COURSE GOALS: Provide students with knowledge and information about application of a system approach to technological processes of transport of goods, people and information in different traffic networks. Adoptions of approaches, methods and techniques for describing traffic system performance for different transport modality. Qualifying students for perceiving analogy between different transport modality
Upon completing the degree, students will be able to:
1.1. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the fundamental laws of classical and modern physics
1.2. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the most important physics theories (logical and mathematical structure, experimental support, described physical phenomena)
1.3. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in techniques
1.4. demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in information and communication technology
1.5. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic experimental methods, instruments and methods of experimental data processing in physic
1.6. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of new insights into contemporary physics, informatics and technology teaching methods and strategies
1.7. describe the framework of natural sciences
1.8. integrate physics, informatics and technology content knowledge with knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, didactics and teaching methods courses
2.1. identify and describe important aspects of a particular physical phenomenon or problem
2.2. identify and describe important aspects of techniques and their applications
2.3. recognize and follow the logic of arguments, evaluate the adequacy of arguments and construct well supported arguments
2.4. use mathematical methods to solve standard physics problems
2.5. prepare and perform classroom physics experiments and interpret the results of observation;
2.6. use information and communication technology efficiently (to foster active enquiry, collaboration and interaction in the classroom)
2.7. prepare and perform classroom practicals (practical work)
2.8. create a learning environment that encourages active engagement in learning and promotes continuing development of pupils' skills and knowledge
2.9. plan and design appropriate teaching lessons and learning activities based on curriculum goals and principles of interactive enquiry-based teaching
2.10. plan and design efficient and appropriate assessment strategies and methods to evaluate and ensure the continuous development of pupils
3.1. develop a critical scientific attitude towards research in general, and in particular by learning to critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data;
3.2. develop clear and measurable learning outcomes and objectives in teaching based on curriculum goals;
3.3. reflect on and evaluate their own practice of teaching;
3.4. accept responsibilities in planning and managing teaching duties;
3.5. demonstrate professional integrity and ethical behavior in work with pupils and colleagues;
4.1. communicate effectively with pupils and colleagues;
4.2. present complex ideas clearly and concisely;
4.3. present their own research results at education or scientific meetings;
4.4. use the written and oral English language communication skills that are essential for pursuing a career in physics and education;
5.1. search for and use professional literature as well as any other sources of relevant information
5.2. remain informed of new developments and methods in physics, informatics, technology and education;
5.3. develop a personal sense of responsibility for their professional advancement and development
When a student successfully passes the course it will be able to:
1. Define main terms of traffic technology.
2. Describe the properties of transport process with different traffic entity in various traffic networks.
3. Calculate transport system performance (occupancy, utilisation, required capacity, throughput, Quality of Service parameters).
4. Apply appropriate model for solving the traffic problem in different traffic networks and solve the given problem.
5. Analyse the impact of traffic quantities on system performances.
6. Write seminar essay by compiling component ideas into a new whole.
1. Week:
* Introductory lecture (presenting the content of the course, student responsibilities, available literature, flow chart describing successful completion of the course).
* Subject of interest and basic terms
2. Week:
* Definition of traffic engineering
* Domain of the traffic engineering
3. Week:
* Basic explanation of dependences between traffic, transport and activity system
4. Week :
* Definition and domain of traffic technology, traffic engineering and traffic technique
5. Week:
* Generalised traffic system model
6. Week:
* Model for mod choice, route choice and departure time
7. Week:
* Modelling, measuring and planning of traffic in different traffic network
8. Week:
* Traffic theory
* Traffic variation and busy (peak) hour concept
9. Week:
* Analyses of queuing models
- Arrival process
- Service mechanisms
- Service discipline
10. -11.Week:
* Queuing models (M/M/1, M/M/m, M/D/1 i M/D/m)
12. Week:
* Basic traffic stream properties and methods for their determination
- Flow
- Density (concentration)
- Speed
- Travel time
- Headway
13. Week:
* Analyses of road transport process of people and goods
14. Week:
* Analyses of transport process of people and goods by air and rail
15. Week:
* Seminar presentation
1. Week:
* Information about how to make a seminar essay
3. Week:
* Choosing paper for seminar essay
4. Week:
* Traffic engineering terminology unification ( traffic entity, traffic flow, traffic flow intensity, concentration, capacity)
5. Week:
* Quantitative description of transport demand
7. Week:
* Traffic network, topology of traffic network, traffic flow intensity (internal/incoming)
8. -9. Week:
* Traffic flow analyses
- Traffic flow routing in network
- Determination of traffic flow intensity for individual link in network
- Determination of incoming traffic flow intensity
10. -11. Week:
* Determination of system performance parameters (waiting, delay, queueing length
13. Week:
* Function dependency of basic traffic flow quantities
14. Week:
* Units of transportation measurement (passenger and freight
15. Week:
* Seminar presentation
Positive evaluated seminar essay and presentation seminar is requirement for obtaining signatures and access to final exam.
Written exam consists of two parts: questions (theoretical knowledge) and tasks. A minimum score is required to reach the pass threshold (threshold is 50% of total score). Total score is 16 points.
The examination is considered as passed if a minimum of 60% of the maximum amount of points has been reached in the written as well as the oral exam.
- I. Bošnjak, D. Badanjak: Osnove prometnog inženjerstva, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2005
- I. Županović: Tehnologija cestovnog prometa, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb, 2004.
I. Bošnjak: Inteligentni transportni sustavi I, Fakultet prometnih znanosti, (u tisku)
B. Ran, D. Boyce: Modelling Dynamic Transportation Networks, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996. časopisi: Transportation Science Traffic Technology