About employee

dr. sc. Sanja Šuica

Title: Senior research assistant
Location: 025 GPZ
Public phone number:01/ 460 6103
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Department of Geology

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Record of Late Oligocene silicic volcanism in the Hrvatsko Zagorje Basin, Croatia: Insights from U-Pb zircon geochronology and volcanology

Šuica, Sanja; Trinajstić, Nina; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie Christin; Kutterolf, Steffen; Milošević, Monika; Brlek, Mihovil; Hauff, Folkmar; Grizelj, Anita; Kukoč, Duje; Brčić, Vlatko; Mišur, Ivan; Avanić, Radovan
Journal of the geological society

A distal record of the Middle Miocene silicic eruption of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region stored within the Dinaride Lake System: implications for tephrostratigraphy and emplacement of volcaniclastic deposits

Brlek, Mihovil; Trinajstić, Nina; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie Christin; Kutterolf, Steffen; Vukovski, Matija; Guillong, Marcel; Markovic, Sava; Šuica, Sanja; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Lee, Hao-Yang; Gaynor, Sean P.; Brčić, Vlatko; Mišur, Ivan; Grizelj, Anita; Kurečić, Tomislav; Martinčević Lazar, Jasmina ; Milošević, Monika; Baranyi, Viktória; Kukoč, Duje; Gilg, H. Albert; Georgiev, Stoyan; Lukács, Réka
International journal of earth sciences

Hidden Archive in Karst: Geochronological Evidence of Miocene Volcanic Activity in Quaternary Deposits (Plitvice Lakes and Bosiljevo, Croatia)

Trinajstić, Nina; Brčić, Vlatko; Dunkl, István; Kurečić, Tomislav; Wacha, Lara; Šarc, Filip; Šuica, Sanja; Brlek, Mihovil; Kukoč, Duje; Budić, Marko; von Eynatten, Hilmar;

The integral approach of the subsurface facies interpretation, Drava depression, Croatia

Krizmanić, Krešimir; Marić Đureković, Željka; Hernitz-Kučenjak, Morana; Troskot-Čorbić, Tamara; Šuica, Sanja; Matošević, Mario; Mikša, Goran

A distal record of the Middle Miocene silicic eruption of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region stored within the Dinaride Lake System: implications for tephrostratigraphy and emplacement of volcaniclastic deposits

Brlek, Mihovil; Trinajstić, Nina; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie Christin; Kutterolf, Steffen; Vukovski, Matija; Guillong, Marcel; Markovic, Sava; Šuica, Sanja; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Lee, Hao-Yang; Gaynor, Sean P.; Brčić, Vlatko; Mišur, Ivan; Grizelj, Anita; Kurečić, Tomislav; Lazar, Jasmina Martinčević; Milošević, Monika; Baranyi, Viktória; Kukoč, Duje; Gilg, H. Albert; Georgiev, Stoyan; Lukács, Réka
International journal of earth sciences

Spread and frequency of explosive silicic volcanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region during Early Miocene: Clues from the SW Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides

Brlek, Mihovil; Trinajstić, Nina; Gaynor, Sean P.; Kutterolf, Steffen; Hauff, Folkmar; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie; Šuica, Sanja; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Lee, Hao-Yang; Watts, Elena; Georgiev, Svetoslav V.; Brčić, Vlatko; Špelić, Marko; Mišur, Ivan; Kukoč, Duje; Schoene, Blair; Lukács, Réka
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research

Impact of the Jenkyns Event on shallow-marine carbonates and coeval emerged paleoenvironments: the Plitvice Lakes region, Croatia

Brčić, Vlatko; Baranyi, Viktória; Glumac, Bosiljka; Špelić, Marko; Fuček, Ladislav; Kukoč, Duje; Petrinjak, Krešimir; Mišur, Ivan; Budić, Marko; Palenik, Damir; Belić, Nikola; Kamenski, Ana; Lazar, Jasmina Martinčević; Šuica, Sanja; Grizelj, Anita; Ciglenečki, Irena; Dautović, Jelena
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology

Characterizing the ~15.3 Ma explosive eruption: Insights from volcaniclastic deposits across the Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides

Trinajstić, Nina; Brlek, Mihovil; Schindelbeck-Belo, Julie; Tapster, Simon Richard; Kutterolf, Steffen; Avanić, Radovan; Šuica, Sanja; Brčić, Vlatko; Kukoč, Duje; Rybar, Samuel; Šarinová, Katarína; Milošević, Monika; Mišur, Ivan

Characterizing the ~15.3 Ma explosive eruption: Insights from volcaniclasticdeposits across the Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides

dTrinajstić, Nina; Brlek, Mihovil; Schindelbeck-Belo, Julie; Tapster, Simon Richard; Kutterolf, Steffen; Avanić, Radovan; Šuica, Sanja; Brčić, Vlatko; Kukoč, Duje; Rybar, Samuel; Šarinová, Katarína; Milošević, Monika; Mišur, Ivan

The Alps as the main source of sand for the Late Miocene Lake Pannon (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)

Matošević, Mario; Garzanti, Eduardo; Šuica, Sanja; Bersani, Danilo; Marković, Frane; Razum, Ivan; Grizelj, Anita; Petrinjak, Krešimir; Kovačić, Marijan; Pavelić, Davor
Geologia Croatica

Željezoviti speleotemi slapa kraj Varaždinskih toplica

Šarc, Filip; Šuica, Sanja; Trinajstić, Nina

Volcanic sources and sinks of the Alpine-Mediterranean Region: A window into silicic volcanism and paleoenvironments during Early-Middle Miocene

Brlek, Mihovil; Gaynor, Sean; Tapster, Simon; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie; Kutterolf, Steffen; Trinajstić, Nina; Hauff, Folkmar; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Lee, Hao-Yang; Šuica, Sanja; Bauluz, Blanca; Brčić, Vlatko; Mišur, Ivan; Kukoč, Duje; Georgiev, Svetoslav; Mongelli, Giovanni; Lukács, Réka

The oldest Miocene volcaniclastics of the Carpathian–Pannonian Region based on U–Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS dating in the Mura Depression (Northwestern Croatia)

Matošević, Mario ; Šuica, Sanja ; Wall, Corey J. ; Mužina, Marina ; Vranjković, Alan ; Zopf, Dina ; Jović, Goran

A time-space window between Eocene karst bauxite genesis and the first molasse deposition in the Dinaric Foreland Basin in the North Dalmatia, Croatia

Brčić, Vlatko; Dunkl, István; Mindszenty, Andrea; Brlek, Mihovil; Trinajstić, Nina; Bajo, Petra; Bauluz, Blanca; Mišur, Ivan; Karius, Volker; Šuica, Sanja; Kukoč, Duje; Yuste, Alfonso; Laita, Elisa; Von Eynatten, Hilmar; Zeh, Armin
Frontiers in earth science (Lausanne)

Provenance and depositional environment of Middle Miocene silicic volcaniclastic deposits from Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin, Carpathian-Pannonian Region)

Trinajstić, Nina; Brlek, Mihovil; Gaynor, Sean; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie; Šuica, Sanja; Avanić, Radovan; Kutterolf, Steffen; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Lee, Hao-Yang; Holcová, Katarína; Kopecká, Jitka; Baranyi, Viktória; Hajek-Tadesse, Valentina; Bakrač, Koraljka; Brčić, Vlatko; Kukoč, Duje; Miloševič, Monika; Mišur, Ivan; Lukács, Réka
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research


Trinajstić, Nina ; Brlek, Mihovil ; Šuica, Sanja ; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie ; Tapster ; Simon Richard ; Gaynor, Sean P ; Kutterolf, Steffen ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Mišur, Ivan ; Kukoč, Duje ;

Petrography of the Upper Miocene sandstones from the North Croatian Basin: Understanding the genesis of the largest reservoirs in the southwestern part of the Pannonian Basin System

Matošević, Mario ; Marković, Frane ; Bigunac, Dijana ; Šuica, Sanja ; Krizmanić, Krešimir ; Perković, Adaleta ; Kovačić, Marijan ; Pavelić, Davor
Geologica Carpathica

Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanism

Brlek, Mihovil ; Tapster, Simon Richard ; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie ; Gaynor, Sean ; Kutterolf, Steffen ; Hauff, Folkmar ; Georgiev, Svetoslav ; Trinajstić, Nina ; Šuica, Sanja ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Beier, Christoph ; Abersteiner, Adam ; Mišur, Ivan ; Peytcheva, Irena ; Kukoč, Duje ; Németh, Bianka ; Trajanova, Mirka ; Balen, Dražen ; Guillong, Marcel ; Szymanowski, Dawid ; Lukács, Réka
Gondwana research

The Eggerian tuffs of the Hrvatsko Zagorje Basin

Šuica, Sanja; Brlek, Mihovil; Trinajstić, Nina; Tapster, Simon Richard; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie; Kutterolf, Steffen; Mišur, Ivan; Kukoč, Duje; Brčić, Vlatko; Avanić, Radovan

Tephrostratigraphy of the Early and Middle Miocene volcaniclastic horizons in Croatia -widespread silicic explosive eruptions

Trinajstić, Nina; Brlek, Mihovil; Šuica, Sanja; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie; Kutterolf, Steffen; Brčić, Vlatko; Wang, Kuo-Lung; Lee, Hao-Yang; Gaynor, Sean P.; Tapster, Simon R.; Kukoč, Duje; Mišur, Ivan; Lukács, Réka

Eurasian Ice Sheet derived meltwater pulses and their role in driving atmospheric dust activity: Late Quaternary loess sources in SE England

Baykal, Yunus ; Stevens, Thomas ; Bateman, Mark.D. ; Pfaff, Katharina ; Sechi, Daniele ; Banak, Adriano ; Šuica, Sanja ; Zhang, Haobo ; Nie, Junsheng
Quaternary science reviews

Perspectives on the Early Miocene silicic volcanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region

