Zvanje: | redoviti profesor u trajnom izboru |
Lokacija: | 226 |
Telefon: | 4605551 |
Telefon kućni: | 5551 |
E-mail: | |
Zavod/služba: | Zavod za eksperimentalnu fiziku |
Godina diplomiranja: | 1985. |
Godina magistriranja: | 1988. |
Godina doktoriranja: | 1991. |
Na zavodu od: | 1985. |
integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski
Rođen sam u Gundincima 29. srpnja 1961. Osnovnu i srednju školu sam pohađao i završio u Gundincima i Slavonskom Brodu. Dodiplomski studij, smjer dipl. inž. fizike, na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu upisao sam 1981. godine. Diplomirao sam 11. studenog 1985. radom "Izrada amorfnih slitina", uz mentorstvo prof. dr. sc. Borana Leontića. Prosjek ocjena dodiplomskog studija bio mi je 4.8.
5. travnja 1986. godine zaposlen sam na Fizičkom odsjeku Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na mjestu znanstvenog novaka, te sam od tada bio uključen u niz znanstvenih i nastavnih aktivnosti u navedenoj ustanovi.
Poslijediplomski studij fizike čvrstog stanja upisao sam u siječnju 1986. Prosjek ocjena poslijediplomskog studija bio mi je 4.8.
8. studenog 1988. magistrirao sam radom "Ispitivanje magnetskih i transportnih svojstava amorfnih metalnih sistema /4d-3d/-H", uz mentorstvo prof. dr. sc. Borana Leontića.
Doktorirao sam 5. ožujka 1991. disertacijom pod naslovom "Kvantna interferencija i elektron-elektron interakcija u nekim neuređenim vodičima", uzmentorstvo prof. dr. sc. Borana Leontića. U zvanje viši asistent na Fizičkom odsjeku PMF-a izabran sam 1.7. 1994. godine.
Od 5. travnja 1986. zaposlen sam u Fizičkom zavodu.
1991. sudjelovao u Domovinskom ratu u postrojbama Zbora narodne garde i Hrvatske vojske
29. rujna 1997. izabran sam u zvanje Docenta.
17. listopada 2002. ponovo sam izabran u zvanje Docenta.
22. studeni 2007. izabran sam u zvanje izvaredni professor.
13. studeni 2018. izabran sam u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje redovitog profesora
01. listopada 2010.- 2013. pomoćnik sam pročelnika za investicijsko održavanje
Pretraži Hrvatsku znanstvenu bibliografiju – CRORIS
1. B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, P.Dubček, I.Kokanović: Magnetoresistance of hydrogen-doped Zr2Ni metallic glass, Phys.Rev.Lett. 58 (1987) 1479.
2. P.Dubček, I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Electronic properties and localization effects in some hydrogen-doped 4d-3d metallic glasses, Mater. Sci. and Engineering 99 (1988) 191.
3. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Evidence for electron-electron interaction and localization effects in the magnetic susceptibility of hydrogen-doped Zr-Ni metallic glass, Solid State Commun. 69 (1989) 447.
4. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Magnetic susceptibility of hydrogen-doped 4d-3d metallic glasses, Fizika 21, Suppl.1 (1989) 206.
5. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Weak-localization and Coulomb-interaction effects in hydrogen-doped Zr-Ni and Zr-Cu metallic glasses, Phys.Rev.B 41 (1990) 958.
6. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, J.Ivkov: Hall effect in Zr-Ni and Zr-Cu metallic glasses doped with hydrogen, Phys.Rev.B 42 (1990) 11 587.
7. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Reply to the “Comment on the “Weak-localization and Coulomb-interaction effects in hydrogen-doped Zr-Ni and Zr-Cu metallic glasses,” Phys.Rev.B 45 (1992) 5 070.
8. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: The use of hydrogen as a probe to study quantum interference at defects in metallic glasses, Fizika A1, (I. Supek Memorial volume) (1992) 49.
9. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Influence of localization and electron-electron interaction on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr-3d metallic glasses, Jour. of Non-Cryst. Solids 156-158 (1993) 352.
10. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Hydrogen-induced degradation of the superconducting transition temperature in Zr-Ni and Zr-Cu metallic glasses,” Phys.Rev.B 47 (1993) 2764.
11. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, Ž.Marohnić, S.Rešetić: The electrical resistivity of hydrogen-doped Zr-Co metallic glasses, Jour. of Non-Cryst. Solids 185 (1995) 163.
12. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Influence of hydrogen on the superconducting and the paramagnetic properties of some Zr-3d metallic glasses, Fizika (M.Paić Memorial volume) (1995) 615.
13. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, S.Rešetić, Er.Girt: Hydrogen-induced changes in temperature dependence of the resistivity in Zr-Fe metallic glasses, Solid State Commun. 94 (1995) 217.
14. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: The resistivity and the magnetoresistivity of hydrogen-doped Zr67 Co33 metallic glass, Jour. of Non-Cryst. Solids 205-207 (1996) 673.
15. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela, M. Basletić, A. Hamzić: Magnetic field dependence of the resistivity in hydrogen-doped Zr-Fe metallic glass, Mater. Sci. and Engineering A226-228 (1997) 706.
16. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela, D. Dujmić, M. Jakšić: Evaluation of effects of nanoscale inhomogeneities on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr-Co metallic glasses, Fizika A6 (1997) 33.
17. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela. K. Zadro: The magnetic susceptibility of hydrogen-doped Zr67Co33 metallic glasses, JMMM 188 (1998) 138.
18. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, I Kušević: Transport properties of hydrogen-doped (Zr80Fe20)1-xHx metallic glass, Jour. of Non-Cryst. Solids 250-252 (1999) 795.
19. I.Kokanović, J.Lukatela: Electronic properties of hydrogen-doped (Zr803d20)1-xHx (3d = Fe, Co, Ni) metallic glasses, Fizika A (1999) 113.
20. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Hydrogen-induced changes in magnetic susceptibility of (Zr68Fe32)1-xHx metallic glasses, Phys. Rev. B 60, (1999) 7440.
21. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, A. Tonejc: The effect of absorbed hydrogen on the chemical short-range order in Zr68Fe32 metallic glass, Jour. of Met. and Nan. Materials 8, (2000) 744.
22. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: The influence of hydrogen on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr80Co20 metallic glasses, Physica B 244-288 (2000) 1970.
23. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela: The magnetic susceptibility (Zr80Fe20)1-xHx metallic glass, JMMM 236 (2001) 42.
24. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela: The magnetic susceptibility (Zr80Co20)1-xHx metallic glasses, Fizika A 10 (2001) 113.
25. Z. Mickovic, B. Leontic, I. Kokanović and D. Babic,Properties of theConducting Polymer Polyaniline, Proceedings of 6th Congress of the HK CIGRE Committee, Cavtat 2003;
26. I. Kokanović, A. Tonejc, Structure and crystallization of the partially crystalline Zr76Ni24 metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering A 373 (2004) 26-32.
27. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela, A.Tonejc, The effect of thermal -relaxation on the short-range order in Zr80Co20 metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering A, structural materials properties, microstructure and processing 375-377 (2004) ; 688-692
28. I. Kokanović, A. Tonejc, Influence of hydrogen dopant on the structure and crystallization of the partially crystalline Zr76Ni24 metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 371 (2004) 1-9.
29. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Transport properties of hydrogen-doped (Zr803d20)1-xHx (3d=Co, Ni) metallic glass, Physica Status Solidi B. 241 (2004) 908-915.
30. I. Kokanović, A. Tonejc,The effect of the thermal relaxation of the short-range order in melt-quenched Zr-Co and Zr-Ni alloys, Properties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors / Idzikowski, Bogdan ; Švec, Peter ; Miglierini, Marcel (ed.). Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2005) 353-362.,
31. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Superconducting properties of thermaly-relaxed Zr80Co20 metallic glasses Fizika A. 15 (2006) 17-24.
32. I. Kokanović: Effect of disorder on the electrical resistivity in the partially crystalline Zr76Ni24 metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,421 (2006) 12-18.
33. I. Kokanović: Effect of heat treatment on various physical properties in Zr80Ni20 metallic glass, Physica Status Solidi A, 203 (2006) 2029-2036.
34. I. Kokanović, J. Cooper, S. Naqib, R. Islam, R.A. Chakalov, Effect of Zn substitution on the normal state magnetoresistivity of epitaxial Y0.95Ca0.05Ba2(Cu{1-x}Znx)3Oy and Y0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3Oy. Physical Review B. 73, (2006.) 184509-7.
35. A. Helzel, I. Kokanovic, D. Babic, L. V. Litvin, F. Rohlfing, F. Otto, C. Suergers and C. Strunk, Nonlocal Vortex Motion in Mesoscopic Amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3 Structures, Phy. Rev. B 74, (2006) 220510(R).
36. I. Kokanović, A. Helzel, D. Babić, C. Suergers and C. Strunk, Effect of vortex-core size on the flux lattice in a mesoscopic superconducting strip, Phy. Rev. B 77, (2008) 172504.
37.M. Novak, I. Kokanović, D. Babić, M. Baćani, A. Tonejc (2007.), Variable-range-hopping 1/2, 2/5 and 1/4 in HCl-doped polyaniline pelets, Synthetic Met. 159 (2009) ; 649-653. doi:10.1016/j.synthmet.2008.12.010
38. Baćani, Mirko; Babić, Dinko; Novak, Mario; Kokanović, Ivan; Fazinić, Stjepko.Equilibrium doping of polyaniline by dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. // Synthetic metals. 159 (2009) ; 2584-2589 (članak, znanstveni).
39. Kokanović, Ivan. The magnetic susceptibility of hydrogen-doped partially crystalline (Zr76Ni24)1-xHx metallic glasses. // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 321 (2009) , 13; 1985-1989 (članak, znanstveni).
40. Kokanović, Ivan. Influence of hydrogen doping on the electrical resistivity of partially crystalline Zr76Ni24 metallic glass. // Journal of alloys and compounds. 481 (2009) ; 22-27 (članak, znanstveni).
41. Kokanović, Ivan; Cooper, Robert, John; Matusiak, Marcin, Nernst effect of epitaxial Y0.95Ca0.05Ba2(Cu1-xZnx)3Oy and Y0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3Oy films. // Physical Review Letters. 102 (2009) ; 187002-1-187002-4 (članak, znanstveni).
42. Matusiak, Marcin; Naqib, Saleh; Kokanović, Ivan; Cooper, John Robert.Influence of the pseudogap on the Nernst coefficient of Y(0.9)Ca(0.1)Ba(2)Cu(3)O(y). // Europhysics Letters (EPL). 86 (2009) , 1; 17005-1-17005-5 (članak, znanstveni).
43. Babić, Dinko; Baćani, Mirko; Novak, Mario; Kokanović, Ivan. New aspects of variable- range-hopping conductivity in doped polyaniline. // Croatica chemica acta. 83 (2010) , 1; 1-5 (članak, znanstveni).
44. Novak, Mario; Kokanović, Ivan; Babić, Dinko; Baćani, Mirko. Influence of disorder on transport and magnetic properties of HCl-doped polyaniline pellets. // Journal of non-crystalline solids. 356 (2010) ; 1725-1729 (članak, znanstveni).
45. Novak, Mario; Kokanovć, Ivan; Baćani, Mirko; Babić, Dinko.
Interplay of Curie-type and Pauli-type magnetic susceptibilities in HCl-doped polyaniline pellets. // European physical journal B : condensed matter physics. 83 (2011) , 1; 57-61 (članak, znanstveni).
46. Sutherland; Mike, Hills; Dan, Tan; B., Altarawneh; M. M., Harrison; N., Gillet; J., O’Farrell; E., Goh1; S., Bensemann; T., Kokanović; Ivan, Syers; P., Cooper; J.R., Suchitra;E. Sebastian; Evidence for Dirac Nodes from Quantum Oscillations in SrFe2As2. // Physical review B - Rapid communications. 84 (2011) ; 180506-1-180506-4 (članak, znanstveni).
47. Kokanović, Ivan; Cooper, John Robert, Kazumasa Iida, Changes in the in- and out-of-plane magnetic susceptibility of YBCO crystals with temperature and hole contentEurophysics Letters (EPL). (2012) prihvaćen. (članak, znanstveni).
48. M. Novak, Ivan Kokanović, Effects of absorbed hydrogen on the electronic properties of (Zr2Fe)1−xHx metallic glasses, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 24, (2012) 235701. (članak, znanstveni).
49. Kokanović, Ivan; Hills D.J.; Sutherland M.L.; Liang, R.; Cooper, J.R., Diamagnetism of YBa2Cu3O6+x crystals above Tc : evidence for Gaussian fluctuations. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 88 (2013) ; 060505(R)-1-060505(R)-5
50. Bacani, Mirko; Novak, Mario; Kokanović, Ivan; Babić, Dinko.Hopping Electron Transport in Doped Polyaniline : an Experimental Verification of the Fogler- Teber-Shklovskii Model. // Synthetic metals. 172 (2013) ; 28-31
51. Cooper, J.R.; Loram, J.W.; Kokanović, Ivan; Storey, J.G.; Tallon, J.L., Pseudogap in YBa2Cu3O6+δ is not bounded by a line of phase transitions : Thermodynamic evidence. // Physical review B - Rapid communications. 89 (2014) ; 201104-1-201104-5
52. Jing Fei Yu; B. J. Ramshaw; Kokanović, Ivan; K. A. Modic; N. Harrison; James Day; Ruixing Liang; W. N. Hardy; D. A. Bonn; A. McCollam; S. R. Julian; and J. R. Cooper. Magnetization of underdoped YBa 2 Cu 3 O y above the irreversibility field. // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 92 (2015) ; 180509-1(R)-180509_5(R)
53. Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović. Impact of quenched disorder and crystallization on electrical resistivity in Zr67Co33 metallic glass. // Journal of non-crystalline solids. 428 (2015) ; 31-35
54. Kokanović Ivan, Cooper, J. R.Magnetic susceptibility of YBa2Cu3O6+x crystals: Unusual Curie behavior and small contributions from charge density waves, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 94 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075155 Published: AUG 29 2016
55. Orbanić, Filip; Novak, Mario; Baćani, Mirko; Kokanović, Ivan, Quantum oscillations in a lead chalcogenide three-dimensional Dirac system. // Physical review B. 95 (2017) , 3; 035208-1-035208-7
56. Baćani, Mirko; Novak, Mario; Orbanić, Filip; Prša, Krunoslav; Kokanović, Ivan and Babić, Dinko; Interplay of long-range and short-range Coulomb interactions in an Anderson-Mott insulator, Phys. Rev.B 96, 035104 (2017).
