Get acquainted with the geological structure of the Earth, the processes in the Earth's interior and on the surface, with the basic types of rocks as well as with tectonic processes and structures. Understanding the Earth's internal dynamics, earthquakes and volcanism, environment on the Earth, their geological properties, dynamics and significance. Understanding the development of life on Earth and types of fossils. Mastering the basic methods of geological research.
Course content (syllabus):
1) Geology in natural sciences and its application. Solar system, planet Earth and its origin, planets, asteroids, comets, meteors. The shape and structure of the Earth.
2) Plate tectonics and types of plate boundaries. Minerals and rocks.
3) Magmatism and volcanism: types of rocks, magmatic bodies, types of volcanoes, types of volcanic eruptions and products.
4) Seismics: causes of earthquakes, wave types, seismograph, seismogram, intensity and energy of earthquakes, MCS-scale, Richter's magnitude, earthquakes effects of, tsunamis, applied seismicity research in geology.
5) Structural elements of the lithosphere: bed, bedding plane properties, bed strike and dip, geological compass, relationship between layers, folds (components, types), faults (components, types), fault systems, overthrusts and overthrusting mechanism covers and thrust mechanism.
6) Presentation of the geological structure of the field (geological map, geological profile, geological column).
7) Egzodynamic (surfaces) processes: weathering (mechanical, chemical), origin of soils, slope processes, transport, sedimentation, sedimentary structure, diagenesis.
8) Water: hydrological cycle, rock porosity and permeability, types of water, water table, types of springs. Rivers: flow characteristics, equilibrium profile of the river, types of rivers, relationship to geological structures, flood plains, alluvial terraces, deltas, estuaries, alluvial fans and fan deltas. Lakes: types, hydrology, sediments.
9) Karst: genesis, geomorphology (surficial and underground features), hydrogeology of karst.
10) Ice: origin, ice properties of, types of ice on Earth, glaciers ice (structure, movement), glacial geomorphology, glacial sediments and sedimentary bodies.
11) Wind: erosion, transport, deposition. Deserts: distribution on the Earth, causes, types, desert geomorphology, sediments and sedimentary bodies.
12-13) Seas and oceans: relationship between sea and land, tides, sea currents, waves, wave erosion, divisions of sea spaces, types of coasts, sea physiography, processes, and sediments in various bathymetric zones, carbonate platforms, sea-level change.
14) Earth physics: isostasy, glacioisostasy, heat flow, magnetism and palaeomagnetism.
15) Geological time (relative, radiometric). Evolution of life on the Earth.
- Tarbuk, E.J. Lutgens, F.K. (1988): Earth Science. 5th Ed., Merrill Publ. Company, Columbus, 612 str., 537 str.
- Plummer, Ch.C. McGeary, D. (1993): Physical Geology, 6th Ed., WC Brown Publishers
- Herak, M. (1990): Geologija, 5. izd., Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 450 str.
- Pavelić, D. (2012): Opća geologija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet, 237 str.
- Wicander, R. Monroe, S. (1999): Essentials of Geology, 8th Ed., Wasworth Publ. Company, Belmont, 447 str.
- Plummer, Ch.C. McGeary, D. Carlson, D. (2001): Physical Geology, 8th Ed., Mc Graw Hill, Boston, 580 str.