreb)

New Dipole Penguin Contribution to K ---> pi pi decays

Eeg, Jan O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Physics letters. B

Sum rules and dualities for generalized parton distributions : is there a holographic principle?

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Passek-Kumerički, Kornelija
European physical journal C : particles and fields

Towards a fitting procedure for deeply virtual Compton scattering at next-to-leading order and beyond

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Passek- Kumerički, Kornelija
Nuclear physics. B

Fitting DVCS at NLO and beyond

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Passek- Kumerički, Kornelija

Deeply virtual Compton scattering beyond next-to- leading order : The flavor singlet case

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Müller, Dieter ; Passek- Kumerički, Kornelija ; Schäfer, Andreas
Physics letters. B

Soft gluon contributions to the B --> K eta' amplitude in a low energy bosonization model

Eeg, Jan O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics

On the Singlet Penguin in B --> K eta' Decay

Eeg, Jan Olav ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica

On the instanton-induced portion of the nucleon strangeness II: the MIT model beyond the linearized approximation

Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Mekterović, Darko ; Podobnik, Boris
European physical journal C : particles and fields

On distinguishing non-standard interactions from radiative corrections in neutrino-electron scattering

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Journal of physics. G, Nuclear and particle physics

On the Short Distance Part of the QCD Anomaly Contribution to the b->s eta' Amplitude

Eeg, Jan O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Physics letters. B

Nova mjerenja kozmičkog pozadinskog zračenja

Kumerički, Krešimir
Matematičko fizički list

On Selected Radiative Corrections to Nondiagonal Neutrino-Electron Interaction

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings supplement

Radiatively Induced Conversions of Massive Neutrinos

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica

Putovanje kroz vrijeme

Kumerički, Krešimir

Gustoća i budućnost svemira

Kumerički, Krešimir
Matematičko fizički list

On the instanton induced nucleon strangeness

Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Melić, Blaženka ; Picek, Ivica

The double radiative annihilation of the heavy-light fermion bound states

Eeg, J.O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Fizika B

Bound-state effects in mu+ e- -> gamma gamma and anti-B0(s) -> gamma gamma decays

Eeg, Jan O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
European physical journal C : particles and fields

Fizika svemira

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica

Nucleon strangeness as a response to a strangeness-sensitive probe in a class of hadron models

Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Melić, Blaženka ; Picek, Ivica
Fizika B

On the instanton-induced portion of the nucleon strangeness

Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Melić, Blaženka ; Picek, Ivica
European physical journal C : particles and fields

Proton strangeness induced by instantons

Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Melić, Blaženka ; Picek, Ivica
Czechoslovak journal of physics

Long vs. short distance dispersive two-photon K_L o mu^+ mu^- amplitude

Eeg, J.O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Fizika B

On the dispersive two-photon K_L -> mu^+ mu^- amplitude

Eeg, Jan O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
European physical journal C : particles and fields

Rare decays of K mesons

Kumerički, Krešimir

Short comment on the K_L -> mu^+ mu^- amplitude

Eeg, J.O. ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica

Quark off-shell contributions to KL→γγ in a bound-state approach

Kekez, Dalibor ; Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Physics letters. B

Chiral anomaly route to the K(L) ---> pi+ pi- gamma decay

Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Fizika B

Quark off-shell contributions to KL → γγ in a bound-state approach

Kekez, Dalibor ; Klabučar, Dubravko ; Kumerički, Krešimir ; Picek, Ivica
Physics letters. B

Elektroslabi fotonski raspadi mezona

Kumerički, Krešimir
More information about publications

List of select projects

  • STRONG-H2020  - The strong interactions at the frontier of knowledge (EU Horizon 2020, 2019-2024, voditelj radnog paketa za fiziku generaliziranih partonskih distribucija)
  • MIAU - Matter and Interactions at Accelerators and in Universe (HRZZ, 2014-2018, voditelj)
  • Revealing generalized parton distributions (DFG, 2008-2011, glavni istraživač s M. Polyakov)
  • HadronPhysics3 - Study of strongly interacting matter (FP7-INFRASTRUCTURE 2012-2015, koordinator za PMF)