57. F Orbanić, M Novak, S Pleslić and Ivan Kokanović, Quantum magnetotransport and de Haas-van Alphen measurements in the three-dimensional Dirac semimetal Pb0.83Sn0.17Se, 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969 012142, 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT) 2018, 28TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (LT28)
58. Bacani, M; Novak, M; Kokanović Ivan; Babic, D, Composites of multiwall carbon nanotubes and conducting polyaniline: Bulk samples and films produced from a solution in chloroform, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, Jul 2019, 19 (7) , pp.775-779
59. Novak, M.; Zhang, S. N.; Orbanic, F.; Kokanović, Ivan; et al. , Highly anisotropic interlayer magnetoresitance in ZrSiS nodal-line Dirac semimetal, PHY. REV. B Volume: 100 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085137 Published: AUG 26 2019.
60. Filip Orbanić, Mario Novak, Zvonko Glumac, A. McCollam, L. Tang, and Ivan Kokanović, Quantum oscillations of the magnetic torque in the nodal-line Dirac semimetal ZrSiS, Phys. Rev. B 103 (2021) 045122,
61. Bruno Gudac, Markus Kriener, Yuriy V. Sharlai, Mihovil Bosnar, Filip Orbanić, Grigorii P. Mikitik, Akio Kimura, Ivan Kokanović and Mario Novak, Nodal-line driven anomalous susceptibility in ZrSiS, Physical Review B 105, L241115 (2022) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L241115
62. Ivan Kokanović and J R Cooper, The in- and out-of-plane magnetisation of highly underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x single crystals, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), 1-7, (2023).(The paper has been accepted by the Conference Editors).
63. Bruno Gudac, Mihovil Bosnar, Filip Orbanić, Trpimir Ivšić, Ivan Kokanović and Mario Novak, In-plane Fermi surface mapping of ZrSiS and HfSiS by de Haas-van Alphen oscillations, SciPost Phys. Proc. 11, 019 (2023).
Pozvana predavanja na međunarodnim institucijama
1. Kokanović, Ivan, Nonlocal Flow of Vortices in Narrow Superconducting Channels, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Njemačka, (2005).
2. Kokanović, Ivan, Effect of Zn substitution on the normal-state magnetoresistivity of epitaxial Y0.95Ca0.05Ba2Cu1−xZnxCu3Oy and Y0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3Oy films, IRS seminars, IRS, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK (2006).
3. Ivan Kokanović, Specific Heat Capacity and Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of High Temperature Superconductors: YBa2Cu3O6+x and Tl2Ba2CuO6+x single crystals QM groups, Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK (2014) .
4. Ivan Kokanović, Dirac and Weyl Semimetals: Synthesis and Characterization, Quantum Matter seminars TCM and QM groups, Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK. (2018).
Pozvana predavanja na međunarodnom skupu
1. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, I Kušević: Transport properties of hydrogen-doped (Zr80Fe20)1-xHx metallic glass, 10th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals, Dortmund, Germany, 1998. Liquid and Amorphous Metals, LAM 10, R. Winter ; U. Koster ; A.C. Barnes (ur.). Amsterdam : North Holland, 1999. 759-799 (Održao predavanje, osobno sam bio pozvan, međunarodna recenzija, objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
2. Kokanović, Ivan; Leontić, Boran; Lukatela, Jagoda,The influence of hydrogen on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr_80Co_20 metallic glasses, 22nd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Helsinki, Finland, 1999. (Osobno sam bio pozvan i održao predavanje) Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2000. 1970-1971 (međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
3. Kokanović, Ivan; Leontić, Boran; Lukatela, Jagoda; Tonejc, Antun. The effect of absorbed hydrogen on the chemical short-range order in Zr68Fe32 metallic glass, Internacional Symposium on Metastable, Mechaniclly Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, Dresden, Germany, 1999. ISMANAM-99. Trans Tech Publications, 2000. 744-750 (Održao predavanje, osobno sam bio pozvan, međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).
