About Career Centre

From July 1st, 2020, as part of the project "Implementation and improvement of professional practice at the Faculty of Science - ProSPer PMF", the Career Centre has opened its door at the Faculty of Science. The aim is to enable students to perform professional practice, to inform about professional practice and to connect students with companies and institutions where they could gain work experience while studying.
At the Career Centre students can seek career and psychological counseling, participate in free workshops, projects and other activities.



The working hours of the Career Centre with the students are every working day from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.



PMF Career Centre - Horvatovac 102a - Department of Chemistry, Zagreb



Ružica Branković Klun, univ. spec. psych., Expert associate of the Career Centre ruzica.brankovic.klun@karijere.pmf.hr
Tereza Oreb, MSW, Expert associate of the Career Centre tereza.oreb@karijere.pmf.hr
Matea Butigan, mag. iur., head of the Career Centre matea.butigan@karijere.pmf.hr 



The realization of the mission, vision and goals of the Career Centre of the Faculty of Science is performed through three services:

Alumni Collaboration Service
It was founded with the aim of connecting with alumni, their mutual networking and networking with the Faculty, students and the Career Centre in order to achieve cooperation through socializing, student internships and student employment.

Career Counseling Service
It's goal is to encourage the development of career management skills, to increase the employability and competitiveness of the students in the labour market and to connect students and potential employers.

Psychological Counseling Service
It provides all students and staff with professional assistance and support in achieving academic and professional success and improving the quality of life and study. In the Psychological Counseling Service activities of individual and group counseling, the production of psycho-educational materials, educational-experiential workshops, thematic lectures and research of students' needs are planned.



The mission of the Career Centre is to support students in gaining work experience through professional practice during their studies and to help them to find future employment.
In addition to the above, the Career Centre offers students career and psychological counseling that is conducted in order to increase the academic performance of students, to fulfill their potential and to achieve a successful future career.


The vision of the Career Centre is to become the place where students will continuously receive support during their study:

• in career development,
• in acquiring knowledge and skills that will make them competitive on the labour market,
• during the internship,
• about any difficulties they might encounter while studying or looking for a future career.

Career Centre Counseling

Dear students,

unfortunately, we live in time when lives and material goods are endangered and events we recently witnessed are classified as traumatic. Most people believe that the world we live in is predictable and safe, but as we have seen based on recent events, it is not.

Reactions on traumatic event are numerous, some of them are:

- alertness that can manifest in angry and enraged reactions, difficulty with staying in focus, continuous anxiety and worry, looking for clues from our surroundings that could indicate another incoming earthquake, intense reactions to outside stimuli, etc.;

- evasive reactions that occur some time after traumatic event, such as evading thoughts, feelings, concersations, people, places, situations that remind us of traumatic event, inability to remember key aspects of some events, losing interest in activities we enjoyed prior to traumatic event (reading, recreation, hobbies, ...), feeling of not being connected to other people, indifference, emotional dullness, inability to visualize and plan for future, etc.;

- reactions of reliving traumatic events that can be disturbing memories, images, feelings, reocurring and disturbing dreams and nightmares, getting upset when we get reminded of traumatic event (noises, earth tremors, etc.), uncontroled fear, anxiety, inability to control emotions, sweating, heart pounding, shivering etc.


These reactions are numoerous and it is impossible to list them all. Important thing is that these kind of reactions are completely normal for this abnormal circumstances.

Trauma changes our life and our beliefs about world and it is difficult to deal with that feelings alone.

In order to help yourself through difficult times you can connect yourself to friends and family who experienced similar events. Try to maintain regular eating, sleeping and higiene schedule. Get to know safety protocols for emergency situations, in case they ocurr again.

Lastly, you do not have to deal with these feelings alone. Feel free to talk to us and to set date for counseling, contact us on these e-mail adresses:


Tereza Oreb, mag. act. soc., expert associate for Career Centre


 Ružica Branković Klun, univ. spec. psych., expert associate for Career Centre
