About employee

dr. sc. Zvonka Gverić

Title: Adjunct lecturer
Function:Senior Teaching Assistant
Location: 4 MPZ
Public phone number:+385 1 460 5963
Internal phone number:5963
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Department of Geology
Graduation year:2012
PhD graduation year:2023
Employed in this institution since:2017





anytime during working hours with obligatory notice via e-mail


Zvonka Gverić was born in 1987 in Varaždin, Croatia, where she completed primary and secondary level education. In 2006 she enroled in Environmental Sciences bachelor's course at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. After completing her Bachelor's she continued her studies at Environmental Geology Master's program. She graduated in 2012 covering the topic of mineralogical and chemical characteristics of Croatian bentonites, mentored by Prof Darko Tibljaš. She spent part of her Master's studies at the Pannonian University in Veszprém, Hungary where she participated in a study of carbonate precipitation in Lake Balaton using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).

After a short detour during which she worked in Brussels representing local authorities as the Head of Croatian Regions Office from 2014, she returned to Zagreb and Geology in 2017. She completed her doctoral studies in 2023 defending the thesis titled Changes in clay mineralogy in soils developed in temperate climate on Miocene and Plio-Quaternary sediments of Medvednica Mt., Croatia (mentors: Prof Nenad Tomašić and Assoc. Prof Vedran Rubinić). Part of her research was done at the Institute of Geology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.

Her research encompasses clay minerals and their transformations facilitated by pedogenesis, weathering or diagenesis. She is also focused on the implementation of various analytical techniques in clay minerals identification and quantification (XRD, FTIR). Her scientific interests are directed towards the use of clay minerals as recorders of past environments and environmental changes.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

The effect of weathering on clay mineralogy of Plio-Quaternary sediments and the overlying material on SE slopes of Medvednica Mt., Croatia

Gverić, Zvonka; Tomašić, Nenad; Kisiel, Marta; Maj-Szeliga, Katarzyna; Skiba, Michał; Rubinić, Vedran
Environmental earth sciences

Clay mineralogy in soils formed on Miocene marls and Plio-Quarternary sediments in temperate climate

Gverić, Zvonka ; Tomašić, Nenad ; Kisiel, Marta ; Maj-Szeliga, Katarzyna ; Rubinić, Vedran

Clay mineralogy of soils developed from Miocene marls of Medvednica Mt., NW Croatia: Origin and transformation in temperate climate

Gverić, Zvonka ; Rubinić, Vedran ; Kampić, Štefica ; Vrbanec, Pavao ; Paradžik, Anja ; Tomašić, Nenad
Catena (Cremlingen)

Comprehensive characterisation of bentonites from Croatia and neighbouring countries

Gverić, Zvonka ; Hanžel, Darko ; Kampić, Štefica ; Pleša, Andrej ; Tibljaš, Darko
Geologia Croatica

Mössbauer study of bentonites from Croatia and neighbouring countries

Tibljaš, Darko ; Hanžel, Darko ; Gverić, Zvonka

Tetrahedral charge of bentonites from Croatia and neighbouring countries

Gott, Filip ; Gverić, Zvonka ; Hanžel, Darko ; Kampić, Štefica ; Tibljaš, Darko

Clay mineralogy and properties of soil and underlying plio-quaternary sediments of SE Mt. Medvednica (North Croatia)

Gverić, Zvonka ; Tomašić, Nenad ; Maj-Szeliga, Katarzyna ; Kampić, Štefica ; Carevski, Filip ; Skiba, Michał

Clay mineralogy of soils developed on Miocene marl sections of Mt Medvednica, NW Croatia: Origin and transformation in temperate humid climate

Gverić, Zvonka ; Kampić, Štefica ; Paradžik, Anja ; Vrbanec, Pavao ; Tomašić, Nenad

Stop 2: Zeolitized pyroclastics of the Donje Jesenje

Avanić, Radovan ; Tibljaš, Darko ; Pavelić, Davor ; Gverić, Zvonka

Comprehensive characterisation of bentonites from Croatia and neighbouring countries

Gverić, Zvonka ; Pleša, Andrej ; Tibljaš Darko

Layer charge of bentonites from Croatia and neighbouring countries

Gverić, Zvonka ; Pleša, Andrej ; Tibljaš, Darko

Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of Croatian bentonites

Gverić, Zvonka ; Kampić, Štefica ; Marković, Tamara ; Jozić, Dražan ; Biševac, Vanja ; Tibljaš, Darko
More information about publications

Professional memberships

member of Croatian Geological Society - secretary of the Croatian Clay Group (since 2024)

member of Croatian Crystallographic Union