Getting to know the commercial and non commercial usage of the paleontology.
Learning outcomes:
1. To apply palaeontological knowledge in determination of relative age of rocks.
2. Recognize facies fossils and learn how to determine palaeoenvironment
3. Understand biotic responses to stress episodes in geological history
4. Learn the role of fossils in formation of building and architectural stone.
5. Understand the role of biota in oil/gas source rocks and collector rocks
6. Learn the role of biogene buidups as artistic inspiration.
7. Understand the possibilities of paleontology in improvement of geotourism.
1. Basic terms in palaeontology. Various applications of fossils.
2. Definition of index-fossil. Index fossil through time (conodonts, foraminifers, ammonites, nannoplankton etc.)
3. Biostratigraphy and Earth history.
4. Recognizing abiotic factors in palaeoenvironment.
5. Species interactions in the past.
6. Ichnofossils and ichnofacies. Connections between palaeontology and sedimentology.
7. Microfossils and microfacies. Microfacies of carbonate rocks. Bindstone, bafflestone, framestone.
8. Building stone stone of biotic origin in Croatia. Limestone, dolomite, marl.
9. Architectonic stone of biotic origin. Stone sculptures.
10. Biomineralization and ore deposits.
11. Coal formation. Principal coal-forming plants of the past.
12. Crude oil and gas. Source rocks, reservoir rocks, isolator rocks. Oil shales and sands. Kerogene type and recognition of source material.
13. Fossils and biogene materials in design.
14. Palaeontological features as geotouristic objects.
15. Palaeontological museums and exhibitions.
1. Processes of fossilization and applications of fossils.
2. Most important index-fossils of the past: conodonts, foraminifers, ammonites, nannoplankton, calcareous algae)
3. Historical geology. Natural catastrophes and extinctions.
4. Statistical methods in interpretation of palaeoenvironment.
5. Calculation of palaeotemperature on land and in seas. Stabile isotopes.
6. Evidence of predation, parasitism and symbiosis in fossil record.
7. Principal categories of ichnofossils and their interpretation.
8. Micrfossils and microfacies.
9. Biogene rocks: bindstone, boundstone, framestone. Bioclastic rocks.
10. Biomineralisation and fossil diagenesis.
11. Natural stone in Zagreb - walk around Zagreb streets.
12. Palaeobotanical macrofossils. Coal-forming plants.
13. Oil and gas. Formation and concentration in geological structures.
14. Geotourism in Croatia.
15. Palaeontological collections in Croatian museums.
Each student has different topic, according to his/hers affinities. Student, together with lecturer, collects available scientific papers. Seminar consists of the introductory, general part, and detailed description of one or more new scientific results in the research field. Discussion on the new scientific results published in the last 5 years. Students have a public presentation and discussion with colleagues.
- Crnički, J. & Šinkovec, B. (1993): Nemetalne mineralne sirovine Hrvatske. Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik, 5, 21-37.
- Jones, R. W. (2011): Applications of Palaeontology. Cambridge University Press; dostupno on-line:
- Malvić, T. & Velić, J. (2008): Geologija ležišta fluida. Skripta. Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet. 139 str.
- Sremac, J. (1999): Opća paleontologija. Skripta. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet.
- Cuif, J.-P.; Dauphin, Y.; Sorauf, J. E. (2010). Biominerals and Fossils Through Time. Cambridge Books Online.
- Farsani, N. T.; Coelho, C. O. A.; da Costa C. M. M. . de Caravalho, C. N. (2012): Geoparks and Geotourism. 25 str.