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Structural geology and tectonics

Code: 63320
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Matoš
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Matoš - Practicum
Iva Olić Peco , mag. geol. - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
To acquire basic knowledge in structural geology and tectonics about the common types of deformational structures in rocks, about their genesis/evolution and methods used in descriptive, kinematic and dynamic structural analysis of rocks.

Course content (syllabus):
L1. Introduction to the course, description of different types of stress regime in Earth's crust and their spatial arrangement
Ex1. Principles of stereographic projection of lines and planes. Solution to exercise programmes 1 and 2.

L2. Behaviour of rocks subjected to stress in different conditions of confining pressure, strain rate, pore fluid pressure and temperature
Ex 2. Principles of stereographic projection of lines that lie upon a plane. Solution to exercise programme 3.

L3. Basic principles in descriptive, kinematic and dynamic structural analysis of rocks and rock bodies.
Ex 3. Use of stereographic projection in solution of most common problems in Structural geology. Solution to exercise programme 4.

L4. Concepts of homogeneous and heterogeneous deformation in rocks by pure and simple shear.
Ex 4. Rotation of lines and planes in stereographic projection. Solution to most common problems in Structural geology.

L5. Analysis of joints and fractures in rocks: morphology of joint surfaces and associated structures.
Ex 5. Mid-term exam No. 1.

L6. Genetic classification of joints and fractures in rocks: classification of joints and fractures in respect to faults and folds.
Ex. 6. Descriptive structural analysis of joints and fractures. Solution to exercise programmes 5 and 6.

L7. Rock mechanics in Structural Geology and dynamic structural analysis of joints and faults.
Ex. Calculation of principal stress axes orientation from fault slip data. Solution to exercise programme 7.

L8. Faults (part 1): Classification of faults, recognizing appearance and expression of faults on surface and in subsurface, on geological maps and seismic sections.
Ex. 8. Interpretation of faults on seismic sections. Solution to exercise programmes 8 and 9.

L9. Faults (part 2): Structural properties of fault rocks, geometry of faults and fault systems, principles and methods to estimate time of fault activity.
Ex. 9. Interpretation of faults on seismic sections. Solution to exercise programme 10.

L10. Folds (part 1): Descriptive structural analysis of folds, folds geometry and classification.
Ex. 10. Mid-term exam No. 2.

L11. Folds (part 2): Order and types of folds and folding mechanism in compressional tectonics.
Ex. 11. Descriptive analysis of folds. Solution to exercise programme 11.

L12. Foliations and lineations in tectonites (part 1): Types of foliations and lineations in tectonites.
Ex. 12. Descriptive analysis of foliations based on microphotographs (solution to exercise programme 12).

P13. Foliations and lineations in tectonites (part 2): Deformational foliations in folded rocks.
Ex. 13. Descriptive analysis of foliations based on microphotographs (solution to exercise programme 13).

L14. Preparation for the field work: structural analysis and tectonic characteristics of a study area
Ex. 14. Mid-term exam No. 3.

L15. and Ex.15 Structural geology fieldwork - (2 field days)
  1. Matoš B. (2021): course materials available on MERLIN platform
  2. Fossen, H. (2010): Structural Geology, Cambridge Uni. Press, 463 p. (selected chapters)
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Passed : Geophysics
Passed : Historical geology I
Passed : Historical geology II
Attended : Igneous and metamorphic petrology
Attended : Sedimentary petrology
5. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Geology
Consultations schedule: