About employee

Marijana Pocrnić, mag. chem.

Title: Senior expert associate
Location: 124
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 190
Internal phone number:6190
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Analytical Chemistry


Marijana Pocrnić graduated in 2015. at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. 

From 2017. she is employed as an expert associate at the Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. In academic year 2018./2019. she enrolled in Doctoral studies in Chemistry.

She was awarded 4 CEEPUS stipends in academic years from 2017./2018. to 2022./2023. for one month stay at the universities in Prague, Pecs and Budapest.

Her research interests include liquid chromatographic techniques and liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry techniques, as well as enhancement of solubility of drugs.

She is a co-author of 12 scientific papers in journals indexed in Current Contents database. She was an assistant mentor of 9 diploma thesis. 

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Drug-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes analysed by HR MS

Pocrnić, Marijana; Klarić, David; Galić, Nives

Influence of maltodextrin on meloxicam solubility in water and biorelevant media

Remar, Karla; Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives

Development and validation of liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry method for analysis of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in food supplements

Pocrnić, Marijana; Kosić-Vukšić, Josipa; Krivohlavek, Adela; Galić, Nives
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju

Undeclared phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5Is) in food supplements on the Croatian market analyzed by liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS)

Kosić-Vukšić, Josipa; Krivohlavek, Adela; Žuntar, Irena; Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives
Microchemical journal

Inclusion complexes of loratadine with β-cyclodextrin and its derivatives in solution. Integrated spectroscopic, thermodynamic and computational studies

Pocrnić, Marijana; Hoelm, Marta; Ignaczak, Anna; Čikoš, Ana; Budimir, Ana; Tomišić, Vladislav; Galić, Nives
Journal of molecular liquids

Application of mass spectrometry in characterization of drug:β-cyclodextrin systems

Klarić, David; Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives

Discovery of a new class of potent pyrrolo[3,4-c]quinoline-1,3-diones based inhibitors of human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase: Synthesis, pharmacological and toxicological evaluation

Dimitrijević, Marina; Roschger, Cornelia; Lang, Kevin; Zierer, Andreas; Paunović, Milica; Obradović, Ana; Matić, Miloš; Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives; Ćirić, Andrija; Joksović, Milan
Bioorganic chemistry

Solubility of loratadine in the presence of cyclodextrins

Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives

UHPLC-Q-TOF analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in North-Macedonian honey

Cvetanoska, Marinela; Pocrnić, Marijana; Stefova, Marina; Galić, Nives; Petreska Stanoeva, Jasmina
Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance

Analysis of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in food supplements using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight-mass spectrometry

Kosić-Vukšić, Josipa; Krivohlavek, Adela; Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives; Žuntar, Irena
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju

Teucrium montanum L.—Unrecognized Source of Phenylethanoid Glycosides

Čikoš, Ana; Mandura Jarić, Ana; Pocrnić, Marijana

Mehanokemijska sinteza i karakterizacija inkluzijskog kompleksa loratadina i hidroksipropil-β-ciklodekstrina

Cader, Mateja; Posavec, Lidija; Pocrnić, Marijana; Cinčić, Dominik; Galić, Nives

Host-Guest Interactions of Loratadine and Cyclodextrins in Aqueous Media

Pocrnić, Marijana; Budimir, Ana; Galić, Nives

γ–radiolytic degradation of rosuvastatin in the air– saturated aqueous solution

Mandić, Leo ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Mihaljević, Branka ; Galić, Nives ; Džeba, Iva
Radiation physics and chemistry (1993)

Radiation-induced degradation of doxazosin: Role of reactive species, toxicity, mineralization and degradation pathways

Tartaro Bujak, Ivana ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Blažek, Karlo ; Bojanić, Krunoslav ; Trebše, Polonca ; Lebedev, Albert T. ; Galić, Nives
Journal of water process engineering


Tartaro Bujak, Ivana ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Blažek, Kalo ; Bojanić, Krunoslav ; Trebše, Polonca ; Lebedev, Albert T. ; Galić, Nives

Influence of cyclodextrins on loratadine solubility in water and in biorelevant media

Pocrnić, Marijana; Galić, Nives
Acta Marisiensis. Seria Medica

Teucrium montanum L.—Unrecognized Source of Phenylethanoid Glycosides: Green Extraction Approach and Elucidation of Phenolic Compounds via NMR and UHPLC-HR MS/MS

Mandura Jarić, Ana; Čikoš, Ana; Pocrnić, Marijana; Aladić, Krunoslav; Jokić, Stela; Šeremet, Danijela; Vojvodić Cebin, Aleksandra; Komes, Draženka

Effect of cyclodextrins on solubility enhancement of loratadine

Pocrnić, Marijana ; Galić, Nives

Search for new antimicrobials: spectroscopic, spectrometric, and in vitro antimicrobial activity investigation of Ga(III) and Fe(III) complexes with aroylhydrazones

Klarić, David ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Lež, Dražen ; Polović, Saša ; Kontrec, Darko ; Kosalec, Ivan ; Budimir, Ana ; Galić, Nives
Journal of biological inorganic chemistry

HRMS characterization of doxazosin degradation products generated by gamma irradiation

Pocrnić, Marijana ; Tartaro Bujak, Ivana ; Galić, Nives

Gallium(III) complexes of aroylhydrazones derived from nicotinic acid hydrazide in solid state and in solution

Pocrnić, Marijana ; Kontrec, Darko ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Soldin, Željka ; Budimir, Ana ; Galić, Nives
Journal of molecular structure

Stability of amidino substituted benzothiazole derivatives with antitumor activity

Mutavdžić Pavlović, Dragana ; Tolić, Kristina ; Gazivoda Kraljević, Tatjana ; Hranjec, Marijana ; Racané, Livio ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Galić, Nives ; Runje, Mislav

Investigation of praziquantel/cyclodextrin inclusion complexation by NMR and LC-HRMS/MS: mechanism, solubility, chemical stability and degradation products

Kezele Špehar, Tatjana ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Klarić, David ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Čikoš, Ana ; Jug, Mario ; Padovan, Jasna ; Dragojević, Snježana ; Galić, Nives
Molecular pharmaceutics

Chiral separation of beta-blockers by high- performance liquid chromatography and determination of bisoprolol enantiomers in surface waters

Pocrnić, Marijana ; Ansorge, Martin ; Dovhunová, Magda ; Habinovec, Iva ; Tesařová, Eva ; Galić, Nives
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju

Inclusion complexes of praziquantel and β- cyclodextrin and its derivatives

Klarić, David ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Jug, Mario ; Galić, Nives

Determination of thermodynamic acidity constants and limiting ionic mobilities of weak electrolytes by capillary electrophoresis using a new free software AnglerFish

Malý, Michal ; Boublík, Milan ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Ansorge, Martin ; Lorinčíková, Kateřina ; Svobodová, Jana ; Hruška, Vlastimil ; Dubský, Pavel ; Gaš, Bohuslav

Kompleksiranja lantanoida aroilhidrazonima izvedenim iz nikotinohidrazida: spektrofotometrijsko određivanje

Grgić, Franciska ; Rimanić, Hana ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Kontrec, Darko ; Budimir, Ana ; Galić, Nives

Determination of isoelectric points for pI markers in capillary isoelectric focusing

Ansorge, Martin ; Šteflova, Jana ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Moldovan, Alina ; Vigh, Gyula

Interaction of aromatic hydrazones and selected lanthanides

Pocrnić, Marijana ; Kontrec, Darko ; Budimir, Ana ; Galić, Nives

High performance liquid chromatography method for enantiomeric separation of beta-blockers

Pocrnić, Marijana ; Dovhunova, Magda ; Ansorge, Martin ; Tesarova, Eva ; Galić, Nives

Determination of ergot alkaloids in animal feed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Ivešić, Martina ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Krivohlavek, Adela ; Galić, Nives
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju

Toxicity of mycotoxin fumonisin B1 to duckweed (Lemna minor L.)

Vujčić, Valerija ; Domijan, Ana-Marija ; Ivešić, Martina ; Pocrnić, Marijana ; Krivohlavek, Adela ; Peraica, Maja ; Radić Brkanac, Sandra
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju
More information about publications

List of select publications

7. M. Pocrnić, M. Hoelm, A. Ignaczak, A. Čikoš, A. Budimir, V. Tomišić, N. Galić, Inclusion complexes of loratadine with b-cyclodextrin and its derivatives in solution. Integrated spectroscopic, thermodynamic and computational studies, J. Mol. Liq. 410 (2024) 125515

6. J. Kosić-Vukšić, A. krivohlavek, I. Žuntar, M. Pocrnić, N. Galić, Undeclared phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5Is) in food supplements on the Croatian market analyzed by liquid chromaptography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS), Microchem. J. 203 (2024) 107359

5. M. Cvetanovska, M. Pocrnić, M. Stefova, N. Galić, J. Petreska Stanoeva, UHPLC-Q-TOF analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in North-Macedonian honey, Food Addit. Contam.:Part B 17 (2024) 5-15

4. A. Mandura Jarić, A. Čikoš, M. Pocrnić, K. Aladić, S. Jokić, D. Šeremet, A. Vojvodić Cebin, D. Komes, Teucrium montanum L.-Unrecognized source of phenyethanoid glycosides: green extraction approach and elucidation of phenolic compounds via NMR and UHPLC-HR MS/MS, Antioxidants 12 (2023) 1903 

3. L. Mandić, M. Pocrnić, B. Mihaljević, N. Galić, I. Džeba, γ-radiolytic degradation of rosuvastatin in the air-saturated aqueous solution, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 208 (2023) 110885 

2. I. Tartaro Bujak, M. Pocrnić, K. Blažek, K. Bojanić, P. Trebše, A. T. Lebedev, N. Galić, Radiation-induced degradation of doxazosin: Reactive species, toxicity, mineralization and degradation pathways, J. Water Process. Eng. 51 (2023) 103401

1. T. Kezele Špehar, M. Pocrnić, D. Klarić, B. Bertoša, A. Čikoš, M. Jug, J. Padovan, S. Dragojević, N. Galić, Investigation of praziquantel/cyclodextrin inclusion complexation by NMR and LC-HRMS/MS: mechanism, solubility, chemical stability and degradation products, Mol. Pharm. 18 (2021) 4210

List of select projects

Project participant: 

''Preparation, characterization and biocompatibility studies of novel drug/cyclodextrin and drug/dextrin-based nanosponge supramolecular complexes with enhanced functionality'', Croatian Science Foundation (2023.-2027.)

''Aromatic hydrazones: synthesis, structural analysis, biological activity and analytical application'', Croatian Science Foundation (2016.-2019.)