4. Kokanović Ivan; Tonejc Antun, The Effect of Thermal Relaxation on the Short-range Order in Melt-quenched Zr-Co and Zr-Ni Alloys// Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) "Properties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys Prepared from Amorphous precursors" / Idzikowski, Bogdan ; Švec, Peter (ur.). Bratislava : Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, Slovakia, (2003) 44.
5. Kokanović Ivan; R. Cooper, John; H. Naqib, Saleh; S.Islam, Raihana; Chakalov, R.A.
Strong and unusual effect of Zn doping on the magnetoresistance of Y1-xCaxBa2Cu 3O7-d Thin Films // 2005 St. Andrews Workshop on Correlated Electrons and Complexity.
St. Andrews, Velika Britanija, (2005) 14.
6. Ivan Kokanović, The in- and out-of-plane magnetization of highly underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x single crystals, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019. Okayama, Japan / Sep.23-28, 2019. (Održao predavanje, osobno sam bio pozvan).
7. Ivan Kokanović, Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials 2021- CMQM 2021, 21.06.2021-23.06.2021, IOP London, UK, (Održao pozvano predavanje, osobno sam bio pozvan). http://cmqm2021.iopconfs.org/home
8.Ivan Kokanović, The 35th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2022) 29.11.2022 - 01.12.2022, Nagoya, Japan, (Održao pozvano predavanje, osobno sam bio pozvan). https://iss2022wlg.jp/,
Sudjelovanje na međunarodnom skupu
1. P.Dubček, I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Electronic properties and localization effects in some hydrogen-doped 4d-3d metallic glasses, 6th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Metals, Montreal, Canada, 1987. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
2. J.Lukatela, B.Leontić, I.Kokanović: The use of hydrogen as a probe to study quantum interference at deffects in metallic glasses, 8th General Conference of the European Physical Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1990. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
3. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Influence of localization and electron-electron interaction on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr-3d metallic glasses, 8th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals, Vienna, Austria, 1992. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
4. J.Lukatela, I.Kokanović, B.Leontić: Influence of localization and electron-electron interaction on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr-(3d-4d) metallic glasses, 13th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS, Regensburg, Germany, 1993. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
5. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, D. Dujmić, M. Jakšić: Evaluation of effects of nanoscale inhomogeneities in hydrogen-doped metallic glasses, ISMANAM-95, Quebec, Canada, 1995. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
6. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the resistivity in hydrogen-doped Zr-Fe metallic glass, ISMANAM-95, Quebec, Canada, 1995. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
7. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: The resistivity and the magnetoresistivity of hydrogen-doped Zr67 Co33 metallic glass, 9th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals, Chicago, USA, 1995. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
8. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela, M. Basletić, A. Hamzić, Magnetic field dependence of the resistivity in hydrogen-doped Zr-Fe metallic glass, 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys Bratislava, Slovakia, 1996. Usmena prezentacija rada
9. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, I Kušević: Transport properties of hydrogen-doped (Zr80Fe20)1-xHx metallic glass, 10th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals, Dortmund, Germany, 1998. Usmena prezentacija rada
10. Ivan Kokanović, R. Cooper, John; H. Naqib, Saleh; S. Islam, Raihana; Chakalov, R. A.
Strong effect of Zn and Ca substitution on a normal state magnetoresistivity of YBCO // IoP Superconductivity Group ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING / Lee, Derek (ur.), Bristol, Velika Britanija, (2005). (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
11. A. Helzel, I. Kokanović, D. Babic and S. Strunk, Nonlocal Vortex Dynamics in Narrow Superconducting Channels, Deutsche Phyisikalische Gesellschaft Fruehjarstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkoerperphysik, Dresden 2006. (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
12. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela: The influence of hydrogen on the superconducting transition temperature in hydrogen-doped Zr80Co20 metallic glasses, 22nd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Helsinki, Finland, 1999. Usmena prezentacija rada
13. I.Kokanović, B.Leontić, J.Lukatela, A. Tonejc: The effect of absorbed hydrogen on the chemical short-range order in Zr68Fe32 metallic glass, Internacional Symposium on Metastable, Mechaniclly Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials, Dresden, Germany, 1999. Usmena prezentacija rada
14. I. Kokanović, B. Leontić, J. Lukatela, A. Tonejc, The Effect of Thermal-Relaxation on the Short-Range Order in Zr80Co20 Metallic Glass, 11th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched Materials and Metastable Alloys Oxford, U. K., 2002. Usmena prezentacija rada
