About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Jednačak

Title: Associate Professor
Location: 123
Public phone number:+385 1 4606 195
Internal phone number:6195
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of Analytical Chemistry
Graduation year:2008
PhD graduation year:2013
Employed in this institution since:2009


integrated undergraduate and graduate



Education at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Diploma thesis (Chemistry, 2008); Doctoral thesis (Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, 2013).

Affiliation and current position: Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Associate Professor (2023–)

Previous positions: Assistant Professor (2016–2023); Senior Assistant (2014–2016); Assistant (2009–2014), Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.

Visits to foreign research and education institutions: CEEPUS Scholarship - University in Pecs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Pecs, Hungary; Scholarship of the Scholarship foundation of the Republic of Austria, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), Institute for Process and Particle Engineering, Graz, Austria, 01.02.– 31.05.2012; Research Stay for University Academics, Technical University Munich (TU München), Department of Chemistry, Chair for Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy, Munich, Germany, 15.09.-15.12.2016; EMBO Short-Term Fellowship - Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore), School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, 30.11.2019–27.02.2020

Research interest: synthesis and structure elucidation of bioactive compounds (macrolide antibiotics, peptide nucleic acids, metabolites and small organic ligands); biomolecular interaction studies; complex mixture analysis; development of process analytical techniques (PAT) based on in-line vibrational spectroscopy; identification of polymorphic forms of bioactive compounds by combining spectroscopic (solid-state NMR, Raman, IR) and SWAXS methods.

Scientific papers: co-author of 23 scientific papers in journals indexed in Web of Science database, 2 book chapters, 2 student scripts and 1 university textbook

Awards and recognitions and memberships: Recognition for achievements in scientific and professional work at the Faculty of Science, 2015; Member of the Croatian Chemical Society; Member of the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers

Participation in research projects:

Investigation of macrolide antibiotic metabolites and degradation products (project leader); bilateral Croatian-Austrian project funded by the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Austrian Federal Government; period: 01.01.2018–31.12.2019

Macrozones, new conjugates of macrolide antibiotics: design, synthesis and interactions; funded by Croatian Science Foundation; project No. 8098; period: 01.10.2018–30.09.2022

Interactions and design of bioactive molecules; funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia; project No. 119-11913 42-1083; period: 02.01.2007–31.12.2013

Development and application of an in-line method of Raman spectroscopy for drug research; funded by Croatian Science Foundation and PLIVA Hrvatska d.o.o.; period: 01.04.2008–01.04.2010

Macrolide-ribosome interactions monitored by NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancements; bilateral Croatian-Austrian project funded by the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Austrian Federal Government; period: 01.01.2010– 31.12.2011

Investigating macrolide antibiotic interactions with membranes and ribosomes as a tool for rational drug design; bilateral Croatian-Austrian project funded by the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Austrian Federal Government; period: 01.01.2012– 31.12.2013

The development of a new methodology for the control of drug preparation process – Met4Pharm; funded by European Regional Development Fund and Croatian State Budget; period: 22.10.2014–22.02.2016

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Antimicrobial macrozones interact with biological macromolecules via two-site binding mode of action: Fluorimetric, NMR and docking studies

Jednačak, Tomislav; Mikulandra, Ivana; Smokrović, Kristina; Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea; Kapustić, Monika; Delaš, Kristina; Piantanida, Ivo; Jurković, Marta; Bertoša, Branimir; Zangger, Klaus; Novak, Predrag
Bioorganic chemistry

Deep reinforcement learning classification of sparkling wines based on ICP-MS and DOSY NMR spectra

Jagatić Korenika; Ana-Marija; Jeromel, Ana; Tomaz, Ivana; Jednačak, Tomislav; Rončević, Sanda; Nemet, Ivan; Primožič, Ines; Hrenar, Tomica; Novak, Predrag
Food chemistry X

Analiza azalida in silico primjenom proširenog sustava za klasifikaciju klirensa

Takač, Tin; Jadrijević-Mladar Takač, Milena; Jednačak, Tomislav

Deep reinforcement learning classification of sparkling wines based on ICP-MS and DOSY NMR spectra

Jagatić Korenika, Ana-Marija; Jeromel, Ana; Tomaz, Ivana; Jednačak, Tomislav; Rončević, Sanda; Nemet, Ivan; Primožič, Ines; Hrenar, Tomica; Novak, Predrag
Food chemistry X

Analiza azalida primjenom biofarmaceutskog klasifikacijskog sustava

Takač, Tin; Jadrijević-Mladar Takač, Milena; Jednačak, Tomislav

Analysis of Croatian and Slovenian sparkling wines by NMR spectroscopy

Sunjka, Franka; Jednačak, Tomislav; Parlov Vuković, Jelena; Višić, Nikolina; Jagatić Korenika, Ana-Marija; Novak, Predrag

Sustainable hydrothermal co-carbonization of residues from the vegetable oil industry and sewage sludge: Hydrochar production and liquid fraction valorisation

Petrovič, Aleksandra; Cenčič Predikaka, Tjaša; Parlov Vuković, Jelena; Jednačak, Tomislav; Hribernik, Silvo; Vohl, Sabina; Urbancl, Danijela; Tišma, Marina; Čuček, Lidija
Energy (Oxford)

NMR and fluorometric studies of bioactive macrozone interactions with their biological targets

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Kapustić, Monika ; Delaš, Kristina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Jurković, Marta ; Zangger, Klaus ; Novak, Predrag

Application of nmr spectroscopy and statistical analysis in characterization of crude oil samples

Parlov Vuković,Jelena; Novak,Predrag; Jednačak,Tomislav; Smrečki,Vilko; Hrenar,Tomica

Design, preparation and characterization of 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin-based deep eutectic solvents

Jakovljević Kovač, Martina; Molnar, Maja; Jednačak, Tomislav; Balić, Tomislav; Novak, Jurica
New journal of chemistry


Novak, Predrag ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Habinovec, Iva ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Zangger, Klaus ; Parlov-Vuković, Jelena

Inclusion of CO2, NH3, SO2, Cl2 and H2S in porous N4O4-donor macrocyclic Schiff base

Korica, Milenko ; Balić, Ivana ; van Wyk, Lisa M. ; van Heerden, Dewald P. ; Nikolayenko, Varvara I. ; Barbour, Leonard J. ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Đilović, Ivica ; Balić, Tomislav
Microporous and mesoporous materials

Interactions of macrozones with their biological receptors

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Kapustić, Monika ; Kušec, Iva ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Hošnjak, Ema ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Košćak, Marta ; Zangger, Klaus ; Novak, Predrag

Interaction studies of new bioactive macrolide derivatives with bacterial ribosome

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Kapustić, Monika ; Kušec, Iva ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Hošnjak, Ema ; Sanemit, Saranyarat ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Košćak, Marta ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Barišić, Antun ; Zangger, Klaus ; Novak, Predrag

Prediction of Environmental Microbial Degradation of Azithromycin in Soil and Water and Metabolism in Humans

Takač, Tin ; Jadrijević-Mladar Takač, Milena ; Jednačak, Tomislav

Improvement of the Nutraceutical Profile of Brewer’s Spent Grain after Treatment with Trametes versicolor

Zeko-Pivač, Anđela ; Bošnjaković, Anja ; Planinić, Mirela ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Tišma, Marina

Interactions of aminopropyl–azithromycin derivatives, precursors in the synthesis of bioactive macrozones, with E. coli ribosome: NMR and docking studies

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Kušec, Iva ; Novak, Predrag

NMR methods for studying structure and interactions of macrozones

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Habinovec, Iva ; Novak, Predrag

Synthesis and characterization of macrozones, novel bioactive derivatives of azithromycin

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Habinovec, Iva ; Novak, Predrag

Machine learning approach for predicting crude oil stability based on NMR spectroscopy

Raljević, Dubravka ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Marinić Pajc, Ljiljana ; Novak, Predrag ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Konjević, Lucija ; Pinević, Bruno ; Gašparac, Tonka
Fuel (Guildford)

Interactions of azithromycin aminopropyl derivatives with E. coli ribosome studied by NMR spectroscopy

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Kušec, Iva ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag

Structure characterization of aminopropyl azithromycin derivatives in solution and solid state

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag

Magnetic field influence on asphaltene aggregation monitored by diffusion NMR spectroscopy: Is aggregation reversible at high magnetic fields?

Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Kveštak, Martina ; Kovačević, Davor ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Glanzer, Simon ; Zangger, Klaus
Journal of dispersion science and technology

Solution and solid state studies of hydrogen bonding in substituted oxazolidinones by spectroscopic and quantum chemical methods

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Majerić Elenkov, Maja ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Sović, Karlo ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag
New journal of chemistry

Advanced Methods for Studying Structure and Interactions of Macrolide Antibiotics

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Novak, Predrag
International journal of molecular sciences

Synthesis, structure characterization and interactions of 4“-aminopropyl derivative of azithromycin

Gašperov, Jana ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Habinovec, Iva ; Novak, Predrag

