About employee

prof. dr. sc. Marko Tadić

Title: Full Professor
Location: 307
Public phone number:5786
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Zavod za algebru i teoriju brojeva

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Unitarizability in Corank Three for Classical p-adic Groups

Tadić, Marko
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

On unitarizability and Arthur packets

Tadić, Marko
Manuscripta mathematica

Some results on reducibility of parabolic induction for classical groups

Lapid, Erez ; Tadić, Marko
American journal of mathematics

Two simple observations on representations of metaplectic groups

Tadić, Marko
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Matematičke znanosti

Remark on representation theory of general linear groups over a non- archimedean local division algebra

Tadić, Marko
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Matematičke znanosti

On Jacquet modules of representations of segment type

Matić, Ivan ; Tadić, Marko
Manuscripta mathematica

A construction of elements in the Bernstein center for quasi-split groups

Moy, Allen ; Tadic, Marko
American journal of mathematics

A method of proving non-unitarity of representations of p-adic groups

Hanzer, Marcela ; Tadić, Marko
Mathematische Zeitschrift

On automorphic duals and isolated representations ; a new phenomena

Marko Tadic
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society

GL(n, C)^ and GL(n, R)^

Tadić, Marko

Generalized spherical functions on reductive p-adic groups

J.-S. Huang ; Tadić, Marko
Transactions of the American mathematical society

On the generic unitary dual of quasi-split classical groups

Lapid, Erez ; Muić, Goran ; Tadić, Marko
International mathematics research notices

The Bernstein center in terms of invariant locally integrable functions

Moy, Allen ; Tadić, Marko
Representation theory

Construction of discrete series for classical p- adic groups

Moeglin, Colette ; Tadić, Marko
Journal of the American Mathematical Society

On regular square integrable representations of p-adic groups

Tadić, Marko
American journal of mathematics
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