About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Maja Planinić

Title: Associate Professor
Function:Head of Physics Education Group
Location: 324
Public phone number:385 1 4605570
Internal phone number:5570
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maja-Planinic
Official web page URL: https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/phy/en/zavodi/zef/physics_education
Department: Physics Department
Graduation year:1988
mr.sc. graduation year:1994
PhD graduation year:2005
Employed in this institution since:1991


integrated undergraduate and graduate

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Effect of an inquiry-based teaching sequence on secondary school students’ understanding of wave optics

Planinić, Maja; Jeličić, Katarina; Matejak Cvenić, Karolina; Sušac, Ana; Ivanjek, Lana
Physical review. Physics education research

University students’ recognition of typical wave optics patterns

Sušac, Ana; Küchemann, Stefan; Planinić, Maja; Kuhn, Jochen
European journal of physics

Effect of representation format on conceptual question performance and eye-tracking measures

Sušac, Ana; Planinić, Maja; Bubić, Andreja; Jeličić, Katarina ; Palmović, Marijan
Physical review. Physics education research

Linking information from multiple representations: an eye-tracking study

Sušac, Ana; Planinić, Maja; Bubić, Andreja; Jeličić, Katarina ; Palmović, Marijan
Frontiers in education

Probing high school students’ understanding of interference and diffraction of light using standard wave optics experiments

Matejak Cvenić, Karolina; Ivanjek, Lana; Planinić, Maja; Jeličić, Katarina; Sušac, Ana; Hopf, Martin; Cindric Brkic, Mateja
Physical review. Physics education research


Ivanjek, Lana; Planinić, Maja; Sušac, Ana

Development and validation of the Conceptual Survey on Wave Optics

Matejak Cvenić, Karolina ; Planinić, Maja ; Sušac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Hopf, Martin
Physical review. Physics education research

Measuring Scientific Reasoning Using the LCTSR

Planinic, Maja ; Susac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Jelicic, Katarina ; Cvenic, Karolina Matejak

Role of representations on students' answers to conceptual questions

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Bubić, Andreja ; Palmović, Marijan

Students’ Understanding of Diagrams in Different Contexts: Comparison of Eye Movements Between Physicists and Non-physicists Using Eye-Tracking

Klein, Pascal ; Küchemann, Stefan ; Sušac, Ana ; Karabulut, Alpay ; Bubić, Andrea ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan ; Kuhn, Jochen

Effect of students’ investigative experiments on students’ recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study

Susac, Ana ; Planinic, Maja ; Bubic, Andreja ; Jelicic, Katarina ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Matejak Cvenic, Karolina ; Palmovic, Marijan
Physical review. Physics education research

Učinak istraživačkih učeničkih pokusa na prepoznavanje interferencijskih i ogibnih uzoraka

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Bubić, Andreja ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Matejak Cvenić, Karolina ; Palmović, Marijan

The effect of pupils’ investigative experiments on their recognition of interference and diffraction patterns

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Bubić, Andreja ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Matejak Cvenić, Karolina ; Palmović, Marijan

Analyzing high school students’ reasoning about polarization of light

Matejak Cvenić, Karolina ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Planinić, Maja ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Sušac, Ana ; Hopf, Martin
Physical review. Physics education research

Student recognition of wave optics patterns explored by eye tracking

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Bubić, Andreja ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Matejak Cvenić, Karolina ; Palmović, Marijan

Probing student understanding of spectra through the use of a typical experiment used in teaching introductory modern physics

Ivanjek, Lana ; Shaffer, Peter ; Planinić, Maja ; McDermott, Lillian
Physical review. Physics education research

Student recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Bubić, Andreja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Palmović, Marijan
Physical review. Physics education research

Oblikovanje i priprema istraživački usmjerenog nastavnog sata

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinić, Maja ; Sušac, Ana ; Matejak Cvenić, Karolina

Testiranje hipoteza u istraživačkim pokusima iz valne optike

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Matejak Cvenić, Karolina

Rasch Analysis in Physics Education Research: Why Measurement Matters

Planinić, Maja ; Boone, William J. ; Sušac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana
Physical review. Physics education research

Comparing Student Understanding of Graphs in Physics and Mathematics

Planinić, Maja ; Sušac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Milin- Šipuš, Željka

Role of diagrams in problem solving: An evaluation of eye-tracking parameters as a measure of visual attention

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Planinić, Maja ; Movre, Marko ; Palmović, Marijan
Physical review. Physics education research

Students' strategies in simple equation solving: insights from developmental and eye-tracking studies

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Planinić, Maja ; Vrbanc, Andrija, Kaponja, Jurica ; Palmović, Marijan

Physics and non-physics students' understanding of graphs: An eye-tracking study

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Kazotti, Elizabeta ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan

Using eye tracking in studying physics problem solving

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan

Demonstracijski intervjui iz valne optike

Matejak Cvenić, Karolina ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Planinić, Maja ; Jeličić, Katarina ; Sušac, Ana

Using the Rasch model to analyze the test of understanding of vectors

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Klemenčić, Damjan ; Milin Šipuš, Željka
Physical review. Physics education research

Student understanding of graph slope and area under a graph: A comparison of physics and nonphysics students

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Kazotti, Elizabeta ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan
Physical review. Physics education research

Development of formal operations in primary and secondary school pupils: solving simple equations

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Vrbanc, Andrija ; Planinić, Maja

Pion-kaon femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV measured with ALICE

Pandey, AK ; ... ; Antičić, Tome ; Jerčić, M. ; Planinić, M. ; Poljak, N. ; Utorbičić, A. ; Erhardt, F. ; Gotovac, S. ; Lončar, P. ; Mudnić, E. ; Vicković, L. ; ... ; Zou, S
Nuclear physics. A

Analyzing high school students’ reasoning about electromagnetic induction

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinić, Maja ; Planinšič, Gorazd
Physical review. Physics education research

Graphical representations of data improve student understanding of measurement and uncertainty: An eye-tracking study

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Martinjak, Petra ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan
Physical review. Physics education research

Student difficulties with graphs in different contexts

Ivanjek, Lana ; Planinić, Maja ; Hopf, Martin ; Sušac, Ana

Prijedlog Nacionalnog kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Fizika - Studeni 2017

Aviani, Ivica ; Dukić, Ines ; Erceg, Nataša ; Glunčić, Matko ; Halusek, Vlado ; Hrlec, Anica ; Jakopović, Željko ; Jalušić, Anđelka ; Kliček, Damir ; Martinko, Sanja ; Planinić, Maja

Student understanding of graphs in physics and mathematics

Planinić, Maja ; Sušac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka

Student reasoning about graphs in different contexts

Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka ; Andrašević, Aneta
Physical review special topics. Physics education research

Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory spectroscopy. Part I: Identifying student difficulties with atomic emission spectra

Ivanjek, Lana ; Shaffer, Peter S. ; McDermott, Lillian C. ; Planinic, Maja ; Veža, Damir
American journal of physics

Eye movements reveal students' strategies in simple equation solving

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Kaponja, Jurica ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan

Student understanding of physical measurement

Sušac, Ana ; Martinjak, Petra ; Planinić, Maja ; Bubić, Andreja ; Palmović, Marijan

Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory spectroscopy. Part II: Addressing student difficulties with atomic emission spectra

Ivanjek, Lana ; Shaffer, Peter ; McDermott, Lillian ; Planinić, Maja ; Veža, Damir
American journal of physics

Student difficulties with electromagnetic induction and analysis of a research instrument

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinić, Maja ; Planinšič, Gorazd

Učeničke poteškoće s elektromagnetskom induckijom

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinić, Maja ; Planinšič, Gorazd

Eye movements reveal students' strategies in simple equation solving

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Kaponja, Jurica ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Development of abstract mathematical reasoning: the case of algebra

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Vrbanc, Andrija ; Planinić, Maja
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Using eyetracking for studying picture and graph comprehension

Bubić, Andreja ; Sušac, Ana ; Movre, Marko ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan

Što možemo doznati iz grafova?(radionica)

Ivanjek, Lana ; Planinić, Maja ; Prohaska, Tea

Transfer znanja: Grafovi u različitim kontekstima

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka

Istraživanje studentskog razumijevanja spektara

Ivanjek, Lana ; Planinić, Maja

Konstrukcija školskih testova iz fizike (radionica)

Planinić, Maja ; Sušac, Ana

Measuring eye movements during simple equation solving

Sušac, Ana ; Bubić, Andreja ; Kaponja, Jurica ; Vrbanc, Andrija ; Planinić, Maja ; Palmović, Marijan

High-Resolution EEG Analysis of Power Spectral Density Maps and Coherence Networks in a Proportional Reasoning Task

Vecchiato, Giovanni ; Sušac, Ana ; Margeti, Stavroula ; Supek, Selma ; Planinić, Maja ; Babiloni, Fabio
Brain topography

Comparison of university students' understanding of graphs in different contexts

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka
Physical review special topics. Physics education research

Analiza učeničkih mentalnih modela u elektromagnetizmu

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinšič, Gorazd ; Planinić, Maja

An investigation of university students' understanding of graphs in different contexts

Planinic, Maja ; Milin Šipuš, Željka ; Sušac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana

Educational Neuroscience and Physics Teaching and Learning

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana

Comparison of students' understanding of graphs in mathematics, physics and other contexts

Planinić, Maja ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka ; Sušac, Ana ; Ivanjek, Lana

Comparison of student understanding of line graph slope in physics and mathematics

Planinić, Maja ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka ; Katić, Helena ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Identifying student difficulties with atomic spectra

Ivanjek, Lana ; McDermott, Lillian ; Shaffer, P. ; Planinic, Maja

Research on students’ reasoning in electromagnetism

Jeličić, Katarina : Planinšič, Gorazd ; Planinić, Maja

Educational Neuroscience and Physics Teaching and Learning

Sušac, Ana ; Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana

Analyzing students' reasoning in electromagnetism

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinšič, Gorazd, Planinić, Maja