15. Ivan Kokanović, R. Cooper, John; H. Naqib, Saleh; S. Islam, Raihana; Chakalov, R. A.
Effect of Zn substitution on a normal state magnetoresistivity of Y1-yCayBa2(Cu1-xZnx)3O7-d films // IoP Superconductivity Group GENERAL MEETING / Lee, Derek (ur.), Bristol, Velika Britanija, (2005). (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
16. Ivan Kokanović, R. Cooper, John; H. Naqib, Saleh; S. Islam, Raihana; Chakalov, R. A.
Effect of Zn substitution on a normal state magnetoresistivity of Y1-yCayBa2(Cu1-xZnx)3O7-d films // IoP Superconductivity Group GENERAL MEETING / Lee, Derek (ur.), Bristol, Velika Britanija, (2006). (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
17. Douglas Guthrie, Ivan Kokanović and John Cooper, Investigation of temperature power law dependence in the normal state magnetoresistivity of BISCO, IoP GENERAL MEETING, CMMP, Lester, Velika Britanija, (2007). Usmena prezentacija rada
18. Matusiak, Marcin; Naqib, Saleh; Kokanovic, Ivan; R. Cooper, John. Influence of the pseudogap on the Nernst coefficient in Y0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3Oy // Exploring Quantum Matter: Visions and Opportunities Bristol-Cambridge-St Andrews Portfolio Partnership / Mackenzie, Andy (ur.). St Andrews, Scotland, UK, 2007. 14 (poster,sažetak,znanstveni).
19. M. Novak, I. Kokanović, D. Babić, M. Baćani (2008.), Influence of disorder on variable- rang-hopping exponents in HCl-doped polyaniine pellets, AMPERE NMR school, (Poznan/Wierzba 19.- 28.6. 2008), str. 65. Usmena prezentacija rada
20. Cooper, John; Matusiak, Marcin; Kokanović, Ivan; Hills, Daniel; Sutherland, Michael; Benseman, Timothy; Loram, John. Magnetic anisotropy of some cuprate superconductors // Americal Physical Society March Meeting 2010 / David Pine (ur.). Portland, OR, USA : Americal Physical Society, 2010. 1080-1080 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
21. Baćani, Mirko; Novak, Mario; Kokanović, Ivan; Babić, Dinko. Coupling of spin and charge in polyaniline pellets doped with HCl or DBSA // Proceedings of the Second International Symposium: Frontiers in Polymer Science / Bernadette Charleux, Stephen S.Z. Cheng, Jean-François Gérard, Axel H. E. Müller (ur.). Oxford : Elsevier, Oxford, 2011. 95-95 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
22. Sutherland, M.; Hills, D.; Tan, B.; Altarawneh, M.; Harrison, N.; Gillett, J.; Farrell, O’, Goh, S.; Bensemann, T.; Kokanovic, Ivan; Syers, P.; Cooper, J.R.; Sebastian, S.E. Evidence for Dirac-like excitations in SrFe2As2 from Quantum Oscillation Experiments // LT26 The 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, LT26_Booklet / Zhong-Xian Zhao, Li Lu (ur.). Peking, Kina : Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011. 368-368 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
23. Tan, B.; Sutherland, M.; Hills, D.; Altarawneh, M.; Harrison, N.; Gillett, J.; Farrell, O’, Goh, S.; Bensemann, T.; Kokanovic, Ivan; Syers, P.; Cooper, J.R.; Sebastian, S.E. Evidence for quasiparticle excitations from Dirac-type dispersion in SrFe2As2 in quantum oscillation experiments // SCES 2011 - Commemorating 100 Years of Superconductivity / Peter Littlewood, Gil Lonzarich (ur.). Cambridge : Cambridge Publications, 2011. 74-74 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,sažetak,znanstveni).
24. Mirko Baćani, IvanKokanović, Mario Novak, Dinko Babić; Effects of the Coulomb gap on electrical transport and magnetic properties of doped polyaniline// Collaborative Workshop, 28 - 31 March 2012 - Institute of Physics - Zagreb, Croatia.
25. Mario Novak, IvanKokanović; Effects of absorbed hydrogen on transport properties of Zr2Fe metallic glasses// Collaborative Workshop, 28 - 31 March 2012 - Institute of Physics - Zagreb, Croatia.
26. Ivan Kokanović izlaganje na konferenciji 20th International conference on magnetism Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija 5/7/2015-10/7/2015 Barcelona, Španjolska
27. Ivan Kokanović izlaganje na konferenciji The International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija 1/7/2015-4/7/2015 Grenoble, France
28. Mario Novak, Ivan Kokanović, izlaganje na konferenciji The 2015 E-MRS Spring Meeting Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija 11/5/2015-15/5/ 2015 Lille Francuska
29. Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović izlaganje na konferenciji The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija 22/8/2016-26/8/2016 Glasgow, Vel. Britanija
30. Mario Novak, Ivan Kokanović izlaganje na konferenciji The 22nd International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija 24/7/2016-29/7/2016 Sapporo, Japan
31.Mario Novak, Ivan Kokanović; „International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, SCES 2017, July 17 – July 21, 2017
32. Mario Novak, Ivan Kokanović; IUMRS ICAM 2017, 27 August -1 September 2017, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan,
33. Filip Orbanić, Mario Novak, Ivan Kokanović; The 28th InternationalConference on Low Temperature Physics http://www.lt28.se/, August 9-16, 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden
34. Aleksandar Vasiljković, Filip Orbanić, Mario Novak, Ivan Kokanović, F. Malte Grosche, Effects of pressure on the Fermi surface of Cd3As2, DPG Spring Meeting 2018 (Berlin, Germany) 12 March 2018. (Poster presentation).