Structural studies of substituted oxazolidinones by spectroscopic and quantum chemical methods

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Majerić Elenkov, Maja ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Sović, Karlo ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag

Synthesis and characterization of macrozones, new bioactive azithromycin conjugates

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Facković, Matea ; Lulić, Ana- Marija ; Habinovec, Iva ; Benčić, Noelle ; Bukvić, Mirjana ; Grgičević, Ivan ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Cindrić, Marina ; Zangger, Klaus ; Novak, Predrag

Structural basis for lipid interactions with glutathione peroxidase 4

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Bourgeois, Benjamin ; Madl, Tobias

NMR and Docking Studies of Novel Macrolide Conjugates

Novak, Predrag ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Habinovec, Iva ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Škevin, Sonja ; Bukvić, Mirjana ; Grgičević, Ivan

Correlations between structural and stability parameters of crude oils and their heavy fractions

Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Pinević, Bruno ; Marinić Pajc, Ljiljana ; Konjević, Lucija ; Uzorinac Nasipak, Nada ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag

LC-SPE/NMR analysis of macrozones, new bioactive azithromycin conjugates

Habinovec, Iva ; Benčić, Noelle ; Bukvić, Mirjana ; Grgičević, Ivan ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag

Influence of paramagnetic metals on the asphaltene aggregation behavior

Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Zangger, Klaus ; Tassoti, Sebastian ; Novak, Predrag ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena

Epitope mapping of a macrozone interaction with ribosome by NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Škevin, Sonja ; Lulić, Ana- Marija ; Habinovec, Iva ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Novak, Predrag

Magnetic Field Influence on Asphaltene Aggregation Observed by DOSY NMR

Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Kovačević, Davor ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Zangger, Klaus ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena

NMR Spectroscopy as a Tool for Studying Asphaltene Composition

Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav
Croatica chemica acta

Concentration dependence of asphaltene aggregation monitored by DOSY NMR

Mikulandra, Ivana ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Djetelić Ibrahimpašić, Mateja ; Zangger, Klaus ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Novak, Predrag

Impurity profiling of azithromycin conjugates by LC- SPE/CRYO NMR methodology

Habinovec, Iva ; Novak, Predrag ; Pičuljan, Katarina ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Rubić, Ivana ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Grgičević, Ivan ; Bukvić Krajačić, Mirjana ; Gubensäk, Nina ; Zangger, Klaus

DOSY NMR spectroscopy in the analysis of complex oil mixtures

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Kveštak, Martina ; Zangger, Klaus ; Glanzer, Simon ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Kovačević, Davor ; Novak, Predrag

Characterisation of asphaltenes by DOSY NMR spectroscpy

Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Kveštak, Martina ; Kovačević, Davor

Intriguing binding modes of tetradentate pyridoxal derivatives to molybdenum centre

Pisk, Jana ; Prugovečki, Biserka ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Vrdoljak, Višnja

Osnovni priručnik za rad sa spektrometrom NMR visoke rezolucije

Pičuljan, Katarina ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Cindro, Nikola ; Novak, Predrag

Monitoring and quantification of omeprazole synthesis reaction by in-line Raman spectroscopy and characterization of the reaction components

Šahnić, Damir ; Meštrović, Ernest ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Habinovec, Iva ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag
Organic process research & development

LC-SPE (cryo)NMR approach to the impurity profiling of 7-ethyltryptophol

Habinovec, Iva ; Car, Željka ; Ribić, Rosana ; Biljan, Ivana ; Pičuljan, Katarina ; Harča, Miroslava ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Galić, Nives ; Tomić, Srđanka ; Meštrović, Ernest ; Novak, Predrag

Multiple crystalline forms of 1,5- bis(salicylidebne)carbohydrazide

Rubčić, Mirta ; Galić, Nives ; Halasy, Ivan ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Judaš, Nenad ; Plavec, Janez ; Šket, Primož ; Novak, Predrag

LC-NMR analysis of impurities in a key starting material of Etodolac

Biljan, Ivana ; Car, Željka ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Pičuljan, Katarina ; Ribić, Rosana ; Habinovec, Iva ; Galić, Nives ; Tomić, Srđanka ; Novak, Predrag

Intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonding in acetylacetone and benzoylacetone derived enaminone derivatives

Lazić, Vedrana ; Jurković, Mihaela ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag
Journal of molecular structure

Rapid identification of bioactive carbohydrazide reaction products by an LC-DAD-SPE-NMR approach

Habinovec, Iva ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag

NMR characterisation of 1, 5- bis(salicylidene)carbohydrazide in solution and solid state

