About employee

dr. sc. Jasmina Jukić

Title: Expert
Location: 220
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 149
Internal phone number:6149
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Physical Chemistry
Graduation year:2011
PhD graduation year:2017
Employed in this institution since:2011


She was born on July 15th 1987 in Ogulin. In 2006 she started Undergraduate Study at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb and finished it in 2009 by obtaining Bachelor degree in Chemistry. In the same year she started Graduate Study (biochemistry and physical chemistry) which was finshed in 2011 by obtaining Master degree in Chemistry. 

In 2011 she was employed at Division of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb as expert associate and started Doctoral Study in Chemistry. In 2017 obtained her PhD degree. In 2018 became senior expert associate and in 2024 expert advisor. In 2022 obtained scientific title research associate. 

She is (or was) involved in teaching at Undergraduate Study of Chemistry (Computer laboratory course 1 and 2, Physical Chemistry laboratory 1 and 2), Molecular Biology (Basics of Physical Chemistry (seminar), Basic Physical Chemistry laboratory), Enviromental Sciences (Basics of Physical Chemistry (seminar), Basic Physical Chemistry laboratory), Graduate Study of Chemistry (Electrochemistry (seminar), Advanced Physical Chemistry laboratory 1 and 2) and Integrated Educational Study of Physics and Chemistry (Physical Chemistry (seminar), Physical Chemistry laboratory). 

Scientific research interests are connected with physical chemistry of polyelectrolytes (natural and synthetic), interactions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes in solution, formation of polyelectrolyte multilayers and adsorption of polyelectrolytes on metal oxide nanoparticles. 

She is a co-author of 14 scientific papers. She has participated in national and international conferences with poster or oral presentations. 

She is a member of the Croatian Chemical Society. She received Medal of the Department of Chemistry in recognition of excellence in the study academic year and Special Rector Award for students of Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb for the project „Magic in Science“ for 2010/2011 academic year. She is involved in science popularization throught different events.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Effects of polyion adsorption on surface properties of TiO2

Jukić, Jasmina; Juračić, Tea; Josić Eva; Namjesnik, Danijel; Begović, Tajana
Adsorption : journal of the international adsorption society

Antibacterial properties of chitosan/poly(acrylic acid) polyelectrolyte multilayer with adsorbed lysozyme layer

Babić, Luka ; Klačić, Tin ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Zore, Anamarija ; Štukelj, Roman ; Sever Škapin, Andrijana ; Bohinc, Klemen ; Kovačević, Davor

Predicting the outcomes of interpolyelectrolyte neutralization at surfaces on the basis of complexation experiments and vice versa

Jukić, Jasmina ; Kovačević, Davor ; Cindro, Nikola ; Fink, Rok ; Oder, Martina ; Milisav, Ana-Marija ; Požar, Josip
Soft matter

Effects of Polyion adsorption on aggregation of TiO2 particles

Begović, Tajana ; Josić, Eva ; Juračić, Tea ; Jukić, Jasmina

Modification of flat Ti/TiO2 surface with strong polyelectrolytes

Klačić, Tin ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Katić, Jozefina ; Kovačević, Davor ; Begović, Tajana

Adsorption of polyions on flat TiO2 surface

Klačić, Tin ; Katić, Jozefina ; Namjesnik, Danijel ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Kovačević, Davor ; Begović, Tajana

Stability and aggregation kinetics of TiO2 nanoparticles

Franov, Silvia-Maria ; Kovačević, Davor ; Begović, Tajana ; Jukić, Jasmina

Ion-Specific and Solvent Effects on PDADMA–PSS Complexation and Multilayer Formation

Jukić, Jasmina ; Korade, Karla ; Milisav, Ana-Marija ; Delač Marion, Ida ; Kovačević, Davor
Colloids and interfaces

Bacterial adhesion capacity of protein-terminating polyelectrolyte multilayers

Bohinc, Klemen ; Bajuk, Jerca ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Abram, Anže ; Oder, Martina ; Torkar Godič, Karmen ; Raspor, Peter ; Kovačević, Davor
International journal of adhesion and adhesives

Mehka nanotehnologija: Anti-adhezivni potencial polielektrolitskih premazov proti adheziji E. coli na površine

Fink, Rok ; Oder, Martina ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Cindro, Nikola ; Požar, Josip
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju

Interactions of zein and zein/rosin nanoparticles with natural polyanion gum arabic

Spasojević, Ljiljana ; Bučko, Sandra ; Kovačević, Davor ; Bohinc, Klemen ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Abram, Anže ; Požar, Josip ; Katona, Jaroslav
Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces

Surface potential study of ceria/poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) aqueous solution interface

Klačić, Tin ; Sadžak, Anja ; Jukić, Jasmina ; Preočanin, Tajana ; Kovačević, Davor
Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects

Polyelectrolyte complexes and multilayers: ion- specific effects and overcharging

Salopek, Jasmina ; Kovačević, Davor ; Požar, Josip

Adsorption of polyelectrolytes on cerium oxide nanoparticles

Lešić, Nikolina ; Brkljača, Zlatko ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Preočanin, Tajana ; Kovačević, Davor

Complexation of polycations with DNA

Ćalušić, Helena

Interpolyelectrolyte neutralization in solution and at surfaces

Požar, Josip ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Kovačević, Davor

Utjecaj ionske jakosti i vrste elektrolita na nastajanje polielektrolitnih višeslojeva

Kovačević, Davor ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Sadžak, Anja ; Kuzman, Dino ; Požar, Josip

Bacterial adhesion on polyelectrolyte multilayers

Bohinc, Klemen ; Pratnekar, Rok ; Godič Torkar, Karmen ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Abram, Anže ; Dražić, Goran ; Kovačević, Davor

Polyelectrolyte multilayers on silica surfaces: effect of ionic strength and sodium salt type

Salopek, Jasmina ; Sadžak, Anja ; Kuzman, Dino ; Požar, Josip ; Kovačević, Davor
Croatica chemica acta

The effect of cation type, ionic strength and temperature on the complexation between polyallylammonium cation and polystyrenesulfonate anion

Požar, Josip ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Poldrugač, Maja ; Kovačević, Davor
Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects

Conditions Leading to Polyelectrolyte Complex Overcharging in Solution: Complexation of Poly(acrylate) Anion with Poly(allylammonium) Cation

Kremer, Tomislav ; Kovačević, Davor ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Požar, Josip

Broadband 120 MHz Impedance Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) with Calibrated Resistance and Quantitative Dissipation for Biosensing Measurements at Higher Harmonic Frequencies

Kasper, Manuel ; Traxler, Lukas ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Grabmayr, Herwig ; Ebner, Andreas ; Kienberger, Ferry

Influence of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Properties on Bacterial Adhesion Capacity

Kovačević, Davor ; Pratnekar, Rok ; Godič Torkar, Karmen ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Dražić, Goran ; Abram, Anže ; Bohinc, Klemen

Polyelectrolyte multilayers: properties and applications

Salopek, Jasmina ; Požar, Josip ; Kovačević, Davor

Interactions between poly(L-lysine) and poly(L-glutamic acid) in solution and at interfaces

Nakić, Natali ; Salopek, Jasmina ; Selmani, Atiđa ; Dutour Sikirić, Maja ; Kovačević, Davor

Electrical Interfacial Layer at Hematite/Dicarboxylic Acid Aqueous Interface

Salopek, Jasmina ; Kallay, Nikola ; Kovačević, Davor
Croatica chemica acta

Complexation of DNA with poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)

Salopek, Jasmina ; Kovačević, Davor
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