Number of visits:


Original scientific and review papers in CC journals

  1. Ferrarin C, Orlić M, Bajo M, Davolio S, Umgiesser G, Lionello P (2023):  The contribution of a mesoscale cyclone and associated meteotsunami to the exceptional flood in Venice on November 12, 2019. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 149, 2929-2942.

  2. Ruić K, Šepić J, Mlinar M, Međugorac I (2023): Contribution of high‑frequency (T < 2 h) sea level oscillations to the Adriatic sea level maxima. Natural Hazards 116, 3747–3777,

  3. Lazar M, Bubalo M, Begić J (2022): Analytical model of thermohaline circulation in land-locked basins: analyzing the impact of friction on circulation reversal. Journal of Physical Oceanography 52(10), 2343-2359,

  4. Šepić J, Pasarić M, Međugorac I, Vilibić I, Karlović M, Mlinar M (2022): Climatology and process-oriented analysis of the Adriatic sea level extremesProgress in Oceanography 209, 102908,

  5. Kovač Ž, Sathyendranath S (2022): Fragility of marine photosynthesis. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 963395,
  6. Matić F, Džoić T, Kalinić H, Ćatipović L, Udovičić D, Juretić T, Rakuljić L, Sršen D, Tičina V (2022): Observation of abrupt changes in the sea surface layer of the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(7), 848,
  7. Matić Skoko S, Pavičić M, Šepić J, Janeković I, Vrdoljak D, Vilibić I, Stagličić N, Šegvić Bubić T, Vujević A (2022): Impacts of sea bottom temperature on CPUE of European lobster Homarus gammarus in the Adriatic Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 891197,
  8. Ferrarin C, Lionello P, Orlić M, Raicich F, Salvadori G (2022): Venice as a paradigm of coastal flooding under multiple compound drivers. Scientific Reports 12, 5754,
  9. Međugorac I, Pasarić M, Orlić M (2022): Long-term measurements at Bakar tide-gauge station (east Adriatic). Geofizika 39(1), 149-162,
  10. Šolić M, Šantić D, Šestanović S, Kušpilić G, Matić F, Vrdoljak Tomaš A, Jozić S, Bojanić N, Ninčević Gladan Ž (2022): Changing ecological conditions in the marine environment generate different microbial food web structures in a repeatable manner. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 811155,
  11. Lionello P, Barriopedro D, Ferrarin C, Nicholls RJ, Orlić M, Raicich F, Reale M, Umgiesser G, Vousdoukas M, Zanchettin D (2021): Extreme floods of Venice: characteristics, dynamics, past and future evolution (review article). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 21, 2705–2731,
  12. Umgiesser G, Bajo M, Ferrarin C, Cucco A, Lionello P, Zanchettin D, Papa A, Tosoni A, Ferla M, Coraci E, Morucci Sara, Crosato F, Bonometto A, Valentini A, Orlić M, Haigh ID, Woge Nielsen J, Bertin X, Bustorff Fortunato A, Pérez Gómez B, Alvarez Fanjul E, Paradis D, Jourdan D, Pasquet A, Mourre B, Tintoré J, Nicholls RJ (2021): The prediction of floods in Venice: methods, models and uncertainty (review article). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 21, 2679-2704,
  13. Ferrarin C, Bajo M, Benetazzo A, Cavaleri L, Chiggiato J, Davison S, Davolio S, Lionello P, Orlić M, Umgiesser G (2021): Local and large-scale controls of the exceptional Venice floods of November 2019. Progress in Oceanography 197, 102628,
  14. Šantić D, Piwosz K, Matić F, Vrdoljak Tomaš A, Arapov J, Lawrence Dean J, Šolić M, Koblížek M, Kušpilić G, Šestanović S (2021): Artificial neural network analysis of microbial diversity in the central and southern Adriatic Sea. Scientific Reports 11, 11186,
  15. Kovač Ž, Platt T, Sathyendranath S (2021): Sverdrup meets Lambert: analytical solution for Sverdrup’s critical depth. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78(4), 1398-1408,
  16. Bubalo M, Janeković I, Orlić M (2021): Meteotsunami-related flooding and drying: numerical modeling of four Adriatic events. Natural Hazards 106, 1365-1382,

  17. Međugorac I, Pasarić M, Güttler I (2020): Will the wind associated with the Adriatic storm surges change in future climate?. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 143(1), 1-18,

  18. Šolić M, Šantić D, Šestanović S, Bojanić N, Grbec B, Jozić S, Vrdoljak A, Ordulj M, Matić F, Kušpilić G, Gladan Ninčević Ž (2020): Impact of water column stability dynamics on the succession of plankton food web types in the offshore area of the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Sea Research 158, 101860,

  19. Šolić M, Šantić D, Šestanović S, Bojanić N, Jozić S, Ordulj M, Vrdoljak Tomaš A, Kušpilić G (2020): Changes in the trophic pathways within the microbial food web in the global warming scenario: an experimental study in the Adriatic Sea. Microorganisms 8(4), 510,

  20. Kovač Ž, Platt T, Sathyendranath S (2020): Stability and resilience in a nutrient-phytoplankton marine ecosystem model. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(4), 1556-1572,

  21. Matić F, Kalinić H, Vilibić I, Grbec B, Morožin K (2019): Adriatic-Ionian air temperature and precipitation patterns derived from self-organizing maps: relation to hemispheric indices. Climate Research 78(2), 149-163,


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)