About employee

doc. dr. sc. Marko Močibob

Title: Assistant Professor
Location: 312a/ZBK
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 235
Internal phone number:6235
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Biochemistry
Graduation year:2002
PhD graduation year:2010




integrated undergraduate and graduate



Marko Močibob obtained his MSc degree in chemistry and PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. After obtaining his university degree in 2002, he started to work as teaching assistant and researcher at Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry. As the visiting scientist, he spent two and a half months in the laboratory of Nenad Ban at ETH Zürich (2009) and 8 months in the Michael Ibba's group at The Ohio State University (2013-2014). He moved to Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (University of Zagreb) were he worked as the Experienced Researcher at FP7 project "Integra Life" (May 2014 - August 2015). Currently, he is the Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science. His research is focused on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and protein biosynthesis. He researched 16S rRNA methyltransferases and mechanisms of bacterial resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics. He has strong background in protein biochemistry, analysis of protein:protein interactions, enzyme kinetics, methods of molecular biology, and basic knowledge of bioinformatics and sequence analysis. As a teaching assistant and lecturer at the University of Zagreb, he has gained much experience in education and sharing his knowledge with students.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Metabolic challenges to fidelity of isoleucine decoding in Escherichia coli

Pranjić, Marija; Gruić Sovulj, Ita; Močibob, Marko

Resilience and proteome response of Escherichia coli to high levels of isoleucine mistranslation

Pranjić, Marija; Spät, Philipp; Šemanjski Čurković, Maja; Maček, Boris; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita; Močibob, Marko
International journal of biological macromolecules

Kinetic characterization of amino acid activation by aminoacyl‐tRNA synthetases using radiolabelled γ‐[32P]ATP

Živković, Igor; Dulić, Morana; Kozulić, Petra; Močibob, Marko; Gruić Sovulj, Ita
FEBS Open Bio

Interplay of isoleucine mistranslation and oxidative stress from a proteomic perspective

Šerić, Mateo; Močibob, Marko; Rokov Plavec, Jasmina

Ribosomal A site binding pattern differs between Arm methyltransferases from clinical pathogens and a natural producer of aminoglycosides

Obranić, Sonja; Babić, Fedora; Močibob, Marko; Maravić-Vlahoviček, Gordana
International journal of biological macromolecules

Oxidative protein damage negatively affects protein-protein interaction: The case of KRAS-cRAF

Rudan Dimlić, Marina; Raić, Sanda; Močibob, Marko; Sanader Maršić, Željka; Yao, Zhong; Radman, Miroslav; Stagljar, Igor
Biochemical and biophysical research communications

Laboratory course “From gene to recombinant protein“

Rokov Plavec, Jasmina; Močibob, Marko

Disulfide bond enables cytosolic protein to function in oxidizing conditions

Rokov Plavec, Jasmina; Ević, Valentina; Šoić, Ružica; Močibob, Marko; Kekez, Ivana

Disulfide link in plant cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is implicated in oxidative stress response

Rokov Plavec, Jasmina; Ević, Valentina; Močibob, Marko; Šoić, Ružica; Kekez, Ivana

Mgy, a novel metagenomic esterase as an excellent target for environment friendly degradation of polylactic acid

Kekez, Ivana; Josić, E.; Močibob, M.; Mendeš, D.; Maršavelski, A.
Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances

Proteomic exploration of potential blood biomarkers in haemophilic arthropathy

Kalebota, Nataša; Novak, Ruđer; Hrkač, Stela; Perić, Porin; Salai, Grgur; Močibob, Marko; Pranjić, Marija; Zdráhal, Zbyněk; Pustka, Václav; Žerjavić, Nadica Laktašić; Milošević, Milan; Vodanović, Marijo; Šalek, Silva Zupančić; Grgurević, Lovorka
Health science reports

Uloga disulfidne veze u biljnoj citosolnoj seril-tRNA-sintetazi

Rokov Plavec, Jasmina; Ević, Valentina; Kekez, Ivana; Šoić, Ružica; Močibob, Marko

Evolutionarily conserved cysteines in plant cytosolic seryl-tRNA synthetase are important for its resistance to oxidation