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Plavec, Janez ; Šket, Primož ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Galić, Nives

In-line monitoring of API synthesis and product characterisation

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Meštrović, Ernest ; Šahnić, Damir ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena

On-line and off-line NMR and LC-NMR identification of carbohydrazide derivatives in the reaction mixtures

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Habinovec, Iva ; Plavec, Janez ; Šket, Primož ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena

Phenylenediamine derivatives of dehydroacetic acid: synthesis, characterisation and deuterium isotope effects

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Bratoš, Igor ; Marković, Jelena ; Cindrić, Marina

Multiple solid forms of 1, 5-bis(salicylidene)carbohydrazide : polymorph-modulated thermal reactivity

Rubčić, Mirta ; Galić, Nives ; Halasz, Ivan ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Judaš, Nenad ; Plavec, Janez ; Šket, Primož ; Novak, Predrag
Crystal growth & design

Condensation reaction between carbohydrazide and salicylaldehyde: in-line vibrational spectroscopy monitoring and characterization of the reaction products in solution and solid state

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Hodžić, Aden ; Scheibelhofer, Otto ; Khinast, Johannes G. ; Plavec, Janez ; Šket, Primož ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena
Acta chimica slovenica

NMR and quantum chemical studies of hydrogen bonding in acetylacetone and benzoylacetone derived enaminones

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Lazić, Vedrana ; Jurković, Mihaela ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Novak, Predrag

In situ monitoring of condensation reaction between carbohydrazide and salicylaldehyde and characterization of the reaction products

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Hodzic, Aden ; Scheibelhofer, Otto ; Khinast, Johannes G. ; Plavec, Janez ; Šket, Primož ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena

Pyridoxal hydrazonato molybdenum(VI) complexes : assembly, structure and epoxidation (pre)catalyst testing under solvent-free conditions

Pisk, Jana ; Prugovečki, Biserka ; Matković-Čalogović, Dubravka ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Agustin, Dominique ; Vrdoljak, Višnja
RSC Advances

Fast real-time monitoring of entacapone crystallization and characterization of polymorphs via Raman spectroscopy, statistics and SWAXS

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Hodzic, Aden ; Scheibelhofer, Otto ; Marijan, Marijan ; Khinast, Johannes G. ; Novak, Predrag
Acta pharmaceutica

NMR and DFT study of Hydrogen Bonding in Mono(salicylidene)carbohydrazide

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Zangger, Klaus ; Hrenar, Tomica

Process Analytical Techniques Based on In-Line Vibrational Spectroscopy and their Industrial Applications

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag
Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske

In-line and off-line characterization of entacapone crystallization

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Hodzic, Aden ; Scheibelhofer, Otto ; Marijan, Marijan ; Khinast, Johannes ; Novak, Predrag

Strukturna analiza spojeva spektroskopskim metodama

Novak, Predrag; Jednačak, Tomislav

Synthesis, structural characterization and hydrogen bonding of mono(salicylidene)carbohydrazide

Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Parlov Vuković, Jelena ; Zangger, Klaus ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Galić, Nives ; Hrenar, Tomica
Croatica chemica acta

Synthesis and characterization of deuterated isotopomers of bioactive phenylenediamine derivatives of 3-acetyl-4-hydroxy-6-methyl-2H- pyran-2-dione

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Bratoš, Igor ; Marković, Jelena ; Cindrić, Marina

Monitoring of entacapone synthesis reaction by "in-line" Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Kišić, Andrea ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Vrbanec, Gordana

NMR Spectroscopy for studying interactions of bioactive molecules

Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav

Bioactive Phenylenediamine Derivatives of Dehydroacetic Acid : Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Deuterium Isotope Effects

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Novak, Predrag ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Bratoš, Igor ; Marković, Jelena ; Cindrić, Marina
Croatica chemica acta

Spektroskopska strukturna analiza

Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav

In-line reaction monitoring of entacapone synthesis by Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis

Novak, Predrag ; Kišić, Andrea ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Verbanec, Gordana
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis

In-situ Raman spectroscopy for the in-line crystallization monitoring of entacapone

Novak, Predrag ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Brkljača, Martina

Praćenje kristalizacije polimorfa entakaponea pomoću Ramanove spektroskopije in line

Jednačak, Tomislav ; Brkljača, Martina ; Novak, Predrag

Hydrogen Bonding and Deuterium Isotope Effects in 13C NMR Spectra of Phenylene Enaminones Derived from Dehydroacetic Acid

Pičuljan, Katarina ; Novak, Predrag ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Cindrić, Marina ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Jednačak, Tomislav ; Smrečki, Vilko
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