Rules and etiquette

Rules and etiquette

  • You can use library services during library opening hours

  • Before using the library, you are required to identify yourself to library staff. Students need to show their student card (“iksica”), while other users need to show a valid ID

  • If required by library staff, users need to show the objects they are carrying in or out of the library

  • If users damage or lose library materials, they need to bring a new copy of the damaged title or pay the equivalent amount

  • Computers in the library are for writing papers and searching the library catalog, bibliographic databases and other publicly available information sources, primarily for the purpose of studying and scientific or research work

  • Computer use for students may have a time limit


In the library it is not allowed:

  • to disturb other users or library staff in their work

  • to eat or drink anything (exceptioncan be made for water in a screw-top bottle which has to be kept securely closed when not in use)

  • to take out books without registering them with library staff

  • to damage books or other library inventory

  • to use mobile phones or other sound-making devices (they need to be put on silent)



  • Students and non-faculty members can borrow 2 books, for 30 days. We request that books are renewed every month (in person, by phone or email). You can renew them 2 times, up to 90 days. After that we request that books be returned to the library. If no other member has requested the book, they can be borrowed again.

  • For the purpose of diploma papers, users can have up to 5 books

  • Materials not available for borrowing: journals, final papers, reference materials (dictionaries, encyclopedias etc.) You can copy from a journal provided you leave a valid ID with the librarian and return the materials the same day. An exception can be made for exams, in consultation with the librarian.

  • Students must return all materials in order to be able to advance to next semester or finish their studies


Users who do not follow the rules will be asked to leave the library.