Ević, Valentina; Šoić, Ružica; Močibob, Marko; Kekez, Mario; Houser, Josef; Wimmerova, Michaela; Matković-Čalogović, Dubravka; Gruić Sovulj, Ita; Kekez, Ivana; Rokov Plavec, Jasmina
FEBS letters

In search of new stratification strategies: tissue proteomic profiling of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma in patients with localized disease and lateral neck metastases

Matovinović, Filip; Novak, Ruđer; Hrkač, Stela; Salai, Grgur; Močibob, Marko; Pranjić, Marija; Košec, Andro; Bedeković, Vladimir; Grgurević, Lovorka
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

Isoleucine mistranslation in stationary phase induces SOS-response and filamentation

Pranjić, Marija; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita; Močibob, Marko

Stage II of Chronic Kidney Disease—A Tipping Point in Disease Progression?

Grgurević, Lovorka ; Novak, Ruđer ; Salai, Grgur ; Hrkač, Stela ; Močibob, Marko ; Kovačević Vojtušek, Ivana ; Laganović, Mario

Proteome response to mistranslation

Močibob, Marko ; Pranjić, Marija ; Šemanjski Čurković, Maja ; Spät, Philipp ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita

Mistranslation Upregulates Chaperone Production and Impairs Metabolism and Growth

Pranjić, Marija ; Močibob, Marko ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Spät, Phillip ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita

A pair of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetases in Bacilli fulfills complementary roles to keep fast translation and provide antibiotic resistance

Zanki, Vladimir ; Božić, Bartol ; Močibob, Marko ; Ban, Nenad ; Gruić Sovulj, Ita
Protein science

Effects of canonical and noncanonical mistranslation on cellular proteostasis

Pranjić, Marija ; Močibob, Marko ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Spät, Phillip ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita

The MATH-BTB protein TaMAB2 accumulates in ubiquitin-containing foci and interacts with the translation initiation machinery in Arabidopsis

Bauer, Nataša ; Škiljaica, Andreja ; Malenica, Nenad ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Klasić, Marija ; Juranić, Martina ; Močibob, Marko ; Sprunck, Stefanie ; Dresselhaus, Thomas ; Leljak Levanić, Dunja
Frontiers in plant science

On the Mechanism and Origin of Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase Editing against Norvaline

Biluš, Mirna ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Močibob, Marko ; Živković, Igor ; Cvetešić, Nevena ; Tawfik, Dan ; Toth-Petroczy, Agnes ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita
Journal of molecular biology

Cellular responses to proteome-wide isoleucine mistranslation

Pranjić, Marija ; Močibob, Marko ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić Sovulj, Ita

Cellular responses to proteome-wide isoleucine mistranslation

Pranjić, Marija ; Močibob, Marko ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić Sovulj, Ita

Susceptible and protective HLA-DR and HLA-DQ alleles for Fya alloimmunization in the Croatian population

Raos, Mirela ; Žunec, Renata ; Močibob, Marko ; Gojčeta, Koraljka ; Lukić, Marija ; Golubić Ćepulić, Branka

Synthesis and In Vitro Screening of Novel Heterocyclic β-d-Gluco- and β-d-Galactoconjugates as Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitors

Baumann, Krešimir ; Kordić, Lorena ; Močibob, Marko ; Šinko, Goran ; Tomić, Srđanka

Maintaining the protein biosynthesis fidelity by isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase

Močibob, Marko ; Biluš, Mirna ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Živković, Igor ; Cvetešić, Nevena ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić Sovulj, Ita

Nobelova nagrada iz kemije za 2018. godinu: revolucija uz pomoć evolucije

Rončević, Igor ; Močibob, Marko
Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske

Trimming a branch: norvaline is more toxic than valine in isoleucine mistranslation

Biluš, Mirna ; Šemanjski, Maja ; Močibob, Marko ; Živković, Igor ; Cvetešić, Nevena ; Tawfik, Dan ; Toth-Petroczy, Agnes ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita

IleRS editing primarily targets norvaline whose misincorporation is more toxic than of valine