35. Ivan Kokanović, Filip Orbanić, “Quantum oscillations in Dirac Cd3As2 and nodal line ZrSiS semimetals, EMFL user meeting konferencije, 20.06.2018 - 22.06.2018, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. (Poster presentation).
36.Mario Novak, Filip Orbanić, Nikola Biliškov, Toshihito Osada, Kazuto Uchida, Mitsuyuki Sato, and Ivan Kokanović, Study of nodal-line Dirac semimetal ZrSiS along c-direction by angularmagnetoresistance and mapping of the Q2D Fermi pocket, 23rd International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, 22-27/7/2018, Toulouse, France, (Poster presentation)
37. F. Orbanić, M. Novak, A. McCollam, L. Tang, Ivan Kokanović “Quantum oscillations in Dirac Cd3As2 and nodal line ZrSiS semimetals” 23rd International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics,22-27/7/2018, Toulouse, France, (Poster presentation)
38. Mario Novak, Bruno Gudac, Filip Orbanić , and Ivan Kokanović, „Unusual temperature dependence of quantum oscillations in BiSbTe2S topological insulator“, 6-11/10/2019, ICSFS19, Hirošima, Japan. (Poster presentation).
39. F. Orbanić , M. Novak, B. Gudac, A. McCollam, L. Tang, Ivan Kokanović, Quantum oscillations under the Magnetic breakdown regime in Nodal line semimetals ZrSiS and HfSiS, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019. Okayama, Japan / Sep.23-28, 2019. (Poster presentation).
40. F. Orbanić , M. Novak, B. Gudac, A. McCollam, L. Tang, Ivan Kokanović, Signature of nodal-line crossing in Dirac semimetal ZrSiS, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019. Okayama, Japan / Sep.23-28, 2019. (Poster presentation).
50. F. Orbanić , M. Novak, B. Gudac, A. McCollam, L. Tang, Ivan Kokanović, Magnetic torque anomaly in Dirac semimetal CdDirac Cd3AsAs2, The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS), 26. August 2019 - 30. August 2019 Uppsala, Sweden. (Poster presentation).
51. Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Filip Orbanić, Petar Popčević, Ivan Kokanović, Synthesis, preparation and transport analysis of topological insulators BiSbTeSe2 and BiSbTe2, Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 07 - 11 Dec 2020, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, (Poster presentation).
52 Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović, De Haas-van Alphen oscillations in ZrSiS and HfSiS, ECMetAC Days 2020, online from 7 to 10 December 2020. (Poster presentation).
53. Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović, De Haas van Alphen oscillations in Hfx Zr1- xSiS, ECMetAC Days 2021, online by the University of Split, Croatia, from 6 to 9 December 2021. (Poster presentation).
54 Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović, De Haas van Alphen oscillations in Hfx Zr1- xSiS, From Solid State to BioPhysics X, from June 11th to 18th 2022 in Cavtat, Dubrovnik, (Poster presentation).
55. L. Akšamović, P. Sačer, B. Gudac, L. Malkoč, Ivan Kokanović, M. Novak , Truly colossal negative magnetoresistance in EuCd2As 2 at low temperatures, ECMetAC Days 2022, the University of Split, Faculty of Science, Croatia, from 21st to 24th November 2022. (Poster presentation).
56. Mario Novak, Bruno Gudac, Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović, Unconventional shift of quantum oscillation frequency in BiSbTe2S-Sn by temperature, 28th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technique konferencije 18.05.2022 - 20.05.2022, Crkvenica, (Poster presentation).
57. M. Novak, Markus Kriener, F. Orbanić, B. Gudac, Grigorii P. Mikitik, Yuriy V. Sharlai, and Ivan Kokanović, Nodal-line driven anomalous susceptibility in ZrSiS, The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2022 (SCES 2022), 24.07.2022 - 29.07.2022 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Poster presentation).
58. Bruno Gudac, Mario Novak, Filip Orbanić, Ivan Kokanović, Quantum oscillations in HfxZr1-xSiS, The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2022 (SCES 2022), 24.07.2022 - 29.07.2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Poster presentation).
Znanstveni interes vezan mi je uz eksperimentalnu fiziku čvrstog stanja, prije svega u svezi s transportnim, magnetskim i termodinamičkim pojavama u neuređenim sistemima (metalnim staklima, nanokristalima, tankim filmovima, polimerima) i kristalnim visoko temperaturnim supravodičima.
Član stručnih društava
Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo
1 Voditelj međunarodnog projekta
1. Naziv projekta: Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of High Temperature Superconducters, Projekt Velike Britanije, University of Cambridge.
2. Naziv projekta: Vortex dynamics in NbGe micostructures, Njemački projekt, Voditelj projekta.
3. Naziv projekta: “Specific Heat Capacity and Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of High Temperature Superconductors: YBa2Cu3O6+x and Tl2Ba2CuO6+x single crystals (CapMagHTS)” projekt MARIE CURIE Fellowship kao dio NEWFELPRO EU financiranih projekata. Projekt rađen na PMF, Zagreb i u Velikoj Britaniji, University of Cambridge. Voditelj projekta.
4. Voditelj projekta Ivan Kokanović; Naziv projekta: NMA05-117: The thermodynamic and transport experiments on Landau level splitting in Cd3As2 and TaP single crystals, [Your proposal for magnet time NMA05-117 (HFMLcode: 2017.086) has been rated A- by the EMFL Selection Committee. As a result, we are pleased to inform you that 40 hours of magnet time have now been allocated to your project at HFML. Your project has now been scheduled and you have magnet time allocated between 25-Oct-17 and 31-Oct-17. Due to the high request for magnet time, HFML has now implemented a shift system comprising three separate time slots of 6.5 hours per day (8 hours in the weekend), one in the evening, one during the night or one in the morning. HFML will inform you in advance of your magnet time which slot (evening, night or morning) has been assigned to you. “We acknowledge the support of the HFML, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL)”]
2 Voditelj domaćeg projekta
1.Voditelj poticajnog Projekta MZT RH 119221 "Elektronska svojstva Zr-Fe metalnih stakala"
2. Projekt MZT RH 0119262 "Nanoskopska svojstva odabranih anorganskih i organskih vodiča" 2002.-2006.
3. Projekt MZT RH 119-1191458-1008 "Električna i magnetska svojstva odabranih anorganskih i organskih materijala" 2007.-2014. Voditelj projekta.
4. Projekt HRZZ RH (No. 6216) „Transport, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of selected inorganic and organic materials" 2014.-2018. Voditelj projekta.
5. Naziv projekta: “Specific Heat Capacity and Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of High Temperature Superconductors: YBa2Cu3O6+x and Tl2Ba2CuO6+x single crystals (CapMagHTS)” projekt MARIE CURIE Fellowship kao dio NEWFELPRO EU financiranih projekata. Projekt rađen na PMF, Zagreb i u Velikoj Britaniji, University of Cambridge. Voditelj projekta. 2014-2016.
6. Projekt HRZZ RH (IP-2018-01-No. 8912) „Temeljna elektronska svojstva novih kvantnih materijala:bezmaseni i korelirani fermioni" 2018.-2023. Voditelj projekta.
3 Aktivno sudjelovanje u realizaciji znanstvenih projekata
Projekti MZT RH
1. 1-03-097 (voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Emil Babić) 1986. – 1996.
2. 119203 (voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Boran Leontić) 1996. – 2002.
3. 0119262 (voditelj: doc. dr. sc. Ivan Kokanović) 2002. – 2007.
4. Projekt MZT RH 119-1191458-1008 "Električna i magnetska svojstva odabranih anorganskih i organskih materijala" 2007.-2014. Voditelj projekta.
5. Projekt HRZZ RH (No. 6216) „Transport, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of selected inorganic and organic materials" 2014.-2018. Voditelj projekta.
6. Naziv projekta: “Specific Heat Capacity and Anisotropic Magnetic Properties of High Temperature Superconductors: YBa2Cu3O6+x and Tl2Ba2CuO6+x single crystals (CapMagHTS)” projekt MARIE CURIE Fellowship kao dio NEWFELPRO EU financiranih projekata. Projekt rađen na PMF, Zagreb i u Velikoj Britaniji, University of Cambridge. Voditelj projekta. 2014.-2015.
7. Projekt HRZZ RH (IP-2018-01-No. 8912) „Temeljna elektronska svojstva novih kvantnih materijala:bezmaseni i korelirani fermioni" 2018.-2023. Voditelj projekta.
Međunarodni projekti (Hrvatska – SAD)
1. NIST PL-982 (voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Boran Leontić) 1990. – 1995.
2. NIST JF-136 (voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Boran Leontić) 1996. – 2000.