Number of visits:

open day (10/2023)



We had another open day (26 October 2023) for the public and schools. We showed again how sea level is measured, we talked about the challenges we face in this work and for what purposes we use the measured data.


open day (10/2022)



On 20 October 2022, we opened the doors of the tide gauge to students and teachers of the Nautical School in Bakar and the public. Visitors were able to see the instruments and listen to presentations on the specifics of sea level measurements, the history of the station and the processes that cause sea level fluctuations. We also talked about the importance of the knowledge gained for solving some present-day problems such as coastal flooding and climate change, but also about practical applications of our measurements (with a focus on navigation).







Field work (05/2022)

On 20 May 2022, students of Geophysics (UniZg) visited the Bakar station and the Zavižan meteorological station. The photos shown were taken by our student Lara Leko.

Work table at the Bakar tide-gauge station.
Prof Zoran Pasarić and students at the radar tide gauge (OTT RLS). 


Dr Antun Marki at the Zavižan meteorological station.


Students visit the botanical garden in Zavižan.



STUDENTS' Field work (05/2019)

On 17 May 2019, students of Geophysics (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb) visited Bakar (as part of the fieldwork course). The students received an introduction to measuring sea level with floats (analogue and digital) and radar equipment. After the visit to Bakar, we continued to the Zavižan meteorological station, the highest station in the Republic of Croatia. The photos shown were taken by our former student Tonko Bogovac.

Technician Damir Ptičar demonstrates how to check the zero point of the tide gauge.


Chart-recording instrument and device for measuring the distance between the contact point and the current water level.
Prof Zoran Pasarić inspects the radar device with students.
The students take notes for the report.



At the end, a beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea from Zavižan.

ExceptionaLly high sea level (10/2018)

The press release on the extremely high sea level (minute measurements) recorded at the Bakar station can be found here (in Croatian).

Hourly sea levels measured at the Bakar station during the storm surge in October 2018.
The heights are relative to the zero point Z0 = 73.8 cm (national geodetic system HVRS71).


STUdents in Bakar (05/2011)

On 27 May 2011, students of geophysics (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb) visited the Bakar tide-gauge station.

Prof Mirko Orlić explains how the float-type sensor works.
Prof Mirko Orlić explains the history of the station and its importance for sea level monitoring to students and other visitors.


Dr. Mira Pasarić explains how the radar sensor works.


Seventy-fifth anniversary (2005)

In 2005, the station celebrated its 75th birthday. On this occasion, Prof Mirko Orlić wrote an article for the magazine Bakarski zbornik (link). Pictures of the celebration can be found in the gallery below.


Installation of a radar tide gauge (09/2004)

In September 2004, a radar tide gauge was installed in Bakar, the first of its kind in Croatia. The sensor (OTT Kalesto) was placed at the entrance to the harbour and installed in the open air on a hanging arm (in the L position). The device measures the sea level relative to the same tide-gauge zero as the other two devices and provides 1-minute data, which is stored locally and sent to the Geophysical Department in Zagreb with a latency of 15 minutes. Photos of the installation of the instrument can be found in the gallery below.


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