Brlek, Mihovil ; Tapster, Simon Richard ; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie ; Gaynor, Sean ; Kutterolf, Steffen ; Hauff, Folkmar ; Georgiev, Svetoslav ; Trinajstić, Nina ; Šuica, Sanja ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Beier, Christoph ; Abersteiner, Adam ; Mišur, Ivan ; Peytcheva, Irena ; Kukoč, Duje ; Németh, Bianka ; Trajanova, Mirka ; Balen, Dražen ; Guillong, Marcel ; Lukács, Réka

The link between Central Dalmatian karst bauxites (Croatia) and Miocene Climatic Optimum

Brlek, Mihovil ; Gaynor, Sean ; Mongelli, Giovanni ; Bauluz, Blanca ; Sinisi, Rosa ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Peytcheva, Irena ; Mišur, Ivan ; Tapster, Simon ; Trinajstić, Nina ; Laita, Elisa ; Yuste, Alfonso ; Allard, Thierry ; Mathian, Maximilien ; Šuica, Sanja ; Grizelj, Anita ; Kukoč, Duje ; Schaltegger, Urs

Karst bauxite formation during Miocene Climatic Optimum (central Dalmatia, Croatia): mineralogical, compositional and geochronological perspectives

Brlek, Mihovil ; Gaynor, Sean ; Mongelli, Giovanni ; Bauluz, Blanca ; Sinisi, Rosa ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Peytcheva, Irena ; Mišur, Ivan ; Tapster, Simon ; Trinajstić, Nina ; Laita, Elisa ; Yuste, Alfonso ; Šuica, Sanja ; Grizelj, Anita ; Kukoč, Duje ; Schaltegger, Urs
International journal of earth sciences


Trinajstić, Nina ; Brlek, Mihovil ; Gaynor, Sean ; Schindlbeck - Belo, Julie ; Šuica, Sanja ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Mišur, Ivan ; Kukoč, Duje ; Baranyi, Viktória

Integrated study and stratigraphic implications of Miocene volcaniclastic deposits on Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin)

Trinajstić, Nina ; Gaynor, Sean ; Schindlbeck-Belo, Julie ; Avanić, Radovan ; Brlek, Mihovil ; Šuica, Sanja ; Hajek-Tadesse, Valentina ; Holcová, Katarína ; Kopecká, Jitka ; Baranyi, Viktória ; Bakrač, Koraljka ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Mišur, Ivan ; Kuo-Lung Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Lee, Hao-Jantg ; Kutterolf, Steffen ; Schaltegger, Urs

Diachronous Flooding During Pannonian Basin Extension (Central Europe): Constraining the Miocene Incursion of the Central Paratethys using High-Precision Geochronology

Gaynor, Sean ; Brlek, Mihovil ; Kutterold, Steffen ; Trinajstić, Nina ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Belo, Julie ; Šuica, Sanja ; Tapster, Simon ; Kukoč, Duje ; Mišur, Ivan ; Schaltegger, Urs

Miocene syn‑rift evolution of the North Croatian Basin (Carpathian–Pannonian Region): new constraints from Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora volcaniclastic record with regional implications

Brlek, Mihovil ; Kutterolf, Steffen ; Gaynor, Sean ; Kuiper, Klaudia ; Belak, Mirko ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Holcova, Katarina ; Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Bakrač, Koraljka ; Hajek-Tadesse, Valentina ; Mišur, Ivan ; Horvat, Marija ; Šuica, Sanja ; Schaltegger, Urs
International journal of earth sciences

Neogene Sedimentological and Geochemical Model of the Mura basin, NW Croatia, SW Margins of the Central Paratethys

Krizmanić, Krešimir ; Troskot-Čorbić, Tamara ; Matošević, Mario ; Šuica, Sanja ; Hernitz Kučenjak, Morana ; Premec-Fuček, Vlasta ; Matej, Srebrenka

Multidisciplinary approach in core analyses of the Legrad-1JR reservoir

Šuica, Sanja ; Troskot-Čorbić, Tamara ; Krizmanić, Krešimir ; Sabol, Ninoslav ; Gaćina, Marko ; Marinović, Slavica ; Gregurić, Maja ; Jelić-Balta, Jasmina

Miocene syn-rift evolution of the North Croatian Basin (Carpathian-Pannonian Region): 1. Regional magmatic activity and Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora pyroclastic record

Brlek, Mihovil ; Kutterolf, Steffen ; Schaltegger, Urs ; Kuiper, Klaudia ; Belak, Mirko ; Brčić, Vlatko ; Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Mišur, Ivan ; Horvat, Marija ; Šuica, Sanja

Paleogene Basins in Croatia as a Connection between Tisza and Dinarides – A Missing Link.

Takač, Damir ; Boromisa, Jelena ; Troskot-Čorbić, Tamara ; Krizmanić, Krešimir ; Šuica, Sanja ; Mikša, Goran

Tectono-magmatic significance of the pillow basalts from the ophiolitic mélange of the Dinarides

Šuica, Sanja ; Lugović, Boško ; Kukoč, Duje

The occurrence of phosphate in the Lower Badennian deposits of Čepelovac-1S well in the western part of Drava Depression (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)

Šuica, Sanja ; Hernitz Kučenjak, Morana ; Sabol, Ninoslav ; Matošević, Mario ; Slavković, Renata
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