A slightly different approach to energy

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana

Istraživanje studentskog razumijevanja spektara

Ivanjek, Lana ; Planinić, Maja

Određivanje induciranog napona žičanih petlji

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinšič, Gorazd ; Planinić, Maja

A novel approach to determining induced voltage

Jeličić, Katarina ; Planinšič, Gorazd ; Planinić, Maja

Measurement in physics education research with the Rasch model

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana

The change of the brain activity during balance scale task solving

Vecchiato, Giovanni ; Sušac, Ana ; Margeti, Stavroula ; Supek, Selma ; Planinić, Maja ; Babiloni, Fabio

The Rasch model based analysis of the Force Concept Inventory

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana
Physical review special topics. Physics education research

Preliminary investigation of student understanding of spectra

Ivanjek, Lana ; McDermott, Lillian C. ; Shaffer, Peter ; Planinić, Maja

Usporedba učeničkog razumijevanja grafova u matematici i fizici

Milin Šipuš, Željka ; Planinić, Maja

Usporedba učeničkog razumijevanja grafova u matematici i fizici

Katić, Helena ; Planinić, Maja ; Milin Šipuš, Željka

Primjena osnovnih matematičkih koncepata i vještina u kontekstu fizike

Milin-Šipuš, Željka ; Planinić, Maja

Large-scale research on Croatian high school students' conceptual understanding in mechanics

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Pećina, Planinka ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Planinić, Mirko ; Jakopović, Željko ; Halusek, Vlado

Nacionalno istraživanje konceptualnog razumijevanja mehanike na populaciji gimnazijskih maturanata

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Pećina, Planinka ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Planinić, Mirko ; Jakopović, Željko ; Halusek, Vlado

Analiza FCI testa

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana

Kako se riješiti krivih predodžbi u fizici

Planinić, Maja
Priroda (Zagreb)

Conceptual change requires insight and intervention

Planinić, Maja
Physics education

Large-scale research on Croatian high school students' conceptual understanding in mechanics

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Pećina, Planinka ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Planinić, Mirko ; Jakopović, Željko ; Halusek, Vlado

Konceptualno razumijevanje mehanike kod hrvatskih gimnazijskih maturanata

Planinić, Maja ; Ivanjek, Lana ; Sušac, Ana ; Pećina, Planinka ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Planinić, Mirko ; Jakopović, Željko ; Halusek, Vlado

Primjena Raschovog modela na analizu razredbenih ispita

Bombardelli, Mea ; Ilišević, Dijana ; Milin-Šipuš, Željka ; Planinić, Maja
Poučak : časopis za metodiku i nastavu matematike

Exploring Alternative Conceptions From Newtonian Dynamics and Simple DC Circuits: Links Between Item Difficulty and Item Confidence

Planinić, Maja ; Boone, William J. ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Beilfuss, Meredith
Journal of research in science teaching

Overview and comparison of basic teaching techniques that promote conceptual change in students

Planinić, Maja ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Pećina, Planinka ; Sušac, Ana

Kako nastaje uzgon

Planinić, Maja
Matematičko fizički list

Some Open Problems in Education of Prospective Physics Teachers

Krsnik, Rudolf ; Planinić, Maja ; Pećina, Planinka ; Sušac, Ana

Some open problems in education of prospective physics teachers

Krsnik, Rudolf ; Planinić, Maja ; Pećina, Planinka ; Sušac, Ana

Razvoj formalnog mišljenja i fizika

Krsnik, Rudolf ; Pećina, Planinka ; Planinić, Maja

What fraction of pupils really reach the stage of formal thinker in physics?

Krsnik, Rudolf ; Pećina, Planinka ; Planinić, Maja ; Sušac, Ana ; Buljan, Ivica

Usvojenost nekih temeljnih fizikalnih ideja kod gimnazijalaca i studenata

Planinić, Maja ; Krsnik, Rudolf ; Pećina, Planinika

Problems in the process of construstivist curriculum implementation

Krsnik, Rudolf ; Pećina, Planinka ; Planinić, Maja.

Mjerenje magnetske komponente elektrosmoga

Planinić, Maja
Matematičko fizički list za učenike srednjih škola

Velike fizičarke dvadesetog stoljeća

Planinić, Maja
Matematičko fizički list za učenike srednjih škola

Mjerenje električne komponente elektrosmoga

Planinić, Maja
Matematičko fizički list za učenike srednjih škola

An abundance analysis for Vega: Is it a Lambda Boo star?

Ilijić, Saša ; Rosandić, Mirjana ; Dominis, Dijana ; Planinić, Maja ; Pavlovski, Krešimir
Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso

CD kao optička rešetka

Planinić, Maja
Matematičko fizički list za učenike srednjih škola

In quest of the secondary in the optical spectrum of the interacting binary V 367 Cygni

Schneider, H. ; Pavlovski, Krešimir ; Planinić, Maja ; Ivezić, Željko
Astronomy & astrophysics

Brownovo gibanje i priča o atomima

Planinić, Maja
Matematičko fizički list za učenike srednjih škola
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