About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Borna Lužar-Oberiter

Title: Associate Professor
Location: 013 GPZ
Public phone number:+385 1 460 6097
Internal phone number:6097
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Department of Geology





BORNA LUŽAR-OBERITER. Born on April 14, 1979. in Zagreb.

During his primary and secondary education he attended schools partly in Croatia, and spent a total of five years in schools in the USA and Italy. He graduated from the XVI. gimnazija in 1997, and in the same year he enrolled in the study of geology at the Faculty of Science, Zagreb. He finished his studies in 2002 and immediately after graduation was employed as an assistant at the Geological Department of the Faculty of Science. He received his master's degree in postgraduate studies in 2006, and his doctorate in 2009 under the supervision of Prof. dr. sc. Ljubomir Babić. During his post-graduate studies he spent 7 months at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in Germany with scholarships from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and MZOS. Under the supervision of Prof. Hilmar von Eynaten and Prof. Istvan Dunkl-a he had the opportunity to work with various modern methods of sedimentary rock analysis as part of his doctoral dissertation. For his dissertation entitled "Provenance of Cretaceous clastic sediments from the Western Dinarides of Croatia" he received the award of the Croatian Geological Society "Josip Tišljar" for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of sedimentology. He has carried out his scientific work so far through participation in three domestic and one international projects, and as a leader of two projects.

The main part of Borna Lužar-Oberiter's scientific work so far has been focused on provenance studies of clastic sediments. In his research, he combines a number of modern and classical methods that include thermochronological and U-Pb dating of detrital grains (LA-ICP-MS, (U-Th)/He and fission track methods), chemical analyses of heavy mineral grains using electron microprobe, sandstone geochemistry, optical determination of heavy minerals, and sedimentary petrography. The sedimentary provenance of clastic material using modern methods allows not only the lithological composition, but also the petrogenesis and thermal history of source terrains to be discerned, which is extremely useful in reconstructing the history of geodynamically active areas such as orogens. The main object of Borna Lužar-Oberiter's research so far have been Cretaceous-Paleogene clastics of foreland basins in the Dinarides. He conducts numerous field studies in Croatia (Medvednica, Žumberačko gorje, Zrinska gora, Cetingrad, etc.) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gacko, Jajce, Kostajnica, etc.). Since 2023, he has been the head of the Croatian team and HRZZ project IPS 2023-02-2683 "Sedimentary evolution of Upper Cretaceous deep-sea basins in the Dinarides", which is an integral part of the Slovenian-Croatian bilateral research project under the leadership of Dr. Špele Goričan (Ivan Rakovac Institute of Paleontology, SRC SAZU).

In his work related to provenance of clastic sediments he has also included study of recent coastal sediments, Quaternary sediments of Croatian islands and the area of ​​northern Croatia, and Paleozoic metasediments of the Slavonian Mountains.

He was a supervisor of Krešimir Petrinjak's successfully defended doctoral dissertation on the topic of sedimentology of the Istrian flysch basin. On the subject of provenance, as well as the geodynamics of the internal Dinarides, he is currently collaborating in research with doctoral students Tea Mendek and Iva Olić as a PhD supervisor.

In the last few years, he has expanded his field of research to include the application of geodetic methods and remote sensing methods in geology. Currently, he continues to work on research aimed at the application of remote sensing methods in geological mapping and exploration of mineral resources of the Karst Dinarides in cooperation with student Nikola Gizdavac as PhD supervisor.

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