Biluš, Mirna ; Šemanjski Maja ; Močibob, Marko ; Toth- Petroczy, Agnes ; Maček, Boris ; Gruić- Sovulj, Ita

Nobelova nagrada za kemiju za 2017. godinu: krio- elektronska mikroskopija

Močibob, Marko
Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske

Ivana Weygand-Đurašević - Curriculum Vitae

Močibob, Marko
Croatica chemica acta

Seryl-tRNA Synthetases in Translation and Beyond

Močibob, Marko ; Rokov-Plavec, Jasmina ; Godinić- Mikulčić, Vlatka ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita
Croatica chemica acta

Insight into recognition between aminoacyl carrier protein and its binding partner

Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Močibob, Marko ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Vianello, Robert

Methyltransferases responsible for resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics can methylate immature small ribosomal subunits

Močibob, Marko ; Kifer, Domagoj ; Obranić, Sonja ; Maravić-Vlahoviček, Gordana

A new approach to in vitro analysis of 16S rRNA methyltransferases interaction with small ribosomal subunit

Močibob, Marko ; Obranić, Sonja ; Maravić- Vlahoviček, Gordana

Computational investigations of the B. japonicum Gly:CP ligase 1 specificity towards amino acid substrate and aminoacyl carrier protein

Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Močibob, Marko ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Vianello, Robert

The origin of specificity and insight into recognition between an aminoacyl carrier protein and its partner ligase

Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Močibob, Marko ; Gruić- Sovulj, Ita ; Vianello, Robert
PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics

A single amino acid substitution affects the substrate specificity of the seryl-tRNA synthetase homologue

Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Lesjak, Sonja ; Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana ; Tomić, Sanja
Molecular biosystems

Adaptation of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Catalytic Core to Carrier Protein Aminoacylation

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Luić, Marija ; Weygand- Đurašević, Ivana

Značaj komparativne genomike u otkrivanju novih seril-tRNA-sintetaza i srodnih enzima

Močibob, Marko ; Simunović, Vesna ; Lesjak, Sonja ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Substrate recognition and fidelity of maize seryl- tRNA synthetases

Rokov-Plavec, Jasmina ; Lesjak, Sonja ; Gruić- Sovulj, Ita ; Močibob, Marko ; Dulić, Morana ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics

Structural investigations of amino acid:[carrier protein] ligases and their specificity for carrier proteins

Ivić, Nives ; Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana ; Luić, Marija

Macromolecular complexes of amino acid:[carrier protein] ligases and carrier proteins

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Marija, Luić ; Weygand- Đurašević, Ivana

Nobelova nagrada za kemiju za 2012. godinu

Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske

Plant seryl-tRNA synthetases : fidelity and macromolecular recognition

Rokov Plavec, Jasmina ; Lesjak, Sonja ; Gruić Sovulj, Ita ; Močibob, Marko ; Dulić, Morana ; Kekez, Mario ; Bauer, Nataša ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Substrate Recognition by Novel Family of Amino Acid:[Carrier Protein] Ligases

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Šubašić, Deni ; Luić, Marija ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
Croatica chemica acta

Structural studies of amino acid:[carrier protein] ligase in the complex with carrier protein

Ivić, Nives ; Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana ; Luić, Marija
The FEBS journal

Crystal structure of glycine:[carrier protein] ligase complexed with its cognate carrier protein

Ivić, Nives ; Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana ; Luić, Marija

Homologs of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases acylate carrier proteins and provide a link between ribosomal and nonribosomal peptide synthesis

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Bilokapić, Silvija ; Maier, Timm ; Luić, Marija ; Ban, Nenad ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Homologs of class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: a possible link between protein synthesis and non-ribosomal peptide synthesis

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Bilokapić, Silvija ; Maier, Timm ; Luić, Marija ; Ban, Nenad ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

New links between protein biosynthesis and nonribosomal peptide synthesis

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Bilokapić, Silvija ; Maier, Timm ; Luić, Marija ; Ban, Nenad ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

The proximal region of a noncatalytic eukaryotic seryl-tRNA synthetase extension is required for protein stability in vitro and in vivo

Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics

Homologs of unusual methanogenic-type seryl-tRNA synthetases

Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Unusual homologs of atypical enzymes

Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Seril-tRNA-sintetaze iz metanogenih arheja i njihovi eubakterijski homolozi

Močibob, Marko ; Ivić, Nives ; Luić, Marija ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Peroxin Pex21p interacts with the C-terminal noncatalytic domain of yeast seryl-tRNA synthetase and forms a specific ternary complex with tRNASer

Godinić, Vlatka ; Marko, Močibob ; Ročak, Sanda ; Michael, Ibba ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
The FEBS journal

Izdvajanje ukupne tRNA

Močibob, Marko ; Rokov-Plavec, Jasmina

C-terminal extensions of eukaryotic seryl-tRNA synthetases: impact on protein function and stability

Močibob, Marko ; Godinić, Vlatka ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Selective inhibition of divergent seryl-tRNA synthetases by serine analogues

Ahel, Dragana ; Slade, Dea ; Močibob, Marko ; Söll, Dieter ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
FEBS letters

Stability of the complex between yeast seryl- tRNA synthetase and tRNASer under different electrophoretic conditions

Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Rokov-Plavec, Jasmina ; Močibob, Marko ; Kamenski, Tomislav ; Weygand- Đurašević, Ivana
Croatica chemica acta

Unilateral flexibility in tRNASer recognition by heterologous seryl-tRNA synthetases

Rokov-Plavec, Jasmina ; Bilokapić, Silvija ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Močibob, Marko ; Glavan, Filip ; Brgles, Marija ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana
Periodicum biologorum

C-terminal extension of yeast SerRS has important role in tRNA binding and protein- protein interactions

Ročak, Sanda ; Godinić, Vlatka ; Landeka, Irena ; Močibob, Marko ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Seryl-tRNA syntheases: Structure, function and evolution across all three domains of life

Rokov Plavec, Jasmina ; Ročak, Sanda ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Landeka, Irena ; Lesjak, Sonja ; Jarić, Jelena ; Močibob, Marko ; Bilokapić, Silvija ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana


Močibob, Marko ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Macromolecular complexes of seryl-tRNA synthetases and tRNA(Ser) explored by native electrophoresis

Močibob, Marko ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Macromolecular complexes of seryl-tRNA synthetases and tRNA(Ser) explored by native electrophoresis

Močibob, Marko ; Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana

Yeast seryl-tRNA synthetase: tRNA-dependent amino acid discrimination and anticooperative binding of tRNASer

Gruić-Sovulj, Ita ; Landeka, Irena ; Močibob, Marko ; Kamenski ; Tomislav ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana


Meštrović, Ernest ; Friščić, Tomislav ; Judaš, Nenad ; Mrvoš-Sermek, Draginja ; Bojanić, Zoran ; Močibob, Marko ; Kolarić, Siniša ; Knok, Mario
More information about publications

List of select publications

Pranjic M, Spät P, Semanjski Curkovic M, Macek B, Gruic-Sovulj I, Mocibob M: Resilience and proteome response of Escherichia coli to high levels of isoleucine mistranslation, Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (2024) 262:130068. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.130068.

Bilus M*, Semanjski M*, Mocibob M*, Zivkovic I, Cvetesic N, Tawfik DS, Toth-Petroczy A, Macek B, Gruic-Sovulj I.: On the Mechanism and Origin of Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase Editing against Norvaline, J. Mol. Biol. (2019) 431:1284-1297. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.01.029
* authors with equal contribution

Mocibob* M, Ivic* N, Luic M, Weygand-Durasevic I: Adaptation of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase catalytic core to carrier protein aminoacylation, Structure (2013) 21:614-626.  doi: 10.1016/j.str.2013.02.017
* authors with equal contribution

Mocibob M, Ivic N, Bilokapic S, Maier T, Luic M, Ban N, Weygand-Durasevic I: Homologs of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases acylate carrier proteins and provide a link between ribosomal and nonribosomal peptide synthesis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (2010) 107:14585-14590. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1007470107

Professional memberships

Croatian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, member of The Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) and The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB).

Croatian Chemical Society, adhering organization of The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), member of The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS)