Teaching Methods in Nature


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Teaching Methods in Nature Classes

Code: 227664
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Ivana Kekez
izv. prof. dr. sc. Maja Planinić
prof. dr. sc. Ines Radanović
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Ivana Kekez - Seminar
izv. prof. dr. sc. Maja Planinić - Seminar
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mirela Sertić Perić - Seminar

doc. dr. sc. Katarina Jeličić - Methodology exercises
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mirela Sertić Perić - Methodology exercises
dr. sc. Damir Sirovina , v. pred. - Methodology exercises
mr. sc. Marina Tašner - Methodology exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Methodology exercises 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Students will be able to design Nature lessons with the integration of natural science knowledge in the field of biology, physics and chemistry and the stimulation of curiosity and interest in science and nature research. They will be able to apply appropriate teaching methods, strategies and learning techniques in the teaching of biology, physics and chemistry in nature classes, which will encourage the construction and networking of basic science concepts with experiential learning, discovery learning and investigative learning. During the course, Prirode will be able to guide students in the adoption of basic natural science concepts using examples from everyday life, and in addition to encouraging the development of skills necessary for the performance of practical and research work, the students will develop natural science literacy and encourage logical, critical and creative thinking.
1. Nature in elementary school
2. simple investigations of living beings and the environment that students carry out according to the teacher's instructions
3. solving problems with field research in the teaching of Nature
4. learning through the story while encouraging critical thinking when drawing conclusions based on experience
5. simulation as the basis of experiential learning of abstract and complex phenomena, processes and interrelationships
6. developing scientific reasoning about physical phenomena (designing experiments, controlling variables, testing hypotheses, models, forming conclusions, proportional reasoning) at the 5th and 6th grade level
7. developing a model of the particle structure of matter; structure of a research-oriented lesson
8. introduction of concepts of energy types and transformations, heat transfer and thermal insulation through experiments; analysis of energy conversions in everyday phenomena and devices
9. guiding students in observing and explaining basic astronomical phenomena (changes of day and night, seasons, changes of the Moon, movements of celestial objects)
10. consolidation and analysis of acquired experiential knowledge about substances and their properties (structure, physical and chemical properties, transformations)
11. acquisition of new knowledge about the structure and physical properties of substances from the immediate environment (macroscopic level) through learning by discovery
12. acquisition of new knowledge about chemical changes of substances from the immediate environment during burning, cooking, rusting, rotting, pickling, thermal decomposition, etc.
13. chemical properties of household substances and their impact on health and the environment (acidity, flammability, toxicity, biological degradability)
14. cyclical processes and interdependence of laws of physics, chemistry and biology in nature
15. integration of physics, chemistry and biology in teaching Nature.
1. changes in living conditions of air, water and soil by measuring physical and chemical parameters in the environment
2. characteristics of living beings related to meeting the needs, behavior and survival of living beings with environmental conditions
3. causes and consequences of air, water and soil pollution and methods of disposal of different types of waste
4. the basic plan of the structure of the human organism and the position of the most important organs
5. food as a source of energy for living beings and energy transfer in the food chain
6. introducing the concepts of gas density and pressure without using formulas; proportional reasoning about mass, volume and density, experiments related to air pressure and temperature
7. experiments related to the development of models of the particle structure of matter
8. Experiments related to energy conversion and heat transfer research through different materials
9. analysis of student observations of astronomical phenomena, experiments that model basic astronomical phenomena
10. experiments and didactic materials intended to familiarize students with experiential knowledge about the properties and structure of matter
11. experiments related to the structure and physical properties of substances (mixtures of substances, aggregation states, melting, evaporation, solidification, solubility)
12. introduction of the term chemical change based on observations from the immediate environment and selected experiments
13. experiments related to the chemical properties of substances and their safe use (acidity, flammability, explosiveness, etc.)
14. organization of nature on concrete examples of levels of organization
15. interdependence of living and non-living nature.
design of the Nature lesson related to
1. natural science research methodology for student research in the 5th and 6th grade of elementary school
2. living conditions as a starting point for adaptations of living beings and the influence of living beings on living conditions
3. procedures in the context of sustainable development and the connection of people with nature
4. periods of human life with an emphasis on puberty as a period of sexual maturation and sudden physical and psychological changes
5. the importance of preserving biodiversity and the impact of excessive human consumption on other living beings and the environment
6. particle structure of matter
7. energy conversion
8. heat transfer and thermal insulation
9. astronomical phenomena
10. students' prior knowledge and the discovery of possible misconceptions about the properties of substances and their changes
11. the structure and physical properties of substances at the macroscopic level and the circulation of substances in nature
12. chemical changes known experientially from immediate environment
13. chemical properties of substances, their safe use and responsible use
14. the circulation of matter and the flow of energy in living and non-living systems, the dynamic balance that prevails in natural systems.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Basic Skills of Teaching Biology
Attended : Laboratory Teaching Methods in Chemistry 1
Attended : Teaching Methods in Chemistry 1
9. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: