About employee

Igor Pejnović, mag. geol.

Title: Assistant
Location: 015 GPZ
Public phone number:+385 1 460 6108
Internal phone number:6108
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Department of Geology
Graduation year:2018
Employed in this institution since:2021

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database


Čančar, Marina; Makarun, Valerije; Drobnjak, Lucija; Pejnović, Igor

Response of larger benthic foraminifera to Eocene Warming episodes in the Dinaric foreland basin

Cosovic, Vlasta ; Drobne, Katica ; Pezelj, Đurđica ; Bucković, Damir ; Felja, Igor ; Kurtanjek, Dražen ; čančar, Marina ; Pejnović, Igor ; Ištuk, Željko

The multidisciplinary approach of studying the Middle Eocene warming episodes in Dinaric foreland basin: new data or unfulfilled promises?

Ćosović, Vlasta ; Pezelj, Đurđica ; Pejnović, Igor ; Čančar, Marina ; Bucković, Damir ; Kurtanjek, Dražen ; Tomašić, Nenad ; Ištuk, Željko ; Aljinović, Dunja ; Galović, Ines ; Horvat, Marija ; Ćorić, Stjepan

Odabir efikasne laboratorijske metode pripreme uzoraka: primjer srednjeeocenskih lapora (uvala Podstine, otok Hvar)

Pejnović, Igor ; Čančar, Marina ; Kampić, Štefica ; Ćosović, Vlasta

Biotic resilience of foraminifera on environmental conditions around the Middle Eocene Climate Optimum (MECO): Dinaric Foreland Basin

Pezelj, Đurđica ; Ćosović, Vlasta ; Aljinović, Dunja ; Bucković, Damir ; Čančar Marina ; Ćorić, Stjepan ; Felja, Igor ; Galović, Ines ; Horvat, Marija ; Kurtanjek, Dražen ; Pejnović, Igor ; Tomašić, Nenad ; Tudor, Tamara

Preservation of Nummulites tests in shallow-water limestones regarding the Middle Eocene Climate Optimum (Dinaric foreland basin, Croatia)

Ćosović, Vlasta ; Aljinović, Dunja ; Bucković, Damir ; Čančar, Marina ; Felja, Igor ; Galović, Ines ; Horvat, Marija ; Kurtanjek, Dražen ; Pejnović, Igor ; Pezelj, Đurđica ; Tomašić, Nenad ; Ćoroć, Stjepan

The foraminiferal record of the northern Adriatic: Brijuni Islands and Piran bay (same depths, different geologic background)

Ćosović, Vlasta ; Vidović, Jelena ; Gallmetzer, Ivo ; Haselmair, Alexandra ; Zuschin, Martin ; Janjetić, Marina ; Pensa, Tihana ; Pejnović, Igor ; Šalvari, Željka

The role of the Eocene larger benthic foraminifera in evolution of transient ramps in Dinaric Foreland Basin

Ćosović, Vlasta ; Nemec, Wojchiec ; Mrinjek, Ervin ; Španiček Jelena ; Pejnović, Igor ; Pensa, Tihana
More information about publications

Professional memberships

Croatian Geological Society - member


The Micropaleontological Society - member